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Deptford Canary

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  1. [quote user="ZippersLeftFoot"]this thread seems to be about personalities rather than the question posed. I dont think olsson is a bad player, in the same way I dont think martin is either. Its just that we have better alternatives too them in their positions. Both are good squad players to have and right now Brady is the superior left back for us, balancing attacking and defending duties more effectively than any other full back on either flank. Talking of dedicated left backs - I wonder where things are at with the very promising Hary Toffolo... (Also capable at CB). ?? Bethnals point is spot on; a more dedicated left back is needed, but its a lower priority for me too; behind striker & CB in particular[/quote]
  2. Everybody gets to screw up the once... Time to move on, but he''s used up his spare credit, so he''d better knuckle down and be a good boy....
  3. I know he never actually got on the pitch for them but norwich legend Ian crook got very close to signing (and was photographed wearing their shirt) and I don''t remember anybody booing him....
  4. Although this job does sound a bit curious at first glance, I think it does make sense although presumably he''d want (and it would make sense to give him) some input in to coaching around the club (he has just done his badges after all).... Most of all I hope he is treated with the respect he deserves from the fans.... Too many people on this board focused on what he couldn''t achieve rather than what he did... He gave it a go at the top job and didn''t hang on when he realised he couldn''t take it any further... Alex Neil himself reported that Adams had left him a squad in good condition....
  5. [quote user="Craig Brown"]I couldn''t help but notice some of these foreigners on Facebook who claim to support Liverpool, Chelsea & Arsenal & Man City. Yet some of these people are from places like Somalia, and other countries from around the world. These aren''t true fans. They are plastic fans who just support a winning team. Most of us Norwich fans are proper fans - we support Norwich because we were born in Norwich. What is the point in supporting Barcelona if we are from Norwich? Some people are so ridiculous!!![/quote] The bottom line here is that people who jeer at what they call ''plastics'' are small minded unpleasant people with probable inferiority complexes... ... Grew up in Downham Market (is that too far away?) ...live in London ...games attended - not (as) many (as I''d like)
  6. Steve Walsh - now there''s a name to send shivers down the spine!
  7. I''m sure I remember Nigel worthington trying to sign Cameron hero me - funny how these things turn out...
  8. [quote user="im spartacus"]What''s everyone wearing tomorrow ? bbc weather says 15 celcius not particuarly warm but if everyone else is wearing jeans i don''t want to be the odd one out in shorts or visa versa, Things like that can ruin the day [*-)][/quote] Not quite shorts weather yet in London I''m afraid...
  9. [quote user="Google Bot"]Anyone else have intense screams of ''NOOOOOOOO'' in their heads as Daryl Sutch (bless him) stood up to take his pen? I have never had such a sinking feeling watching a game of footy before than when he came forward to take it. Well, other than Fulham away i suppose. :-/[/quote] It wasn''t just Sutch -we''d failed to score a lot of penalties that season already... soon as it went to penalties I knew we''d had our chips!
  10. [quote user="Wot Jimmy Rimmer Got"]Gnob of the highest order who only ever turns up for a Directors Box freebie. That reminds me, when did Stephen Fry last attend a board meeting?[/quote] Funny, sure I saw him in the stands away to Millwall a couple of seasons ago...
  11. [quote user="Deptford Canary"]What about that Argentinian fella (midfielder) ??[/quote]. I mean Biglia (not Gutierrez)!
  12. What about that Argentinian fella (midfielder) ??
  13. not sure we''d want him coaching goal kicks...
  14. ...or bypass Lambert and get in Culverhouse??
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