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crab man

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  1. As long as we don't have those awful hoops again
  2. A season of upheaval and change awaits. Youth and back to doing it on the cheap. Not much hope or trust in Knapper, he comes across as nervous and inexperienced.
  3. Wagner looked defeated in his pre match interiview with Sky sports, and that was before a ball had even been kicked. Saying how we needed to try and stay in the match, he knew what was coming. Half the team weren't fit.
  4. Nooooo. Neil Warnock where are you? Lets be avin you
  5. David was a proper nice guy. Always kept his head held high through the difficult times . Full of class. Managed to stick another one over on the scum as well. Done his best with a very limited squad and injuries, but ultimately fell short. Wish him and his family all the best
  6. Wagner putting pressure on the fans today. Wants a repeat performance of the Ipswich game. Be interesting to see how that goes OTBC
  7. Is that the cast from The Hills have eyes? 😂
  8. Given the injuries we had earlier in the season i'm not sure many managers would have done much better. Credit where its due and I hope he and the management team are here next season. OTBC
  9. Great guy David, hope all is well with him and his family. Hopefully he's back in time for Stoke.
  10. Should have been the other way around, lying little f**k
  11. Yep Yorkshire based referee. Bit sus that
  12. Worst Boro side I've seen in recent times this. Lets get a few more lads. We owe them one
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