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Year of the tiger

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  1. If he matches the previous Errol at Carrow Road, he’ll do alright. My first ever favourite player the Canadian Cowboy, Errol Crossan
  2. What happened then is irrelevant to this thread. On Thursday we took the full allocation we were allowed, fact.
  3. How many of those “proper” fans invaded the pitch last night
  4. I assume you’re going by football fans guide which is wrong. Leeds haven’t changed the area away fans are infor the last 10 years. The minimum allocation in the Premier League for away fans is 3000 if capacity is over 30000, do you really think the PL let them get away with allocating less for 3 years. Oh & just to add to that my seat was is the high 90s with at least 10 seats beyond me, a colleague was in row T. By even my shaky maths that’s 100 seats x 20 rows equals 2000. I also asked the club how many tickets we were allocated, hence my figure
  5. Wrong as usual. We took our full allocation of 2018. Each team in the se.ifinals gave their opponents the bare minimum 2000 tickets stipulated by EFL & each team sold them.
  6. Rowe & Gunn one year left on contracts. If they are not signing new deals then sell
  7. Charlie was at Leeds last night as a fan, so suffered with the rest of us. Don’t think this was just wishful thinking though 😹
  8. Big difference, Keogh was injured whilst in a car driven by a drunk driver. He was not convicted of an offence.
  9. City’s allocation will be 2000 or there abouts. Even if it results in empty seats Leeds are not going to give us more than the bare minimum. Why would they? Equally Leeds could sell out a much higher number at Carrow Road but will get the minimum. It’s a very different scenario than an ordinary league match. Also what sort of fan is waiting to see if we are still in the tie to decide whether to go. Reminds me of a time when we were drawn against, I think Southampton or Man U in the cup & there were complaints that the tickets went on sale before people knew which one we’d play.
  10. Don’t worry if it gets that far any city attackers will be long gone, so Duffy, Gibson, Batth Gunn & Hanley.
  11. I'll say it. He was not poor in that period.
  12. Liverpool for depriving us of European football & maybe changing our whole history. If we had had those other 3 seasons in Europe how might we have progressed as a club. Not to mention being threaten with being beaten up sitting in the main stand whilst 5 months pregnant. Everton for not turning up at Coventry(Howard Kendall “I’m a great believer you get what you deserve in football”) & winning the semi final ( Pat Nevin “we’ve had a good little run & deserve something from the season” We’d been top most of the season) Coventry, obvious, Luton, fan ban, Newcastle, probably another few I’ve forgotten
  13. Unfortunately Kenny's 9th booking was another of Mr Madleys interesting decisions on Wednesday.
  14. I'll repost what I've put on the osp minutes thread which is relevant to this thread
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