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Everything posted by ***

  1. [quote user="Mister Chops"][quote user="Wiz"] [quote user="Mister Chops"]The only thing I don''t get is people who live in Suffolk and yet "support" a team based in the heart of Nelson''s Norfolk. [/quote]   I live 7 miles from Norfolk, 44 miles from Ip5wich, I think I''ve chosen wisely....... plus the first ever game I ever saw was at Carrow Road, I was chosen by City, I had no say in the matter.[Y] [/quote] I very much doubt you were chosen by City. [/quote]    What like you''re signature you mean?[:|]
  2. [quote user="Mister Chops"]The only thing I don''t get is people who live in Suffolk and yet "support" a team based in the heart of Nelson''s Norfolk. [/quote]   I live 7 miles from Norfolk, 44 miles from Ip5wich, I think I''ve chosen wisely....... plus the first ever game I ever saw was at Carrow Road, I was chosen by City, I had no say in the matter.[Y]
  3. [quote user="The Great Mass Debater"]Seems to be a recurring theme on this board that if you dont attend games, then your opinion is invalid. Whilst it should be accepted that watching via a stream is not the same as being at a game and there are things you cant appreciate unless you are there, no matter how good the camera work, I find it odd the aggression that is directed to us fans that do not go to games or worship from afar. Its almost like supporting the club is a competition and that going to games is like going to church every sunday and if you dont go you''re a heathen and will burn in hell!  Lots of fans cant attend games for lots of reasons and I dont understand the hatred towards them. Surely the club is better off with as many fans as possible? Is this a Norwich City thing and akin to the small-town mentality of ''Not local? - Get lost, we dont take kindly to non-locals round ''ere'', or do fans of other clubs get this kind of abuse from those who go to games. Its not a religion, not going to games is not sacrilege, and surely a club like Norwich should embrace every fan it has?[/quote]   Bloody ''Hussar'' mate.[Y]
  4. If he keeps us up for the second year running then we should, must, be grateful however its achieved imo.
  5. Any point away is a good point so I''m quite pleased atm.
  6. If he landed on the moon it would be too near us.
  7. As long as neither ends up here.
  8. [quote user="FenwayFrank"]Wiz, Waveney canary and Iron Stan. Would let them go for free, probably to TWTD[/quote]   Idjit..............thats all you deserve fella.
  9. [quote user="YellowBlood"]He hasn''t turned things around at all yet but he''s making some progress. We''re still in a precarious position in the table and the performances have only showed a slight improvement in the last month or so. Certainly feel we could have done a little bit more to win the game on Sunday. Those two extra points would have been extra valuable.[/quote]   Speaks for me........Huzzah![Y]
  10. [quote user="littleyellowbirdie"][quote user="RvWs 4 year contract"]Is that ANOTHER U-turn Wiz? [/quote] If it is then respect due. Sign of an open mind. [/quote]   I admit I am wavering now my friend, although for now, my signature is staying put, I''ve seen mini revivals before with CH.   But he is slowly showing signs of a more adventerious tactical nature.
  11. [quote user="Mustard Matters"]I''ve been looking at the points gained at the halfway stage - after 19 games of course, by teams which were subsequently relegated. 54 teams have been relegated in the past 18 years - of those: 18 teams were relegated having secured 18 or more points by halfway 12 teams were relegated having secured 19 or more points by halfway 10 teams ...................................................20 6 teams .....................................................21 or more points by halfway 5 teams .....................................................22 2 teams .....................................................23 Just the one - Blackpool - was relegated by halfway with 25 points. (36 teams had less than 18 points at the halfway stage and were subsequently relegated) We''ve got 18 points already and so the odds of staying up are already in our favour - another 3 or 4 from the next 3 games should settle the nerves. Any more than 4, and we might be discussing whether CH is the new Messiah. [/quote]   New Messiah?   Don''t make me laugh.
  12. Starting to gel?   Do you know, I think they are......at last. [Y]
  13. Yes, in a flash, and even if it meant sacking our CEO, yes.
  14. I''ve heard this too, it can''t be true.............can it?
  15. I thought in the 2nd half we might just nick it, we played ok imo. [Y]
  16. [quote user="refjezdavies"]good but who''s mr pompous? Til?[/quote]   City 1st...............and he is!
  17. [quote user="City1st"]well there''s a curiosity (or not) wiz appears and a thread about him disappears one that had a comment that one way of seeing how wound up he gets is to see how threads get taken down  sometimes it''s just too easy [/quote]   I actually supported that thread you pompous idiot .
  18. For all the reasons you said, a win is vital tomorrow.
  19. [quote user="mrs miggins"]i never really got this ''swansealona'' thing, because in their 2 seasons up, their game plan has been to pass it around teams to get them out of position, then pass it back and hoof it to the attackers or out wide.[/quote]   Didn''t some pundit on MOTD invent this Mrs M, or did I read it elsewhere?
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