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Chelm Canary

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  1. I thought McLean was quality today also.
  2. I have to say as soon as I saw Sarge being subbed I was worried. If it wasn't a fitness issue then that is a very strange decision. In my opinion if Sargent had stayed on the field, we would have gone on to win the game. I was also somewhat confused by Sorenson coming on for Stacey. These strange decisions worried me at the time, and my fears became reality.
  3. Another player we won't keep hold of. He's exceptional.
  4. Sainz is a bigger talent than Rowe. I don't understand how very few have seen that. I love them both but sainz strikes me as a difficult player to manage.
  5. Everyone is talking about Rowe but somehow Saintz has gone under the radar. I love watching this guy. Raw talent and can move with the ball. The same temperament as Buendia which is an issue.
  6. We will have to agree to disagree on this one. You're painting up a logic that I disagree with. At times the defending was comical and I didn't see that at Maidstone. Some of the replay's of the defending today was a Muppet show and we probably would have lost to Maidstone too. The shining light in my opinion is saintz who shows buendia esq ability.
  7. So the stars aligned for Maidstone? A freak result and the Maidstone keeper performance should be ignored? The excellent finish with the 2nd Maidstone goal is inadmissible? They showed great character and a resilient performance. I hope.the Maidstone manager told his players it was a freak performance and they should return to their level.
  8. Why is the Norwich fan point debatable? I withdraw the comment about you being a pleb. Pointless name calling with people on the internet is a waste of your time, and what's infinitely worse, a waste of my time.
  9. Lol. What an utterly daft thing to say. No logic to it whatsoever. I'm a Norwich fan and I'm allowed to have an opinion without some pleb telling me to go and support Maidstone.
  10. Maidstone of the sixth tier can put in a performance against Ipswich but we're content with a 5-2 defeat against a team 1 division above.
  11. Oh seriously **** off. Fans pay good money to watch the team play. Good luck to him but he won't be lighting up the championship anytime soon. We don't need this nonsense and pretending below par championship players are going to come good and that they're immune from criticism.
  12. When he plays away he refuses to stay in anything but blue hotel's
  13. My thoughts exactly. The turn and hit was unreal. Made me a bit giddy that one.
  14. I'm fully prepared for the loss on Saturday but I hope people recognise how poor it is to win one football match against a rival in fifteen years. Personally, I'd be humble and mildly embarrassed if I was an Ipswich fan.
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