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  1. Gunn Stacey McLean Gibson Mccallum Sorensen Nunez Fassnacht Sara. Sainz Sergeant Prefer McLean at the back. Sorensen to bolster MF with Nunez.
  2. While they need the points more than us, if we can’t beat a team in the bottom three then we don’t deserve a play off place. Definitely would prefer Southampton over Leeds or Binners in Semi final so we need to get 5th
  3. A draw is fine. They would do amazingly well to make up the GD. Ipswich can still finish 3rd. And hopefully we finish 5th and we both get to the final.
  4. Definitely Kenny McLean- lots of huff and puff and energy but very little tangible end product
  5. We want 5th place. Send Russell Martin packing and then put another one over the binners on finals day. What a dream season that would be.
  6. Would swap Sorensen and McLean around. McLean and Gibson would be.a good combo. Wouldn’t rush to bring Duffy back. Why change a winning team ?. As for yesterday, Plymouth created little but what they did create were good chances. On the other hand we could have scored five on another day .
  7. I would still swap Kenny and Lungi around in a heartbeat. Kenny at CB and Lungi at DM allowing Nunez and Sara the freedom to create chances .
  8. Oh my word- “Big”’Keith Scott actually rated somebody!
  9. Underrated- McLean at CB. Phenomenal and should start there each week. Overrated- McLean in midfield. Offered very little statistically over his 5000 games there.
  10. Based on what ??. He has played.a handful of games at DM in his time here .That is his position. Instead he is asked to fill in at LB, CD and RB. He is then deemed as a passenger. Yesterday was the chance to play him in his correct position and move McLean to the back but they didn’t do it. A new contract for him will be down to his injury record which has been very poor. I would like him to have a run of games between now and end of season in his preferred position.to see whether he gets a contract.
  11. I hope he plays McLean at CB and Sorensen at DM but of course I am sure he won’t with the left foot/ right foot obsession.
  12. There is room for adjustment . McLean in defence and Sorensen with Sara that worked well previously. The Hanley/Gibbo partnership does not invoke confidence.
  13. Kenny has played great at CB and I would put him there each week. The difference is that I would not play him in midfield. Either Sara/Nunez or if Nunez is out then I would have Sara/Sorensen instead.
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