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Winning 25

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Everything posted by Winning 25

  1. Thunder storm England game! Lee, Ian, Glenn and the other geeza are having to be very professional!! They could do with Chris Hughton on their commentary team. That bloke is unflappable in a media setting. 
  2. [quote user="chrisr1606"]Judging from the interview he gave towards the end of last season about how tired he was and that he wanted the season to be over,[/quote]That interview was an absolute disgrace imo. Captain pillock!
  3. [quote user="The Great Mass Debater"] Is he just not considered good enough, or has there been some sort of dispute?[/quote]He''s a liability. Please get rid asap.
  4. [quote user="FCC"] they are not battlers, don''t show pride in the shirt, and have no rapport with their own fans. [/quote]Well I think they are battlers, and will prove it again next week against Sunderland. They battle for Chris Hughton, as has happened every game this season, you feel he needs a result. Also how many modern day Premier League players do strike you as having pride in the shirt, and a rapport with their own fans? 
  5. [quote user="City1st"]oh dearit is not the cost, but the loss that will incur as ticket sales at maximum capacity and current prices will not cover the costslose that capacity for many of the games against lesser clubs and the losses increasedrop ticket prices as will be needed to stimulate demand and the losses further increasethe brutal reality is that success will always attract ''fans'' irrespective of absurd bleats about ''lost generations'' [/quote] Carrow Road is full of older fan''s. It''s not an absurd bleat to expand the capacity, and drop ticket price, accommodating younger fans. The fan base is good and loyal, as proved in league 1. But 27000 is only an average sized Championship stadium capacity. Let''s make it 35''000, and an average Premier League one! 
  6. [quote user="Ray"]GJP, The question was addressed to you as a group, hence the "you guys" but in hindsight it was a stupid question, as it would mean a group of posters agreeing and we all know that very rarely happens. So, in your opinion there are seven positions up for grabs, I think I could go as far to say I agree with the number but not necessarily the personnel, not going to get into a debate over the seven positions though as I do need to get some sleep tonight and we have a grand prix at 6.00am.[/quote]What do want to promote 7 players from the U21/youth team, into the starting 11. To play the last 8 games of the season whilst we fighting for survival?If you mean to address positions from the starting 11 in the summer. This is still too many. I said 4. A new right back, a central defender. A striker to replace Elmander, preferably one that can play up on his own. A winger/attacking mid.
  7. [quote user="Indy"]    do you really think the fans will be OK going a goal down next week?   [/quote]Good question? If we look like losing, or not scoring during the game, Carrow Road might erupt!
  8. [quote user="CanaryOne"]This club is such a joke they will probably sack him with 4 games to go , laughing stock does not even come close .[/quote]We''ll at least that would give the new manager some time to get to know all the players better. He''d then be able to decide who to keep, ready for next season. 
  9. We''ll get a bit more attention from the national media, come the last 4 games of the season. [quote user="CanaryOne"]for me we look the worst side in the league .[/quote]I''d say we''re on a par, with about 5 or 6 others, but our experience will guide us to survival.
  10. [quote user="sgncfc"]When we go down he should be sacked too.[/quote]No, that would be just be silly. 
  11. If we were to appoint anyone now. It would need to be manager with an ax to grind. Someone who want''s the challenge. Who needs this challenge to propel their career, or to prove themselves, and restore their reputation. Their reputation would have to mean more to them, than the length of their contract (it could be a 8 game deal.) Ideally, of course, we''d want them to stay on, and success in the lower leagues, would be advantageous. He would need to have an instant impact on the players, and have a set regime for working towards survival....  I give you Paolo Di Canio 
  12. Well it was almost ''Norwich don''t quit'' today, after that 2nd went in.
  13. [quote user="Ray"]So are you guys saying, Howson, Turner, Ruddy, Olsson, Tettey, Fer and Snodgrass are nailed on selections and that we only need to find 4 more and we have a team capable of...of what? I guess we see individual performances differently, good job we do really or this board would not be needed.[/quote]Avoiding relegation!
  14. [quote user="Darth Catbeard The Old"]Speaking of the future, I am worried we''re losing a generation of fans at the moment because the stadiums too small and as a kid, would you rather support a Man City/Arsenal or what they would perceive to be a negative boring team at the moment? I know I''d have probably stayed an Arsenal fan if my dad never took me to Carrow Road a few times when I was 9, as it is now you can''t just turn up to the odd game, it''s either too expensive or there''s no seats. Firstly we need a manager with a less pointless, needlessly negative defeatist tactical strategy to make us less of a chore to watch and more competative on a game by game basis and we really need to look into expanding the stadium sometime soon![/quote]We are dept free now, supposedly. What''s stopping us from expanding according to McNally, is the 20 million it would cost, would be better spent being competitive in the Prem. If we were to go down, with 4 years parachute payments, we could get rid of the deadwood. Use that money to build the stadium. It might take longer to get back playing young players such as the Murphy''s. When we do come back however we''ll be stronger for it!
  15. [quote user="GJP"] Howson, Turner, Ruddy and Olsson are probably the players I would say have most consistently given a good account of themselves. [/quote]You can add Tetty, Fer and Snodgrass to that list.
  16. [quote user="Ray"] Going back to my original point, who do you think has palyed well consistently enough not to have their selection questioned, if CH''s thinking is as yours, then why hasn''t Becchio or even Loza been given a start for a few ganes?[/quote]Becchio has apparently been poor in his reserve (U21) outings, according to the canary call host.  Loza didn''t do it in the league 1 whilst out on loan this season. Agree with you on Martin ahead of Whittaker though.
  17. [quote user="GJP"]On the subject of Villa - Delph has been so good this season he should have had a look in for England. [/quote]More chance of Paul Scholes coming out of retirement.
  18. I would rather Yobo, Gutierrez or E.Bennett playing at right back than Whittaker again this season.
  19. When the club say that Fer is still ''weeks'' away. What does this even mean. They said the same about Turner and before that Tetty. Well that was/ will be around 8 weeks on both those injury occasions. Why not say at least a couple of weeks, 2-3 weeks, 3 weeks at the most, a month, month''s, a couple of month''s, start of next month or end of the month. At least give us an idea and some hope. Falcao give''s Columbia injury update''s all the time. Arsenal came out and said 6 weeks for Ozil, straight away. They are upfront about all of their unavailable players. Was Martin injured today?
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvznzbh--44 "Wes! League 1!" lol. Would like to have seen what he made of OUR Wes not celebrating against the Villains.
  21. Well Hughton was the popular choice among fans especially on this message board, to be given the job. Don''t think you can blame the board. I said Alan Curbishly and got shot down for it!
  22. To come and give these players the fright of their lives. His first game would be against his old team, so he''d really be up for it!
  23. You want a charismatic manager. Paolo Di Canio, in now until the end of the season. Ready to face his old club Sunderland!
  24. I want lion hearts in the team, not this pampered liability. Played Schneiderlin on side for the first goal. Was it his rubbish challenge on their 4th?
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