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Is one, frail, old man completely blind to the dangers of foreign investment?

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I''m sorry for starting a new post on this but i''m so annoyed at his pig headed ignorance that i want him to answer some things clearly for everyone on here.

Wizard, you need to accept and understand THREE points.


You have been banging on with the "we need a foreign investor" thing for years and yet seem to have totally ignored what we have achieved without one in the last 3 years. This has already proven we didn''t need foreign investment to progress and get to the PL.


You are also ignoring the examples, which are piling every season, of foreign investors who have not achieved anything close to what they said they would and have either relegated the club, taken it to the brink of extinction, or left in a WORSE financial position.

Examples: Birmingham, Portsmouth, Rangers, Blackburn, Ipswich...

There are other examples like Leicester or Cardiff or Ipswich again, where investors have come in in the hope of hitting the jackpot by getting clubs promoted but have so far failed and made some very dodgy decisions in the process.

Is this what you want to happen at Carrow Road?


Then there''s QPR - the jury is still out but so far their latest foreign investor has achieved near relegation and built a squad of massively overpaid mercenaries.


Finally, you need to accept that what you are after is not an investor - the above are examples of investors. If that''s what you want, you are insane. What you want is an Abramovich style sugar daddy who will come and spend any amount of money necessary to attract the best players in the world to the club in order to win things. But you can stop wishing for one of these because Financial Fair Play will make it impossible for an Abramovich to rock up at a club and buy trophies by spending more than the club on its own can pay.

Wizard, i want you to accept these points because they are basically unarguable. Once you accept them, you might be able to stop banging on about this and understand that our current owners and CEO, despite past mistakes, are trying to take this club to a place where it won''t need foreign investment. So please, get over it.


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You are so right NYC and that is endorsed by the fact that he has not bothered to respond to this thread as it is not one of his. What gets me also is that he goes on other messageboards and irritates their fans who think we are all the same as he. An embarrassment to our club IMHO.

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[quote user="Jack Flash"]You are so right NYC and that is endorsed by the fact that he has not bothered to respond to this thread as it is not one of his. What gets me also is that he goes on other messageboards and irritates their fans who think we are all the same as he. An embarrassment to our club IMHO.[/quote]


1. I decide what time of the day I''ll reply, if at all, not you.

2. Who''s Wizard:?

3. I also decide if a thread is worthy of a reply, again not you.

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[quote user="Wiz"]

[quote user="Jack Flash"]You are so right NYC and that is endorsed by the fact that he has not bothered to respond to this thread as it is not one of his. What gets me also is that he goes on other messageboards and irritates their fans who think we are all the same as he. An embarrassment to our club IMHO.[/quote]


1. I decide what time of the day I''ll reply, if at all, not you.

2. Who''s Wizard:?

3. I also decide if a thread is worthy of a reply, again not you.



you really are a jerk...and an embarresment

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Is this old infirm and incontinent man to be relied on to sell our great club to all this lovely h''investment just waiting out there?

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[quote user="city4eva"][quote user="Wiz"]

[quote user="Jack Flash"]You are so right NYC and that is endorsed by the fact that he has not bothered to respond to this thread as it is not one of his. What gets me also is that he goes on other messageboards and irritates their fans who think we are all the same as he. An embarrassment to our club IMHO.[/quote]


1. I decide what time of the day I''ll reply, if at all, not you.

2. Who''s Wizard:?

3. I also decide if a thread is worthy of a reply, again not you.



you really are a jerk...and an embarresment



Stop snivelling and wring your nappie out.

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Replies like that tell us all we need to know. If this poster is a true City fan, why the heck does he so enjoy winding us up. No wonder we are ridiculed on other club''s Message Boards where this man posts the same mindless dribble that we see here. I''m beginning to think he is a plant from Portman Road - he does a heck of a job for them if he''s not.

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[quote user="a1canary"]I''m sorry for starting a new post on this but i''m so annoyed at his pig headed ignorance that i want him to answer some things clearly for everyone on here.

Wizard, you need to accept and understand THREE points.


You have been banging on with the "we need a foreign investor" thing for years and yet seem to have totally ignored what we have achieved without one in the last 3 years. This has already proven we didn''t need foreign investment to progress and get to the PL.


You are also ignoring the examples, which are piling every season, of foreign investors who have not achieved anything close to what they said they would and have either relegated the club, taken it to the brink of extinction, or left in a WORSE financial position.

Examples: Birmingham, Portsmouth, Rangers, Blackburn, Ipswich...

There are other examples like Leicester or Cardiff or Ipswich again, where investors have come in in the hope of hitting the jackpot by getting clubs promoted but have so far failed and made some very dodgy decisions in the process.

Is this what you want to happen at Carrow Road?


Then there''s QPR - the jury is still out but so far their latest foreign investor has achieved near relegation and built a squad of massively overpaid mercenaries.


Finally, you need to accept that what you are after is not an investor - the above are examples of investors. If that''s what you want, you are insane. What you want is an Abramovich style sugar daddy who will come and spend any amount of money necessary to attract the best players in the world to the club in order to win things. But you can stop wishing for one of these because Financial Fair Play will make it impossible for an Abramovich to rock up at a club and buy trophies by spending more than the club on its own can pay.

Wizard, i want you to accept these points because they are basically unarguable. Once you accept them, you might be able to stop banging on about this and understand that our current owners and CEO, despite past mistakes, are trying to take this club to a place where it won''t need foreign investment. So please, get over it.


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Has the forum moderator clocked off early this evening? I suppose that he has with the lovely weather that we have had today, but it is threads like these which are addressed towards an individual and portraying them in a none too favourable light which have no place on a forum.Prior to discussing what can be done to improve the forum software, perhaps take a look at what can be done internally first.

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Its threads like this which actually have a place on this forum. With opinions that are sensibly thought out and backed up with some actual evidence. Rather than the attention seeking dross someone like Wiz constantly serves up.

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No it is no more than cyber bullying/Seeing as you are guilty of adding further fuel to the fire yourself Jacko, then perhaps you would like to read the code of conduct here http://services.pinkun.com/forums/pinkun/cs/forums/1212143/ShowPost.aspx

2. Keep to the topic of the original thread and do not post multiple threads on the same subject.


3. Users must not post messages which:

  • Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or

    derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or

    companies, social or religious groups or people of a different

    background, users of the Forum or not.

  • Threaten, intimidate, victimise or harass others.

If these posts has any place on this forum at all then why are they not posted in the strand started by this Wiz character? I would say the posts here are no more than a means to harass another poster.

One poster above even brazenly asks why Wiz has not answered. In my opinion that is just blatantly looking to stir up or prolong trouble.

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Cyber bullying? Do me a favour. You''ve clearly not been on here very long. The post is not abusive or insulting. It''s responding to an argument he has made about investment and our owners which I believe is plain wrong and deeply misguided and is something I feel very strongly about.

If you''re referring to the title, that was merely meant to reflect the very same title he used in his own thread about our owners.

Also, I''m sure Wiz himself will not feel ''offended'' by anything i''ve written. Having known Wiz on here pretty since this board was invented, I am well aware that he is able to give as much as he takes.

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Refering to Delia Smith as a "frail old women" is also I would argue insulting, abuse and derogatory and against the code of conduct of this forum. So how far do you want to run with this. Wizard is equally culpable of breaking the rules as I am for saying he has posted a load of dross. A1 has not posted anything remotely abusive, insulting or anything which harasses someone. If you openly critcising people in such a consistent manner as Wizard has I think is only right that people are allowed to pull you up on it. Thats the nature of a forum.

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Perhaps more than a few people should read those rules, this thread is merely a retort to something Wiz posted which breaks just about each rule you mentioned, but I don''t suppose you put this on there.

The thread itself is actually perfectly reasonable - the questions that are asked are more than valid.

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But there is a lot of truth in what Wiz has to say. We don''t want an investor because investors want to see a profit on their investment. We want a sugar daddy (and at the moment we have a sugar mummy) because their motivations are not to withdraw funds out of the club. Norwich, like most clubs, have a history of sugar daddies. Watling, Arthur South were not investors. Robert Chase? still not sure what motivated him. Michael Foulger - sugar daddy.

And Wiz is a lovely old boy who brings a lot of colour and character to the message board. This would be a far less interesting place without Wiz and similar posters. I think there''s room for all sorts. If you get wound up by what Wiz says then just rememberit''s just Wiz beingWiz.  

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The problem that one trick ponies like Wiz, who bang on about the same old stuff ad nauseam, create for themselves on forums like this, is that before too long people just ignore any of his postings, or, at the very best, fail to take them seriously.


Which in fact is a much better way of addressing the sort of dross he writes than trying ,as A1 and Jacko have gamely tried to do , to engage in a reasoned discussion with him.


On another recent thread of a similar nature, I suggested to Wiz that he appears to be in a minority of one here with his bandwaggon, so maybe the PinkUn forum is not the best vehicle to conduct his campaign. There may be another one that would be better suited to his policies, but, sadly he never responded to that suggestion.


I too do not think that there''s been anything reprehensible , nor approaching "cyber bullying" in this thread, but, on reflection, we all know the core message Wiz is promoting. It''s pretty clear that no-one else agrees with it, so perhaps it''s better just to ignore his ramblings ?

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[quote user="a1canary"] Having known Wiz on here pretty since this board was invented, I am well aware that he is able to give as much as he takes.[/quote]


Spot on a1, on that we can agree.[Y]

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Ok here is a list of the rules broken so far on this strand of posts.Wiz has been called;A frail old manAn embarassment to our clubA jerk and an embarassmentOld, infirm and incontinent manA tenalady wearerAn attention seekerA one trick ponyThat is seven unwarranted insults towards one poster in a strand which was directed at stirring up ill feeling against one individual poster and yet despite my complaints to have this strand removed it is still here. Why?

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[quote user="Green Jack"]Ok here is a list of the rules broken so far on this strand of posts.Wiz has been called;A frail old manAn embarassment to our clubA jerk and an embarassmentOld, infirm and incontinent manA tenalady wearerAn attention seekerA one trick ponyThat is seven unwarranted insults towards one poster in a strand which was directed at stirring up ill feeling against one individual poster and yet despite my complaints to have this strand removed it is still here. Why?

[/quote]If name calling was an Olympic sport you could make an entire team consisting of Pink''un posters.  Childish douche bags the lot of em.

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[quote user="Wiz"]

[quote user="a1canary"] Having known Wiz on here pretty since this board was invented, I am well aware that he is able to give as much as he takes.[/quote]


Spot on a1, on that we can agree.[Y]

[/quote]That might well be the case alcanary, but should Wiz have to defend himself in this manner?  Wiz should not have to defend himself against this kind of provocation, in my opinion that is what forum moderators are for. Wiz may well be big enough and ugly enough to look after himself, but in doing so there is an increased probability that the divide that already exists between Wiz and many other posters will grow wider still.Let us say that you have cerebral palsy for example and a fellow poster who you had been in disagreement with over a number of issues on here was aware of your condition. How would you feel if this poster created a new strand of posts that were little more than the start of a hate campaign, using this personal information they had on you as ammunition that could be used against you?Would you feel the same about other posters starting new strands of posts, directly aimed at others if you became the target I wonder?

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Funny how some people accept the old guys frequent insulting and libellous posts about our owner without batting an eyelid and then get their knickers in a twist when he gets some of it back.


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[quote user="Ruddygore"]Funny how some people accept the old guys frequent insulting and libellous posts about our owner without batting an eyelid and then get their knickers in a twist when he gets some of it back. ROFL.[/quote]


And it''s not just the owner who Wiz has dished it out to over recent weeks.


He is perfectly entitled to his view, and also to campaign for it (however misguided most of the rest of us think he is). However , what he''s got to realise is that he continues to post abusively, he''s going to get some back. Those apologists for him who think otherwise clearly are not terribly au fait with the workings of forums.

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[quote user="Green Jack"]

Wiz has been called;

A frail old man
An embarassment to our club
A jerk and an embarassment
Old, infirm and incontinent man
A tenalady wearer
An attention seeker
A one trick pony


Spot on Green Jack.



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[quote user="The Pinkun Role Model"]If name calling was an Olympic sport you could make an entire team consisting of Pink''un posters.  Childish douche bags the lot of em.[/quote]LOL Just LOL!!

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[quote user="Eric Pickles Pie Supplier"]

[quote user="Ruddygore"]Funny how some people accept the old guys frequent insulting and libellous posts about our owner without batting an eyelid and then get their knickers in a twist when he gets some of it back. ROFL.[/quote]


And it''s not just the owner who Wiz has dished it out to over recent weeks.


He is perfectly entitled to his view, and also to campaign for it (however misguided most of the rest of us think he is). However , what he''s got to realise is that he continues to post abusively, he''s going to get some back. Those apologists for him who think otherwise clearly are not terribly au fait with the workings of forums.

[/quote]Not au fait with hypocrisy either EPPS.

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Mr Green Jack - your staunch defence of wiz is touching, however unprompted and uncalled for. You also have absolutely and completely missed the point of the post and hijacked it for your own personal crusade against cyber bullying.

As I said, I''ve been reading wiz on this board and him me for getting on for a decade so we have a reasonable idea of each other stance on matters ncfc. You appear to have forgotten or ignored what my post is actually about.

I respect the passion for the club that he has shown in that time and that whatever he says comes from his feelings for the club. In his recent attack on our owners he took the view that they are blocking major investment in our club that would secure its future. I get where he is coming from. I however feel very strongly that we do not want outside investment that is seeking to profit from ncfc, for the reasons outlined in the OP.

The suggestion that the OP is some kind of devious hate campaign is just laughable. I have not insulted wiz in any of the ways you say, all I have done is reflected back to him the terms he used towards the owner.

Now I''d be pleased for you to get off my post and find somewhere else for your hobby horse.

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