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Everything posted by JB

  1. I find it amusing how our friend Robbie Savage finds Norfolk a chore to have to get to for Premier League pundit work....but he's managed to get to Baku without much complaint to commentate for Wales. Perhaps his geography isn't that good, but even someone like him must realise that a trip to a former Soviet state is a little further than a trip into East Anglia.
  2. While we're selling out, the really nice gesture to help genuine struggling families attend the games would probably not be something the club would entertain. It's a respectable thought though. I can't agree with the positive discrimination suggested here in getting cheap tickets based on ethnic background. That would be quite divisive.
  3. And why is that? Because using women to advertise a perfume is ok, but a gambling company, it isn't? Hmmm. Its not even using anyway. Its a job, like any other. It's a right to work for all.
  4. If we don't want to offend anyone, because it's impossible these days, then we simply shouldn't have a sponsor. Depends how deep you want to dig with a company to find perhaps how they invest their money, or who their shareholders are - there will always be something.
  5. I think it's worth remembering that the women in the photos are not being forced to do so against their will. They're being paid and they've chosen to partake. Giving women the choice of career is surely empowering to them and the complete opposite of sexism. Am not buying into the idea this goes against any "ethical" thing.
  6. I won't boo, cry or clap. When he comes back here, he's an opposition player and should be seen as such. If he scores and his celebration is one of rubbing our noses in it, then I'd be inclined to boo. Brilliant player who gave us some great moments for which we should be grateful for and he was clapped and applauded for at the time, but he's no longer a Norwich player so won't get applause again from me.
  7. But both feet are making the challenge. A fraction before my last screenshot. Still 2 feet
  8. Both of his feet/legs were leading into the challenge. That's two footed. Happy to be shown otherwise if you've an image or gif that could demonstrate as such?
  9. Malice doesn't come into it. It's not relevant. It's two footed, dangerous and out of control. It's red. Malice would imply you've gone out to hurt someone. 99% of footballers don't want to hurt their opponents, so by your theory, there should never be fouls or cards?
  10. Disgusting challenge from Fulton there. Easily red
  11. Brentford. Swansea shouldn't be playing in this country's league system let alone be in the Prem
  12. Most of it is predefined multiple choice. Not a lot of room for comments. 😞
  13. Link here https://www.twtd.co.uk/questionnaire/fill/16/page:1
  14. Chuffed for him. Great to see Norwich listed among the massive clubs the others are playing for, and the player names themselves.
  15. He'd surely pick the Champs club over the L1 club, even if the money was slightly better, he must know he's capable, and prefer to play at the higher level.
  16. For me, I'm happy as it stands with Rotherham staying up. Have to back the Norwich man at the helm there. If that means taking Sheff and Derby down as a result, I'm fine with that.
  17. Football, and the people involved in the game is all about opinions and I for one completely respect people who are a huge fan of Wes, no problem. Some people like some players when others do not. Some people view players in different ways to others, and it's what makes it a melting pot of good conversation. For me personally, I'm not keen on a player slating my club and that's something I won't change my view on, regardless of the circumstances at the club at the time. I think he was a good player from a playing perspective of course, and as I said previously, it's always nice to see players perform at a good level of football into their later years. I'm not a Wes hater, but I would agree with the poster I initially replied to in terms of the fans' relationship with him.
  18. This has always been my view too. Yes, a luxury player with some real talent, and good on him for carrying on with this career for this long and still performing, but I never felt he loved the club in the same way as say, Grant Holt. I recall Wes had once said something, describing Norwich as a hell-hole (along those lines), presumably when he wanted out.
  19. NK Dob in the Slovenian 2nd division. Got attached in a Footy Manager save. Interesting real life little thing about them is that a few years back, they actually won promotion via the playoffs to the top tier, but due to financial reasons, were declined the promotion by the top league. They remain having fun in the 2nd tier.
  20. His views need to be taken with a pinch of salt. I'd say he's borderline illiterate and his grasp of the English language is of a lower level than a peanut. He's forever getting the names of players wrong - I recall the other week Geoff having to explain that Buendia was pronounced "Bw-en-dia" and not "Pw-en-dia" (or something like that), because it had the letter B in it not the letter P. The confusion on Merson's face was of sheer bafflement.
  21. He seems like a decent guy and just loves football. Always impartial towards us and fair in his analysis.
  22. I'm certainly respectful of your view of this, but to suggest I am living in fantasy is a tad bit over the top. Poor economy and social wellbeing must be at least partly linked to the issues I make references to. A country is happier in its population and output when the economy is doing well - the two correlate. If we suddenly locked down again, more people will suffer as a consequence, possibly less obviously and more in the long-term than they would if they made the, let's face it, awful decision in its own right, to not lock down fully should cases rise to higher levels. Its my view anyway and a bit of healthy debate on the matter is good for everyone too.
  23. Ok, so reverse the priority then, hypothetically. Say we DID value lives over the economy. The country's economy collapses, millions unemployed. Personal debt rises, homelessness increases and the strain on people's mental health hits an all time high. The levels of suicide and deaths of people from the cold from losing their homes would be of staggering quantities. Couple that with higher amounts of benefit claims and strain on the NHS for the aforementioned mental health problems. Nobody wants anyone to die of Covid, nor for any other reason, of course, but by saying that lives should be prioritised over the economy would result in lives being lost anyway, along with so many other catastrophic social factors. There is no winning priority or situation unfortunately BUT keeping the economy going is extremely important, for my above stated reasons as well as being in a good enough position to get out of this when the time comes.
  24. Quality of the stream is awful today. 80mb broadband Ethernet connection but wants to buffer every 3 seconds. 21st century supposedly.
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