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An idea for board harmony

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A lot has been said about this board uniting and people getting behind the team etc. It''s a nice idea but it''s never going to happen. Opinions are generally too entrenched and extreme across the spectrum.

There is however, an answer which will reduce the tension and make the board a more pleasant place to be.

Arguments generally occur as a result of an Attention-Seeking-Thread. Someone posts something deliberately to provoke a reaction and get responses, and everyone of a different viewpoint rallies against it. The more extreme and ridiculous the post, the more irritated everybody gets, the responses get sharper and more personal.

However, as with every small fire looking to become an inferno, it needs oxygen to grow. Starving an Attention-Seeking-Thread of responses kills it far more effectively than twenty posters arguing the same point against a ridiculous statement.

I''m not suggesting stifling debate and not responding to anything you don''t agree with, but we all know the difference between a genuine thread with a constructive exchange of opinions, or one or two people firestarting or arguing repetatively upon the same dull point. If you are bored with certain people, reiterating the same points endlessly and loving the sounds of their own voices, then ignore their threads, and post on others, or start your own.

Everyone has a right to have their say, and here they have a place to say it. However, some people create fires so that everyone else will rush around with a fire engine to put it out. Ignoring the fire will ensure it, and the ego of the poster, stays as small and unimportant as it should.

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Here here!

I''ll add fuel to THIS fire.  It amazes me how people allow themselves to get so wound up by the eternally raging flames of certain posters on this forum. 

To use another analogy, a spoilt kid screaming for attention is best ignored.  They finally get the message! 

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[quote user="NimChimpskee"]

To use another analogy, a spoilt kid screaming for attention is best ignored.  They finally get the message! 


Reminds me of someone that does... crazy fella that shouts alone at the walls of fortress carra road, "Sack the Board, sack the tea lady, send Delia to the gulag, hang Donkey-caster.. we''re doomed, we''re relegtion fodder, abandon ship, abandon hope. I''ve seen the future and its not orange, its all grey & bleak (must be a new away kit?)" ... sorry getting carried away there.

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[quote user="Canary02"]


A lot has been said about this board uniting and people getting behind the team etc. It''s a nice idea but it''s never going to happen. Opinions are generally too entrenched and extreme across the spectrum.

There is however, an answer which will reduce the tension and make the board a more pleasant place to be.

Arguments generally occur as a result of an Attention-Seeking-Thread. Someone posts something deliberately to provoke a reaction and get responses, and everyone of a different viewpoint rallies against it. The more extreme and ridiculous the post, the more irritated everybody gets, the responses get sharper and more personal.

However, as with every small fire looking to become an inferno, it needs oxygen to grow. Starving an Attention-Seeking-Thread of responses kills it far more effectively than twenty posters arguing the same point against a ridiculous statement.

I''m not suggesting stifling debate and not responding to anything you don''t agree with, but we all know the difference between a genuine thread with a constructive exchange of opinions, or one or two people firestarting or arguing repetatively upon the same dull point. If you are bored with certain people, reiterating the same points endlessly and loving the sounds of their own voices, then ignore their threads, and post on others, or start your own.

Everyone has a right to have their say, and here they have a place to say it. However, some people create fires so that everyone else will rush around with a fire engine to put it out. Ignoring the fire will ensure it, and the ego of the poster, stays as small and unimportant as it should.


Soooooo...in other words, only talk to our friends who will pat us on the back for posting exactly what they themselves agree with?  Democracy at work....sheep style.

Playground stuff CO2......and everyone....however extreme has the right to be heard. Have you considered that these so-called "fires" might just be a strongly held alternative opinion to your own? The moderators censor....so leave it to them eh?

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[quote user="-.-. .-.. ..- -.-. -.-"][quote user="Canary02"]


A lot has been said about this board uniting and people getting behind the team etc. It''s a nice idea but it''s never going to happen. Opinions are generally too entrenched and extreme across the spectrum.

There is however, an answer which will reduce the tension and make the board a more pleasant place to be.

Arguments generally occur as a result of an Attention-Seeking-Thread. Someone posts something deliberately to provoke a reaction and get responses, and everyone of a different viewpoint rallies against it. The more extreme and ridiculous the post, the more irritated everybody gets, the responses get sharper and more personal.

However, as with every small fire looking to become an inferno, it needs oxygen to grow. Starving an Attention-Seeking-Thread of responses kills it far more effectively than twenty posters arguing the same point against a ridiculous statement.

I''m not suggesting stifling debate and not responding to anything you don''t agree with, but we all know the difference between a genuine thread with a constructive exchange of opinions, or one or two people firestarting or arguing repetatively upon the same dull point. If you are bored with certain people, reiterating the same points endlessly and loving the sounds of their own voices, then ignore their threads, and post on others, or start your own.

Everyone has a right to have their say, and here they have a place to say it. However, some people create fires so that everyone else will rush around with a fire engine to put it out. Ignoring the fire will ensure it, and the ego of the poster, stays as small and unimportant as it should.


Soooooo...in other words, only talk to our friends who will pat us on the back for posting exactly what they themselves agree with?  Democracy at work....sheep style.

Playground stuff CO2......and everyone....however extreme has the right to be heard. Have you considered that these so-called "fires" might just be a strongly held alternative opinion to your own? The moderators censor....so leave it to them eh?


Sooooo.......no Cluck, not in other words, in those words. As I have pointed out to you ( and will continue to do so ) you obviously have the ability to think and soooooo.....your one-dimensional approach is a little boring and you only sell yourself short. Your choice, of course. Carry on.

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[quote user="Strangers All"]I am the great chicken... HEAR MY MIGHTY CLUCK!!![/quote]

If you knew Chicken like I know Chicken...........................................!


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Who needs message board harmony? Sounds like Cuba to me. 

What we need is the harmony of supporters (of all views) at City''s matches in order to inspire the team and management to (a) reach the playoffs (by winning 10 of our remaining 16 matches) or (b) avoid relegation. Yes, it''s still all up for grabs.

Outside of that democracy must reign. Creative debate & the clash of opposing views et al.


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[quote user="Canary02"]


A lot has been said about this board uniting and people getting behind the team etc. It''s a nice idea but it''s never going to happen. Opinions are generally too entrenched and extreme across the spectrum.

There is however, an answer which will reduce the tension and make the board a more pleasant place to be.

Arguments generally occur as a result of an Attention-Seeking-Thread. Someone posts something deliberately to provoke a reaction and get responses, and everyone of a different viewpoint rallies against it. The more extreme and ridiculous the post, the more irritated everybody gets, the responses get sharper and more personal.

However, as with every small fire looking to become an inferno, it needs oxygen to grow. Starving an Attention-Seeking-Thread of responses kills it far more effectively than twenty posters arguing the same point against a ridiculous statement.

I''m not suggesting stifling debate and not responding to anything you don''t agree with, but we all know the difference between a genuine thread with a constructive exchange of opinions, or one or two people firestarting or arguing repetatively upon the same dull point. If you are bored with certain people, reiterating the same points endlessly and loving the sounds of their own voices, then ignore their threads, and post on others, or start your own.

Everyone has a right to have their say, and here they have a place to say it. However, some people create fires so that everyone else will rush around with a fire engine to put it out. Ignoring the fire will ensure it, and the ego of the poster, stays as small and unimportant as it should.


Sorry, don''t agree. Are you fuelling your own ego? If you don''t agree with what folk say, either ignore their comment, or reply with constructive criticism. Or, you can just take the Pi$$. It''s only a forum and won''t change anything regarding NCFC. If comments affected my wage packet, I''d certainly feel aggrieved........But, it''s only folk posting on a moderated forum. Don''t take the bait unless you''re happy to have a mouthful of barbed hook. Negative Waves.........Chill out,.

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Can''t agree I''m afraid. The whole idea of these message boards is for people to air their views and to have a discussion. It would be extremely boring if we all had the same opinions. OK some people do take great delight in constantly airing the same views time and time again but that is their right. If you don''t agree with the views of Cluck, Smudger etc then that is your right too. Feel free to ignore them and not respond but do not demand that the rest of us do likewise. Like you I get a little fed up every now and then with the fact that any positive thread is invariable shot down with 30 mins of it appearing but lets be honest there hasn''t been a lot of joy around CR for the last couple of years.


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Wise words from mello and others on this thread!

Why should we have harmony on this messageboard? How boring would that be??

This board is moderated so it doesn''t really ever become abusive. If posters like myself or cluck or smudger or even wiz can''t take having our opinions challenged or even our motives questioned then it''s a poor old show. If you give it out you gotta be able to take it.

Some posters go down too easy! Rolling about feigning injury when a nasty poster attacks their point of view, waiting for likeminded posters to come running to their defence like mother hens!

This is a good messageboard but it wouldn''t be if we all had the same opinions.


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Most posters on this board are passionate Canary fans although they express a wide variety of different viewpoints. I think we are all in harmony to the extent that we want to see the club progress but we often have very different ideas of how to accomplish it. If we all had the same views there would be little point in posting.

Some people like to post deliberately provacative stuff but so what? Thats what makes it interesting. I''m not bothered about "certain people reiterating the same old points", as long as they are consistant and not deliberately offensive.

Long may the arguments continue

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If this board were to be harmonised in harmony, we would die of boredom (except 02) and it would cease to exist.

Who is 01, pray? Smith?

The only place we need harmony is during matches at Carrow Road or elsewhere.



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Anybody else find it ironic that I haven''t touched this thread for a few days since I wrote it and it keeps falling onto page two or three, but gets bumped back up by the same attention seekers...

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[quote user="Canary02"]Anybody else find it ironic that I haven''t touched this thread for a few days since I wrote it and it keeps falling onto page two or three, but gets bumped back up by the same attention seekers...[/quote]

First time I have seen this thread...

Am I not entitled to go to page 3 of the threads after not getting to view the board over the weekend without somebody like yourself trying to read something in to it???

Seriously you need to get a life!!!!

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There seems a presumption in some quarters, if the comments get past the moderator, then it''s ok to post in a certain manner or style with no regard to internet etiquette.

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[quote user="GazzaTCC"]There seems a presumption in some quarters, if the comments get past the moderator, then it''s ok to post in a certain manner or style with no regard to internet etiquette.[/quote]

Just washed my hands before logging on......internet etiquette and all that.........[|-)]

Total bilge......and way off my reality radar screen........




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[quote user="Canary02"]Anybody else find it ironic that I haven''t touched this thread for a few days since I wrote it and it keeps falling onto page two or three, but gets bumped back up by the same attention seekers...[/quote]

02. Actually we bump it back up to get another eyeful of your attention seeking avatar.



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[quote user="GazzaTCC"]There seems a presumption in some quarters, if the comments get past the moderator, then it''s ok to post in a certain manner or style with no regard to internet etiquette.[/quote]

For the uninitiated of us could you perhaps explain what internet etiquette is. I''m kind of guessing it''s got nothing to do with typing with your mouth open or farting at the workstation.

At the end of the day if somebody posts something you strongly disagree with and you think that the poster is just seeking attention (as Canary02 suggests) you have three options.

1. Ignore the post and hope said attention seeker gets bored and buggers off.

2. Construct a rational counter argument dealing with each of the original posters points and explaining how you would do things differently. This, unfortunately, is often pointless as the original poster will either ignore you completely and find another reply which agrees with their original statement or find the one part of your 500 word counter argument which contains a mistake, spelling or otherwise, and use this to beat you with.

3. Construct a reply that is not so much dripping in sarcasm but spraying it from every orifice. This is often the most satisfying response I find.

It''s all part of the fun on here if you ask me and if you find it''s getting too much for you take a week out from posting. I did it about a week ago when every post was just repeating the same thing over and over again. Rather than feel the need to reply I resolved to take a back seat and I must admit I feel a lot better for it.

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[quote user="Shack Attack"]

[quote user="GazzaTCC"]There seems a presumption in some quarters, if the comments get past the moderator, then it''s ok to post in a certain manner or style with no regard to internet etiquette.[/quote]

For the uninitiated of us could you perhaps explain what internet etiquette is. [/quote]

Interesting question Shack Attack and some interesting comments. I thought, in the dim and distant past, this site used to have some notes on internet etiquette, maybe it''s still there and I can''t find it. No matter.

Anyway, you asked, so here''s something I found for those who''re interested.

Certain rules of unspoken etiquette are recommended to be followed when using Internet forums. They include:

  • One should read all the rules and guidelines established by the community.

  • One should always be courteous.

  • Before creating a new topic thread, one is advised to search to see if a similar topic already exists.

  • Contributors should follow standard grammar and spelling rules and avoid slang.

  • If the forum is categorized, one should strive to post in the correct section. 

  • Contributors are asked to stay on-topic.

  • Contributors should avoid double posting and Crossposting.

  • To avoid appearing self-absorbed, one should respond to topics started by others more often than starting topics of their own.

  • Contributors should avoid the use of all CAPITAL LETTERS in posts. All CAPS is considered "shouting" and causes readability issues.

  • One is advised not to resurrect a very old topic if nothing significant will be added. This practice is known as revival or Necroing.

  • One should try to refrain from lashing back at a poorly behaving member or participating in a flame war; instead, notify the messageboard''s staff of the event.

  • When quoting a previous post, one should only include the relevant portion of that post. Contributors are requested to keep in mind that their audience can likely still see the message they are quoting on the same screen and can read it again if need be.

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I disagree the best way to expose the utter stuidity of some of the extreme views on this message board is to encourage the guilty parties to post about them as much as possible, by doing this thier arguments will inevitably fall apart when challenged by rational posters. That''s not targeted at anyone in particular it''s just a general view and could be applied to anything!

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[quote user="GazzaTCC"][quote user="Shack Attack"]

[quote user="GazzaTCC"]There seems a presumption in some quarters, if the comments get past the moderator, then it''s ok to post in a certain manner or style with no regard to internet etiquette.[/quote]

For the uninitiated of us could you perhaps explain what internet etiquette is. [/quote]

Interesting question Shack Attack and some interesting comments. I thought, in the dim and distant past, this site used to have some notes on internet etiquette, maybe it''s still there and I can''t find it. No matter.

Anyway, you asked, so here''s something I found for those who''re interested.

Certain rules of unspoken etiquette are recommended to be followed when using Internet forums. They include:

  • One should read all the rules and guidelines established by the community.

  • One should always be courteous.

  • Before creating a new topic thread, one is advised to search to see if a similar topic already exists.

  • Contributors should follow standard grammar and spelling rules and avoid slang.

  • If the forum is categorized, one should strive to post in the correct section. 

  • Contributors are asked to stay on-topic.

  • Contributors should avoid double posting and Crossposting.

  • To avoid appearing self-absorbed, one should respond to topics started by others more often than starting topics of their own.

  • Contributors should avoid the use of all CAPITAL LETTERS in posts. All CAPS is considered "shouting" and causes readability issues.

  • One is advised not to resurrect a very old topic if nothing significant will be added. This practice is known as revival or Necroing.

  • One should try to refrain from lashing back at a poorly behaving member or participating in a flame war; instead, notify the messageboard''s staff of the event.

  • When quoting a previous post, one should only include the relevant portion of that post. Contributors are requested to keep in mind that their audience can likely still see the message they are quoting on the same screen and can read it again if need be.


Is this the same bloke that threw a Gary Glitter jibe at me only a day or so ago?

Get your own house in order before coming the old PC crap on here eh?........Bilge.

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I hate to break this to some people but board history shows that threads bordering on the "extreme" have been the most popular in terms of replies and can stay on the front page for a long time.  People reply to them and then look for a response when they come back.  I am under no delusions that I am a fairly boring poster who tends to be quite moderate and this board would be so dull if everyone posted in the same style. 

What people need to come to terms with is that (I could be wrong) posters like 1st Wiz are real characters and create threads and replies to cause debate and I am sure they do not always agree with themselves 100% percent.  The point is they create debate and discussion howver heated it may be.  When was the last time you saw a thread entitled "Team for Saturday" reach 3 or 4 pages?  However you start a thread saying the club are all but broke and it reaches 7 pages with close to 100 replies.

When I first re-joined this forum a few years back one of the hottest topics was by Yankee suggesting something along the lines of City would be more likely to challenge the bigger clubs if they were to merge with Ipswich.  An unpopular suggestion but a popular thread none the less.

In all I think this forum benefits from extreme posts, however I think it would benefit everyone if people stopped taking a differing opinion to be a personal matter.  We far too often see the old (in a Michael Palin voice) "Help, help I''m being opressed" from people who have been challenged in their opinions on football.  Differences make this forum interesting, who does not enjoy one of Mello''s off the wall musings?  Who does not get the urge to respond to Cluck and Smudger because they disagree with them so strongly?  If they were to post along the lines of "Things at City are only slighty wrong" no one would reply because it just wouldn''t hold your interest.

I look forward to someone telling me I''m talking rubbish![:p]

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[quote user="Saint Canary"]

I hate to break this to some people but board history shows that threads bordering on the "extreme" have been the most popular in terms of replies and can stay on the front page for a long time.  People reply to them and then look for a response when they come back.  I am under no delusions that I am a fairly boring poster who tends to be quite moderate and this board would be so dull if everyone posted in the same style. 

What people need to come to terms with is that (I could be wrong) posters like 1st Wiz are real characters and create threads and replies to cause debate and I am sure they do not always agree with themselves 100% percent.  The point is they create debate and discussion howver heated it may be.  When was the last time you saw a thread entitled "Team for Saturday" reach 3 or 4 pages?  However you start a thread saying the club are all but broke and it reaches 7 pages with close to 100 replies.

When I first re-joined this forum a few years back one of the hottest topics was by Yankee suggesting something along the lines of City would be more likely to challenge the bigger clubs if they were to merge with Ipswich.  An unpopular suggestion but a popular thread none the less.

In all I think this forum benefits from extreme posts, however I think it would benefit everyone if people stopped taking a differing opinion to be a personal matter.  We far too often see the old (in a Michael Palin voice) "Help, help I''m being opressed" from people who have been challenged in their opinions on football.  Differences make this forum interesting, who does not enjoy one of Mello''s off the wall musings?  Who does not get the urge to respond to Cluck and Smudger because they disagree with them so strongly?  If they were to post along the lines of "Things at City are only slighty wrong" no one would reply because it just wouldn''t hold your interest.

I look forward to someone telling me I''m talking rubbish![:p]


Great post Saint.....and if you want to sleep with me after that.....you only have to ask........[;)]

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[quote user="Saint Canary"]

In all I think this forum benefits from extreme posts, however I think it would benefit everyone if people stopped taking a differing opinion to be a personal matter.  We far too often see the old (in a Michael Palin voice) "Help, help I''m being opressed" from people who have been challenged in their opinions on football.  Differences make this forum interesting, who does not enjoy one of Mello''s off the wall musings?  Who does not get the urge to respond to Cluck and Smudger because they disagree with them so strongly?  If they were to post along the lines of "Things at City are only slighty wrong" no one would reply because it just wouldn''t hold your interest.

I look forward to someone telling me I''m talking rubbish![:p]


In the interests of continuing stimulating debate I would like to tell you you are talking rubbish.


Unfortunately I have to agree with every word you''ve written.

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I was hoping this thread of Board Harmony" would be linked with an overdue idea of inviting the Board onto the pitch just before kick-off with maybe a barbershop quartet to give a feisty rendition of "on the ball city", or maybe someone rattling a couple of Delia''s catering spoons accompanying her half-time warble of "who drank all the sherry"....

Alas not. 

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pleasant harmony as such is a laudable aim, but unfortunately not possible on this forum or any other, since some posters deliberately use these mediums to create negative tensions and atmospheres to feed off.  simple really, they post, argue, and never agree, all to gain a perverse enjoyment from the ensuing unrest and chaos they cause. 


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