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Everything posted by horsefly

  1. The Grenfell Report (among many other identified actors) lambasted Eric Pickles, and Kensington and Chelsea Council for their appalling contribution to the unnecessary deaths of 72 innocent victims. Eric Pickles and Daniel Moylan (deputy leader of Kensington and Chelsea Council) were both ennobled by Tory PMs AFTER the fire. Both should now do the decent thing and resign their peerages. It is an absolute insult to the victims and their families that those two have the honour of sitting in the House of Lords.
  2. "I dont really want to get into this point scoring thing, but if a discussion is to be had its important its an honest one" The words of a supercilious tw*at 🤣
  3. Aggy nailed the typical supercilious nature of your responses, so I'll settle for pointing out the very obvious flaw in your comparison with football violence. The point about football violence outside of grounds is that it is done by identifiable fans in the name of the club they support. Nobody stabs another person in the name of the Notting Hill Carnival.
  4. Which PL team doesn't play a version of a "possession based, playing out from the back" game? The days of a team being able to survive in the PL by playing a radically different style have long gone (e.g. Stoke). The immense amount of money swilling around the PL means that the overall quality of average players has increased significantly, making it very unlikely that a more direct style of football would win out in enough games over teams playing the standard possession based game. The boring reality for teams like Southampton (and the majority of the usual relegation suspects) is that their main objective is to be better at playing this style of football than at least three other teams over the course of a season. I don't think it's some kind of purist idealism that encourages managers like Martin to persist with his style of play, but a belief that such perseverance offers the best opportunity to establish a pattern of play that will eventually pay out in survival.
  5. He always does this. The minute you point out a serious flaw(s) in his argument he will rattle off a load of ad hominem tripe about abuse in a pathetic attempt to distract from the shortcomings in his "arguments". Not really worth the bother of engaging with him once you have pointed out his claims fail, he'll just repeat them over and over. The Southport murders were a good example, when he made a load of fundamentally racist assumptions about the suspect, promised to apologise for them if they proved false, then did nothing of the sort.
  6. This will severely disappoint the usual suspects https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/met-police-criticised-for-falsely-suggesting-man-was-stabbed-at-notting-hill-carnival/ar-AA1pRU0R?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=04da2aefbb234d069513ca9bc37ae447&ei=77
  7. They've bought good Championship level players. It couldn't be clearer that they have adopted NCFC's "top 26" strategy. They expect to be demoted, and hope they will retain enough talent to bounce back up again. We know all too well that home wins against the likes of Fulham are essential to stand any chance of staying up.
  8. Neanderthal woman Marjorie Taylor Green
  9. The closest we've come to replacing Tettey.
  10. Very good of you to be so concerned about the subs' seating arrangements. Do you know the number of an emergency carpenter?
  11. It's going to be a relegation battle for your team, that's for sure. City on the other hand are going to be fighting for promotion. We'll wave as we pass you by.
  12. So what you're saying is the working class are a bunch of old, dumb, smoking, drunk, racists. I beg to differ. Not all working class people are Reform Ltd voters.
  13. I wonder how many heart attacks across the country will be precipitated by fans getting stressed out by transfer deals and speculation over which they exercise absolutely no control whatsoever?
  14. I remember a US football coach saying, "Potential means you ain't worth a damn yet". The reality is Kamara has had chances to impress the City management and so far has not done anything like enough to persuade them that he should start ahead of Forsyth or Crnac. Only Kamara and the club knows his state of mind and his willingness or otherwise to fight for a place on merit. We are left to infer that his unwillingness to sign another contract suggests he would rather be elsewhere.
  15. The similarities with the Bali Mumba situation are quite striking. Both had excellent seasons in League 1, both returned and had a poor pre-season, both seemed unhappy not to be considered guaranteed starters. I trust the management to decide whether they consider it worthwhile attempting to work with Kamara, or to cash in and find an alternative prepared to work for a first-team spot on merit.
  16. Oh dear! Typical lazy right-wing can't-be-bothered-to-think attitude that is ruining this country.
  17. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/sport/other/norwich-city-top-of-the-league-in-football-fairness-index/ar-AA1pAzIt?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=144b385021364ed4a27d41b9c180e6b2&ei=8
  18. Ouch! https://www.msn.com/en-gb/sport/football/brighton-lose-25m-summer-signing-matt-o-riley-indefinitely-to-serious-ankle-injury-picked-up-just-nine-minutes-into-his-debut-as-manager-fabian-hurzeler-reveals-the-midfielder-needs-surgery/ar-AA1pDSK1?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=f9fa74d953794026ab2c6037593efdec&ei=11
  19. Season 2017/18: 14th position, minus-11 goal difference, Maddison made 22 goal contributions (14 assists, 8 goals) Maddison sold. Pinkun forum in despair Pukki (the Celtic failure) brought in on a free. Pinkun forum very unimpressed Season 2018/19: 1st position, plus-36 goal difference, Pukki made 39 goal contributions (10 assists, 29 goals) I think I'll wait to see what happens, rather than speculate
  20. Yep! Forson: two starts and already one assist. So if he carries on at that rate we can expect 20+ assists from him. It's easy to use stats to twist an argument in one's preferred direction. What is often described as analysis of stats amounts to little more than counterfactual speculation.
  21. Want a good indication of the likelihood that this story is true? Just take a look at the book "Britannia Unchained", an extremist far right manifesto written by: Kwasi Kwarteng, Preeti Patel, Dominic Raab, Chris Skidmore, Liz Truss (2012). It calls for the removal of workers rights and safeguards, mass privatisation, and the reduction of state provision of services to the very barest minimum. "The British are among the worst idlers in the world. We work among the lowest hours, we retire early and our productivity is poor."
  22. Spot on! Factor into that too that our defensive record was very bad last season. Knock 20 or more goals off that and then the picture looks different again.
  23. "Anonymous poster" says Graham Paddon's Beard 🤣🤣🤣 (btw try looking up the use of apostrophes). And you're the one who made the pointless observation about Rowe's replacement when you don't have the slightest clue what the club has done re his replacement.
  24. It was your post: "We seem back to signing players our competitors don’t want - like the lad from Sheff Utd who the fans can’t wait to get rid of."
  25. You actually mentioned the "lad from Sheffield" (Slimane) who is not a replacement for Rowe, but who Sheffield bought when they were promoted, because they believed he had PL potential. Thorup will be well aware of the abilities he displayed at Brondby. Don't forget, Buendia and Pukki were both players fans considered to be failures at their previous clubs. As for Rowe's replacement, I have no idea who they have previously earmarked as possible replacements, but what I am sure of is that the club will have done so for months (if not years). The evidence of the transfers brought in to date is that these players have been watched by the club for a very long time (see EDP reports). Not all transfers happen at the drop of a hat, indeed, very few do.
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