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  1. Funny! I’ll be using this one! And the points you make are spot on
  2. I should just delete this thread now. Note to self: don’t rely on Chat GTP
  3. Correction. It was the 94-95 season.
  4. Norwich and Ipswich have never played each other in the Premier League.
  5. I shared with a friend that we played our arch-rivals yesterday and won, so it's now been 15 years since they've beaten us. His response was, "15 years? Is that even a rivalry anymore?" Add this to your comment and I believe the answer is a firm NO. In fact, has it ever been a rivalry?
  6. But, if they take money when it suits them, then they’re not socialists. So your original accusation of Delia & Co doesn’t align with your conclusion of them. However, a business owner can do whatever they want with the profits of their business. But, on further exploration of your point, it seems that you yourself are actually coming across as a socialist, if indeed you are expecting Delia & Co to spend their money on behalf of you (for your entertainment.) Meaning, they’re rich enough to own a football club that turns a profit and you want them to spend that money on your behalf (because you aren’t rich enough to own a football club). Give it some thought before your ego breaks free again and you start glomming together other sound bites that you found on the internet.
  7. Hahahahahaha! You’re too funny. The only fools are the one who actually believe that what you have to say has any substance. You’re so predictable. If your messages weren’t so entertaining, you’d be forgotten.
  8. Do you even know how a socialist system works? A core element of a socialist system is common ownership, which, as you know, can take various forms, including state ownership, cooperative ownership by workers and consumers, and community ownership. Common ownership aims to address issues such as economic inequality, exploitation, and the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few. So, how do you square this with Delia & Co’s actions and decisions? Oh wait, you can’t. Troll Grade: C- must try harder
  9. It’s there business. They can run it any way they want. You are a paying customer. If you don’t like it. Go somewhere else. And, are sure you mean socialist?
  10. Any rich person will tell you that making £13,612.50 a year on their investments is an utter waste of time and a loss of money. I know a moderately rich person who makes that kind of return simply by getting out of bed. I’m always bemused why people are so keen to point a disdainful or disgruntled finger at those who are more fortunate or smarter with their money.
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