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  1. There were only 2000 tickets that went on sale to non season ticket holders. Obviously season ticket holders could have bought them for friends etc but I think the majority of the crowd yesterday were season ticket holders. On top of that we 6000 super members who i''m sure snapped up most of the remaining tickets.
  2. There were also a few seats ripped out of the away end on tuesday night.
  3. I''m sure he does like his side playing at carrow road but equally i''m sure he makes similar comments everywhere they play. He talks about their good record at CR but they don''t actually lose many home games anywhere. I doubt he gets much of a say where they play it will mainly be political decisions made by the FA.
  4. When he is questioned constantly about the place by our local press he hardly going to say he hates carrow road is he.
  5. I doubt there was much income from ticket sales as about 80% of the crowd were children. Probably a fair bit spent on food and drink though. I don''t think we will make much from it directly but it improves the image of the club and will improve relationships with sponsors such as aviva who got extra coverage on tv. OTBC
  6. I thought Tetty looked massively out of his depth to be honest. The things he did well were very simple short passes that a decent Sunday league player is capable of.
  7. The midfield struggled yesterday but that was partly to do with the fact that West Ham kept playing long balls which we then also resorted to in the second half especially when he took Jackson off. Surman reminds me of Wes when we first signed him, he shows moments of greatness but is far too lightweight. Like someone else said though apart from pilks it was the same midfield that looked like world beaters against spurs. OTBC
  8. I agree it is worrying that after 3 games of playing that formation and not scoring he decided to play it today. Especially as earlier in pre season Holt and Vaughan looked as if they were starting to form a decent partnership.
  9. Shame to see Crofts go. I actually think he is good enough for the prem but he was always likely to be the one to leave once we signed another midfielder. Good luck to the lad.
  10. [quote user="Mr Brownstone"][quote user="jas the barclay king"]in a pre season friendly no less!!!!! Lets all over hype a game which is nothing more than a learning experience and chance to try new formations etc.... I could understand if we were a non league Scottish side and it was the cup... but we are a top flight English side in a game that doesnt really matter against an average team in a league much poorer.... If we get to the cup final i fear mass hysteria! all this tweeting, photos etc just makes us look like a little club happy to be mixing it with the "big boys" will we be doing the same when Ajax come to town? [/quote] I swear you weren''t always this much of a Douche. Might be wrong though. [/quote] I agree! Is someone else now using this account? because i''m sure Jas didn''t use to be such a miserable sod.
  11. I''m about 2000th on the waiting list so still plenty of people waiting to snap up any unwanted season tickets. Fear not!
  12. http://services.pinkun.com/forums/pinkun/cs/emoticons/emotion-4.gif
  13. [quote user="Jim Smith"][quote user="Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man"]Supply and demand I guess... even at Category A prices, the game will still sell out. McNally will be aware of that, so I suppose he is doing because he knows he can, and maximise the gate receipts.[/quote] Yes it is supply and demand but (i) the benefits we gain from it are relatively marginal when you look at the extra money ot brings in and (ii) Mcnally won''t be the one who has to shell out £50 to sit in the away end at Goodison next season when they hit us with tit for tat pricing. [/quote] They wont do that though because they have to charge their own fans the same price for the same areas. Looks like Everton is virtually a sell out already. OTBC
  14. I thought there was a real lack of commitment today. Wigan are awful and we were equally awful today. They had more of the game because they wanted it a bit more. The goal we conceded came from Surman bottling it in the middle of the park.
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