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    Tony Cottee Woz Ere . . .

    If you renewed your season ticket

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    What an unoriginal and factually inaccurate post. You might as well say that anyone who has participated in the Pinkun message board is supporting the board or that anyone who has not burnt their shirt.

    I think one could also make the point that it is only those people who attend matches, buy season tickets and generally have a financial stake in the company that are enfranchised to make any comment on the running of the team or club.

    Or you could just say at least you managed to post that rubbish with just the one spelling mistake.

    Enjoy your summer holidays son.

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    [quote]I''m afraid that''s absolute bollox. As a paying customer, I have more right to complain than those that did not renew...[/quote]Spot on.I renewed my season ticket because I love football, I want to watch live football and the only live football (apart from England) I am interested in watching is that of the club I love. I also want to support my team from the stands. Stop trying to justify being an arm chair supporter.

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    I dont agree with the original poster, although I do believe that while we give the board a guarantee of 20,000 season tickets each year they will believe to be in favour in their own minds.If people had picked and chose which games to go to this year then I believe they may have considered cutting their losses.However:I feel it is great that we still have so many backing us and shows what great potenetial the club actually has and we should be proud of our fan base. Peoples personal circumstances and social lives are the biggest factor in deciding so it is unfair to judge anyone!

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    [quote user="fearofambition"]you have absoluetly no right to complain. You all sent out a clear message to delia and co. ''We will continue to accept what you are dishing up''. Now you''re gonna have to sit back and swallow.[/quote]

    she has our money so your right! but as for sitting back and sallowing it!!! watch this space,ill protest and she can swallow that!

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    [quote]I do believe that while we give the board a guarantee of 20,000 season tickets each year they will believe to be in favour in their own minds.[/quote]

    Theres no point trying to explain it to them, snakepit. They still think the ST money is spent on players....

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    [quote user="JTG"][quote]I''m afraid that''s absolute bollox. As a paying customer, I have more right to complain than those that did not renew...

    Spot on.

    I renewed my season ticket because I love football, I want to watch live football and the only live football (apart from England) I am interested in watching is that of the club I love. I also want to support my team from the stands.

    Stop trying to justify being an arm chair supporter.

    Can''t you see that you''re making things worse?? 

    The owners of the club are only interested in staying solvent so that they can keep control.  Football is way down the agenda.  If you continue to shove money into their hands you cannot avoid colluding with them.  It''s a horrible situation they''ve put us in.

    I understand why you do it.  After three years boycotting I miss it terribly.  I went to the Wigan friendly and after the game actually went into the ticket office to enquire about a season ticket. [:$]  Fortunately (as it turned out) the seat I wanted was taken and I went away to think about three other options, by which time sanity had returned thank goodness.

    It''s like having a morbidly obese child and continuing to stuff it with junk food.  Try some tough love.


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    [quote user="canary cherub "]

    [quote user="JTG"][quote]I''m afraid that''s absolute bollox. As a paying customer, I have more right to complain than those that did not renew...

    Spot on.

    I renewed my season ticket because I love football, I want to watch live football and the only live football (apart from England) I am interested in watching is that of the club I love. I also want to support my team from the stands.

    Stop trying to justify being an arm chair supporter.

    Can''t you see that you''re making things worse?? 

    The owners of the club are only interested in staying solvent so that they can keep control.  Football is way down the agenda.  If you continue to shove money into their hands you cannot avoid colluding with them.  It''s a horrible situation they''ve put us in.

    I understand why you do it.  After three years boycotting I miss it terribly.  I went to the Wigan friendly and after the game actually went into the ticket office to enquire about a season ticket. [:$]  Fortunately (as it turned out) the seat I wanted was taken and I went away to think about three other options, by which time sanity had returned thank goodness.

    It''s like having a morbidly obese child and continuing to stuff it with junk food.  Try some tough love.



    At the Wigan game Iwas jumping up and down shouting Can we play you every week,

     the trip home was full of optimistic views, and plans for the away games to go to,

     Saturdays trip home was full of sorrow and tears, yes from me, I love my club and it is being murdered   

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    [quote user="canary cherub "]

    [quote user="JTG"][quote]I''m afraid that''s absolute bollox. As a paying customer, I have more right to complain than those that did not renew...

    Spot on.

    I renewed my season ticket because I love football, I want to watch live football and the only live football (apart from England) I am interested in watching is that of the club I love. I also want to support my team from the stands.

    Stop trying to justify being an arm chair supporter.

    Can''t you see that you''re making things worse?? 

    The owners of the club are only interested in staying solvent so that they can keep control.  Football is way down the agenda.  If you continue to shove money into their hands you cannot avoid colluding with them.  It''s a horrible situation they''ve put us in.

    I understand why you do it.  After three years boycotting I miss it terribly.  I went to the Wigan friendly and after the game actually went into the ticket office to enquire about a season ticket. [:$]  Fortunately (as it turned out) the seat I wanted was taken and I went away to think about three other options, by which time sanity had returned thank goodness.

    It''s like having a morbidly obese child and continuing to stuff it with junk food.  Try some tough love.



    Cherub - I''m genuinely interested to know why your three year sacrifice for our own good did not include friendlies?


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    [quote user="nutty nigel"]

    Cherub - I''m genuinely interested to know why your three year sacrifice for our own good did not include friendlies?


    Very simply - it was a moment of weakness. 


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    [quote user="canary cherub "]

    [quote user="nutty nigel"]

    Cherub - I''m genuinely interested to know why your three year sacrifice for our own good did not include friendlies?


    Very simply - it was a moment of weakness. 



    We all have ''em[;)]

    I nearly had one today. I actually thought twice about going to Yeovil tomorrow but I fought off the demons and I''m still going.


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    But thats the issue right now, we did play well against Wigan but did not on Saturday.  How will you feel if we turn Yeovil over 4-0?  Back to being optimistic?  Are we turning into game-by-game yo-yo fans?[quote user="pete_norw"][quote user="canary cherub "]

    [quote user="JTG"][quote]I''m afraid that''s absolute bollox. As a paying customer, I have more right to complain than those that did not renew...[/quote]Spot on.I renewed my season ticket because I love football, I want to watch live football and the only live football (apart from England) I am interested in watching is that of the club I love. I also want to support my team from the stands. Stop trying to justify being an arm chair supporter. [/quote]

    Can''t you see that you''re making things worse?? 

    The owners of the club are only interested in staying solvent so that they can keep control.  Football is way down the agenda.  If you continue to shove money into their hands you cannot avoid colluding with them.  It''s a horrible situation they''ve put us in.

    I understand why you do it.  After three years boycotting I miss it terribly.  I went to the Wigan friendly and after the game actually went into the ticket office to enquire about a season ticket. [:$]  Fortunately (as it turned out) the seat I wanted was taken and I went away to think about three other options, by which time sanity had returned thank goodness.

    It''s like having a morbidly obese child and continuing to stuff it with junk food.  Try some tough love.



    At the Wigan game Iwas jumping up and down shouting Can we play you every week,

     the trip home was full of optimistic views, and plans for the away games to go to,

     Saturdays trip home was full of sorrow and tears, yes from me, I love my club and it is being murdered   


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    [quote user="rjwc22"]What an unoriginal and factually inaccurate post. You might as well say that anyone who has participated in the Pinkun message board is supporting the board or that anyone who has not burnt their shirt. I think one could also make the point that it is only those people who attend matches, buy season tickets and generally have a financial stake in the company that are enfranchised to make any comment on the running of the team or club. Or you could just say at least you managed to post that rubbish with just the one spelling mistake. Enjoy your summer holidays son.[/quote]


    What a plonker.You didn''t attend the game on Saturday as you have already alluded to on a previous thread. So why should you comment.

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    [quote user="''Ackney Canary"]I''m afraid that''s absolute bollox. As a paying customer, I have more right to complain than those that did not renew...

    Just because you haven''t got a season ticket it doesn''t mean you''re not a paying customer, after having a season ticket for 37 years I decided that enough is enough and as my own form of protest against the clowns that run this club I didn''t renew my season ticket. I bought a super membership intending to go to every game, I don''t think that makes me any less of a fan than I have been for the last 37 years. It probably makes me more of a sensible one in that if things are as bad this year as they have been fo far to long now I don''t feel obliged to attend just because I''ve already paid for my ticket.

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    [quote user="ref89"]But thats the issue right now, we did play well against Wigan but did not on Saturday.  How will you feel if we turn Yeovil over 4-0?  Back to being optimistic?  Are we turning into game-by-game yo-yo fans?


    They played well against Wigan (and throughout preseason) when there was no pressure.  On Saturday when there was pressure (of the right kind) they went to pieces.  What does that tell you?  That we have some players of moderate ability but not the right temperament to play professional football at this level.  Players who were released from other clubs, not because they couldn''t trap a bag of sand but because they lacked bottle.  We appear toi have too many players of that ilk in this squad to give us any reason for optimism.


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    [quote user="canary cherub "][quote user="ref89"]But thats the issue right now, we did play well against Wigan but did not on Saturday.  How will you feel if we turn Yeovil over 4-0?  Back to being optimistic?  Are we turning into game-by-game yo-yo fans?


    They played well against Wigan (and throughout preseason) when there was no pressure.  On Saturday when there was pressure (of the right kind) they went to pieces.  What does that tell you?  That we have some players of moderate ability but not the right temperament to play professional football at this level.  Players who were released from other clubs, not because they couldn''t trap a bag of sand but because they lacked bottle.  We appear toi have too many players of that ilk in this squad to give us any reason for optimism.


    [/quote] That hardly goes along with Gunns assertions that hes only signed winners and leaders of men does it .

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    Its not fans renewing that irks so much, its how they jump at the boards early renewal ''blackmail'' policy..........take it to the wire would send a clearer message in my opinion. 

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    [quote user="Ren"]Yeah but why pay more, just to send a message?[/quote]

    Because Ren, thats all we have left to argue with maybe, but, I''m only a lowly member.............but that still gets me inside Carrow Road!

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    Well I''ve got a solution for all this. If you only attend home games why not boycott them, don''t renew your season ticket, and go to all the away games instead. That will send a clear message to the board and not only that but it will also "hit them where it hurts"! It will cost you a lot more but you will have the satisfaction of knowing the club won''t get a penny of that money so must be a good deal[Y]

    For those who already go to home and away games I''m afraid I have  no further advice to give. You are beyond help and deserve every defeat that comes your way.

    See you all at Yeovil?



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    [quote user="nutty nigel"]

    Well I''ve got a solution for all this. If you only attend home games why not boycott them, don''t renew your season ticket, and go to all the away games instead. That will send a clear message to the board and not only that but it will also "hit them where it hurts"! It will cost you a lot more but you will have the satisfaction of knowing the club won''t get a penny of that money so must be a good deal[Y]

    For those who already go to home and away games I''m afraid I have  no further advice to give. You are beyond help and deserve every defeat that comes your way.

    See you all at Yeovil?





    Did that last season for maybe a dozen matches, but unless a lot of others follow suit then it''s pointless

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    [quote user="WeAreYellows49"][quote user="nutty nigel"]

    Well I''ve got a solution for all this. If you only attend home games why not boycott them, don''t renew your season ticket, and go to all the away games instead. That will send a clear message to the board and not only that but it will also "hit them where it hurts"! It will cost you a lot more but you will have the satisfaction of knowing the club won''t get a penny of that money so must be a good deal[Y]

    For those who already go to home and away games I''m afraid I have  no further advice to give. You are beyond help and deserve every defeat that comes your way.

    See you all at Yeovil?





    Did that last season for maybe a dozen matches, but unless a lot of others follow suit then it''s pointless


    I''ve often thought about going to away games only, but putting money into our rivals'' pockets on a regular basis whilst depriving my own club doesn''t sit easily with me.  There are limits.


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