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Everything posted by NFN FC

  1. NFN FC


    It's the best toy ever invented.
  2. Big smelly fire at Eastern Attachments (allegedly).
  3. They realise that they will all be replaced by automatic trains over the next 10-15 years and are squeezing what they can.
  4. Go on then, let's see all your video evidence...
  5. So, what were these so called ordinary people protesting?
  6. You are a moron. There won't be any prison terms for bystanders, just the proven criminals. 'Hurty words' online are a huge problem. Abuse, racism and hate plague our world online and offline.
  7. He was decent in the euros
  8. Can see there being a bit of buzz about this one
  9. Biden disappointed as ménage à trois is declined
  10. I've always wanted a FPTP system. Seeing how many people voted for Reform, I'm happy for the current unfair system this time around.
  11. The Tories need a morning star...straight to their heads
  12. Football is a joke. Denmark have a goal disallowed for a toenail offside. Germany win a penalty for booting a ball into a Danish hand.
  13. Do both Torshavn have pencils on their badges?
  14. Waits.... For the blue pill to kick in
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