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About Hardhouse44

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    What the Farke

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  1. Is this how low we’ve sunk? The club broadcasting a goal by a player who doesn’t want to be here, in a training game. Ffs we need a reality check. Those types of goals are scored in training games across the county all the time. It’s almost like propaganda now.
  2. This may have already be covered if so apologies. But if not I'm keen to hear peoples opinions on Declan Rice. My own opinion prior to the tournament was hes was a top defensive midfielder. My opinion now is that hes almost a liability. Gave the ball away far to many times during the tournament. Bullied off he ball far to much weak in the tackle and 50/50s and failed to drive the play forward at any time. A real weak link. Opinions?
  3. ….We’re going with him as our no1 striker next season. With Sargent likely being sold and the club totally lacking ambition or drive it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. We’ve played season after season with a defence we knew wasn’t up to the job. Maybe now we’re going to start doing the same with the strike force.
  4. Why? because we’ve hired a manager nobody has ever heard of who’s done a years worth of management at a club who is obviously not playing at the same level that we are. I didn’t say that he was useless or an idiot or anything about him personally. I just said I found the appointment. Underwhelming. It’s not my job to find or pick the manager it’s Knappers and he should be judged on that. He was part of the team who found SVH who was also underwhelming. Let hope this guy isn’t the Sydney of the management world. He will be cheap I’d imagine. Doesn’t mean he won’t do a great job but doesn’t mean also that I’m jumping around with blind admiration.
  5. Just got mine on line took about 10 mins. £36 is not too bad in my view. Just hope they play some football next week rather than that embarrassing cřap we dished up yesterday!
  6. Does the manager honestly think that if he doesn’t change anything we’ll hang on for a point. No Chance.
  7. Sainz had cost us this match. Get rid of players who can’t control themselves. Really has let the club down.
  8. Wagners job is to make sure nobody enjoys playing Norwich City. Well he’s already managed to make sure nobody enjoys watching Norwich City so why not give that a go now!
  9. No what we lacked especially in the second half was any clue what to do with the ball when we had it. No guile, no creativity, no spark. And nothing at all on the bench to bring on and add that spark. That’s what we lacked and always will under this management with this set of players against good sides.
  10. Sarge has gone from being a player I thought was a waste of money (when in the Prem) To my favourite player by far. His work rate is exceptional, he is an intelligent player (the complete opposite to Idah who I always think is one step behind) and he scores goals. Good goals. He’s the real deal at this level. well done Sarge. Top man.
  11. They haven’t scored an away goal in four games. That’s fairly toothless
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