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John Boubepo

Colin Davey

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"I''m going to buy a football club. If not Norwich, I will have to go to Ipswich". - Nothing like a bit of commitment then Mr Davey?

Perhaps you need a lesson in local culture and footballing traditions, followed by a lesson in PR. followed by a one way ticket to Portman Rd.

The thought that such a fickle and poorly uninformed man is hoping to replace Delia as the figure head at Norwich is enough to make me choke on me dumplings!!

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im very unsure about this man,delia and jones have worked very hard and this mr davey has seen something good happening at the club.lets accept his offer but keep tags on him.hes selling his buissness next year! will he do the same to norwich?if he take controll.

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I have noted the various pro and ante comments concerning Mr Davey and when the well respected Bury Belvoir adds some comment we must take cautious heed. I am reminded of the following sayings "Dont look a gift horse in the mouth", "When Needs Must", Beggars cant be choosers". So what is my view quite simply if Mr Davey is sincere in wanting to support NCFC he will offer to give £5M to the club with no strings attached ( accept perhaps that £2m will be used to purchase the trio) in return for a seat on the Board which means one vote only (no problem there). If he wants to buy the Club he will have to do it in the same way as anyone else and make a bid. The £5m is just a gift, if he wants to buy shares let him do so like the rest of us. I hear comments of a return of a Chace type. I recall some pretty good times under Chace it wasnt all bad. Dehlia and hubby are unlikely to sell up to Mr Davey and can out vote him so whats the worry? Just think of what would be said if he gave £5m to Ipswich and they were promoted and we were not. Just keep buying the shares and the Board will have the money in the new year to buy the trio without Mr daveys offer but if the loyal fans cant raise the money grab it from where you can. Come on Mr Davey come clean - how much of a real fan are you?

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No one disagrees that we need the cash - the question is at what price? It is clear that Mr Davey wants to own, not being involved with, a football club and as such I suspect his motives are personal rather than progressing the club itself.

As several posters have commented the current board have done very well over the last couple of seasons, they just lack some cash at the moment. as the board are doing well I would not want to pass control of the club at this stage - it simply is not worth the risk - £5m is not enough, he is not Roman Abramovich.

If he simply wants a place on the board then I am sure that a £5m investment would facilitate that but we can then see what his intentions are over a few months before encouraging Delia to sell up - remember as well as the cash she and her hubby have repeatedly put into the club they are also guarantors to some of the loans we have taken out - real committment from true fans


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Even if Mr Davey Is not on the Board he can still try to take over the club and I am sure Delia will stand firm. I think the position will be made clear in the very near future when the club issue a statement advising precisely what Mr Davey HAS or HAS NOT offered the club. Could just be some cheap publicity? Cmon Mr Davey let''s see the real colour of your money.

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I have now read most of the comments concerning the pros and cons of the so called offer which was press lead and the comments re Peter Crouch. If Mr Davey wants publicity and supports East anglian Football He could guarantee local and national coverage if he gave two cheques for £2.5 million each made out to NCFC and ITFC with only one condition attached to each. The Norwich one ''To only be used to buy Peter Crouch and any other players'', and the Ipswich one ''To increase the dividend paid to all the poor loyal supporters who lost money in the Administration'' That would show how real his loyalty to his roots are and the Board at the end of the season could then consider making him an Honorary Director.

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The reason Colin Davey gives for not pursuing his interest in Norwich City - He added: "I have thought about the situation logically and, as I live in Suffolk and have businesses in Suffolk, it would be very hard to support a Norfolk team.

Doh!! why didn''t you think of that before then Mr Davey

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I must admit I had a bad gut reaction about this, if sounds too good to be true, it usualy is.
The Chase man often used to say ''Talk is cheap'', well in this case I applaud the board ( no don''t faint) in this case I believe them to be rightly wary.

Although I hope to god its not Kosha, cause the thought of the damn binners with an extra £100,000,000 scares me witless.

To buy a club, you don''t go via the media, help please, Mr Branson!.

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After Smith''s ''invitation'' for possible buyers/investors to step forward - will Davey show serious intent and once again approach the board?. As a City fan, if he can prove his wealth and confirm his plans for the club to Smith & her directors then he might be just the guy we are looking for. I don''t recall such an air of suspicion & distain for a Surrey born, ITFC scarf wearing celebrity chef ten years ago. I''m sure that whoever were to come forward (someone like Manderic - if the Leicester deal fell through - for example) would receive an unwelcome response from the dwindling numbers of Smith worship brigade. Heads out of sand, blinkers off & please join us in the real world. We all must realise that what has happened over Smith''s tenure cannot continue, and that the club needs new stewardship & new direction.

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Sorry guy, maybe i''m not in the right circle, but who is Colin Davey?

When I googled him, i got a bloke who likes his horses and his betting...

...and also can I see this article where he said about Norwich on the net? Cheers

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Good find Post Ghost!

Have any posters changed their mind about this guy over the years?

Fram.. am I right in assuming that the MWJ family have been supporters of Norwich City Football Club for a lot longer than you are letting on?


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[quote user="dr livingstone"]

new this guy at school. one word.


[/quote] Oh! - you ''NEW'' him at school did you?. I find it hard to beleive you went to one. Don''t worry, we will probably have to put up with Smith & several more years of under-achievement.

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[quote user="FramCanary"][quote user="dr livingstone"]

new this guy at school. one word.


[/quote] Oh! - you ''NEW'' him at school did you?. I find it hard to beleive you went to one. Don''t worry, we will probably have to put up with Smith & several more years of under-achievement.[/quote]


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I have known this bloke for a long while, I also went to school with him and he was a bit of a "Muppet"

I still live near his Mum and Dad and he his yellow and green and so is his mum and dad,

He also has a pot full of money and he is not all mouth, if he says he will do it, he will belive me.

I to want him to tell us exactly what he intends to do and but some figures down on paper and let Delia decide.

But don''t bad mouth someone who you do not know.Zip it! [:#]

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Colin Davey is certainly one of life’s colourful characters with whom I’ve had a handful of business dealings over the years as his interests stretch far further than his horse racing and gambling activities.

When he approached the club a few years ago I think you will find it was the rather dismissive reception he received from the current incumbents that brought about that rather unfortunate ‘Ipswich’ thing and nothing else as he is indeed a proper Yella.

Although I wouldn’t know what his net asset worth is today I’m not sure given the value of the club whether he would have sufficient funds to launch both a successful take over and inject a sensible amount of cash in the playing side of the club. After all, the one problem I see is such is the value of our club today we might just be a bit to expensive for some.

As for him being a bit of a Wally, given the success that man has enjoyed its pretty hard to make a sensible argument to support this view? To my mind I’m not entirely sure he would be the man for us in the long run but you could well imagine him having some Five Star fun with the likes of Simon Jordan.

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