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Everything posted by Baldyboy

  1. [quote user="TIL 1010"]Lakey we are sleepwalking into deep trouble. Wake up for goodness sake .[/quote] No point wasting time trying to debate with him, he is as clueless as the owners and board, maybe if he actually stopped believing all the drivel some people spout on here about transfer windows and Community Club, and actually made the journey to Carrow Road he would get a more balanced opinion! No wonder people think he’s stupid
  2. The trouble with this board is that no proper manager would work with them, that’s why we always end up with rookies, because the clueless twunts that are on the board have absolutely no clue about football and being a football club. Even if Farke was sacked who would we get? Nobody with any pedigree sadly.
  3. [quote user="nutty nigel"]Our best option has a serious injury. Our second best option is on loan.[/quote] Do these options have names?
  4. The shareholders do, that was proven on Wednesday
  5. Wildschut? Deutsch Disaster also said Jerome could have played 20 minutes too! But you carry on defending the clown
  6. They’d rather that with the nice little chef in charge than those horrible foreigners!
  7. [quote user="iron_stan"]as much as hes a one hit wonder the ''only sell local'' owners are more to blame[/quote] 👍
  8. [quote user="JF"]If we can get £15 million for Oliviera and Murphy we need to take it and invest in seasoned Championship players. We are in a relegation battle here and this lot won’t have the stomach for it[/quote] Who the hell would pay 15 million for those two right now? Not a chance.
  9. [quote user="kick it off"][quote user="Baldyboy"][quote user="nutty nigel"]It would be more worrying if we had played badly and lost 3-1. There''s plenty of negatives without turning positives into negatives.[/quote] What positives are there then?[/quote]We went to 2nd in the league Cardiff, unbeaten at home all season and dominated them for the first 45 minutes. The second 45 weren''t so great but I would say that is still a positive.I''m no happy clapper and as Nutty says, there were plenty of negatives, but that doesn''t mean there weren''t a few positives thrown in too. It''s called taking a balanced view.[/quote] Unbelievable! A game lasts 90+ minutes though doesn’t it? And their proper manager did something about the things that were going wrong by making a DOUBLE substitution whereas that clown in charge of us sat on his arse for 82 minutes and made ONE substitution all game! The biggest positive that could come from that game would be for Farke to Farke off tonight!
  10. The shareholders are happy, we saw that on Wednesday with the huge pat on the back the board got!
  11. [quote user="Diane"]Well I must have watched a different game to some of you cause I think the scoreline is harsh and that up to 80 mins when I stopped watching thought it had been a better performance though I do appreciate that''s no consolationIf only Nelson had passed the ball to unmarked Wes, we''d have gone 2 up and it might have been a different 2nd half. Didn''t think their first penalty was a penalty. Our defending for their 3rd was shocking.Guess we didn''t bring subs on any earlier as Pritchard, Trybull and Jerome aren''t 100%, injury situation isn''t helping us[/quote] But Wildschut is! And didn’t Farke say Jerome could play 20 minutes if needed? Can’t believe people can defend this Deutsch Disaster
  12. [quote user="hogesar"]I know in simple terms we need results right now and not performances but im far happier after that performance than I am the last 3 or so before that.[/quote] And you accuse others of being Reading fans? You are happy with losing tonight rather than getting 2 points from the last 3 games! You really are a c0ck
  13. [quote user="hogesar"]I know in simple terms we need results right now and not performances but im far happier after that performance than I am the last 3 or so before that.[/quote] And you accuse others of being Reading fans? You are happy with losing tonight rather than getting 2 points from the last 3 games! You really are a c0ck
  14. No it’s not, we are in a relegation scrap!
  15. 82 minutes and 3-1 down and he goes like for like with Pritchard on for Maddison! And there are idiots on this forum that say they would rather take League One than foreign investment! Guess what, you may get your wish in May if this clown carries on much longer!
  16. [quote user="keelansgrandad"]Just how are we behind to a Cardiff side that obviously must be having an ordinary night? Reed seems in control in midfield, Murphy and Oliveira are finding space. Defending from set pieces is rubbish again of course. But nothing is happening. Is it the players or the coaching? I just don''t get why we are like this.[/quote] I thought the Deutsch Wundaboy had sorted out the defence though?
  17. [quote user="Nuff Said"]Yorkshire Canary: "Agree 100% derby. I am getting increasingly pissed off by the fans of the owners who are die hards cling to the fake news that we have been a wonderfully run club punching above our weight fir the past 20 plus years" But that''s exactly what we are. Name a comparable club who''s done better than us for the last 20 years, and I will name one that has done worse. Ask a neutral if Forest, Leeds, Derby or even Hull are bigger than us and they could well say they are.[/quote] There aren’t many that have been in the Prem, Championship and League One in the last 20 years are there? Southampton have been though, I’m sure there are others too, Coventry, Bradford, Barnsley, Sheffield Utd maybe
  18. [quote user="TIL 1010"]Cannot be asked to watch it anymore. Murphy is Pants and i have lost count of how many times it breaks down when he has the ball ![/quote] But he’s a potential 25 million pound player according to our great head coach 😂
  19. [quote user="PurpleCanary"][quote user="Yorkshire Canary"]For the last 40 odds years we have flitted between the too two divisions with exception of that one year in league 1. At no stage have we had a big investor and for the most part have always been kept afloat by profits in the transfer market. Our ticket revenue for the most part puts us mid way in the championship. A move up or down from this is based upon good or bad managerial and transfer decisions. We may produce some of our own kids to develop and sell on but more important over this period is the ability to buy from lower league at modest prices and sell on whether that be a David cross in the 1970s or a maddison now. Part of this is not pretending to compete on high unsustainable salaries but giving young hungry players from unfashionable clubs a platform to show their wares and move on to better. This is not about spending money on facilities but investing in a good lower league and non league scouting network. Obviously in this set up if we make poor signings and managerial decisions then we will suffer get them right and we will prosper. This board has a track record of poor decision making and I don''t see that changing anytime quick. It is not so much the investment of owners that is important to me but the ability to make more good decisions than bad ones[/quote]That doesn''t add up. Despite having no big investment, unlike the vast majority of clubs in the top two divisions, we have flitted between the second tier and the first, and yet apparently the board has made many more bad decisions than good? A fair assessment, based on your post, would be that the board has had the club punching at least at its weight and often above because of a very decent track record of decison-making - certainly markedly bettter than many other clubs - but that any mistakes get more severely punished because of the lack of money. And that the way football finance is going even in the Championship any mistakes will get increasingly punished.[/quote] Did it punch above it’s weight when they oversaw the year we dropped into League One? It’s amazing how many people seem to gloss over the fact when they bang on about this board being so bloody fantastic!
  20. Because Wales are at home in the Rugby tomorrow
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