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mighty yellow

Spelling and Grammar

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When did spelling and grammar become so unimportant on this board?No-one minds the odd mistake, or a misplaced apostrophe every now and again, but as soon as I read some of the "ENUFF SED" crap on this board I have no interest in what people are saying.The number of rumours written in incomprehensible language is ridiculous. Do people really think they are believable when they can''t even spell? Rant over.

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It has always been important to me,

 I''m afraid correctness in grammar and spelling is a dying art, the schools don''t seem to bother too much, (if my grandson''s homework is anything to go by), so we can''t really blame the youngsters of today can we ?



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[quote user="mighty yellow"]When did spelling and grammar become so unimportant on this board?

No-one minds the odd mistake, or a misplaced apostrophe every now and again, but as soon as I read some of the "ENUFF SED" crap on this board I have no interest in what people are saying.

The number of rumours written in incomprehensible language is ridiculous. Do people really think they are believable when they can''t even spell? Rant over.

Started a thread earlier but it got moved.

Some University Lecturer has said that spelling is not important. Possibly because half his students can''t spell or put a sentence together.

Same as that Dyslexic trainee doctor complaining about the exams.(Not being able to read the multiple choice questions) What was that drug you prescribed?

Standards have dropped so much along with the respec bro.



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[quote user="timncfc"]as long as we can understand it, thats all that matters,really does not bother me[/quote]To an extent, you are correct. I suppose my main argument is against the people who post rumours and can''t spell, or post in capitals etc. If people want credibility, spell check your stuff. I would never openly criticise for spelling something wrong.For the record, I am 20 years old. Not everyone my age iz a compleat tard bruv, ya gt me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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They used to stress the 3 ''R''s in school, reading writing and arithmatic.  Since the last 2 don''t even begin with ''R'', I used to joke that they needed to add a 4th ''R'' - Spelling.

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Any particular reason for capitalising the ''G'' in ''Grammar'' when it''s not a proper noun?

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[quote user="Houston Canary"]They used to stress the 3 ''R''s in school, reading writing and arithmatic.  Since the last 2 don''t even begin with ''R'', I used to joke that they needed to add a 4th ''R'' - Spelling.[/quote]

Brilliant. I did laugh at that!

nb: I didn''t ''lol''. I laughed. Textspeak is another curse that is creeping into the English language. Christ, I worked in a mobile phone retailer for 3 years & didn''t understand what 95% of it means. Ah well, the ''yoooof'' of today I suppose.......

Oh & I''m only 27 & some of my friends mock my text messages for having full well articulated sentences in them rather than a batch of randomnly mixed up letters.

So LOL, TB, LMAO & various other things.

I''ll get down from my horse that isn''t very close to the ground.

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Remember, some people will be dyslexic which is different from those using text speak.

I once knew a dyslexic chap who was also agnostic and an insomniac: he was kept awake at night wondering if there really was a doG.

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[quote user="NorwichsNewFinest"]

Oh & I''m only 27 & some of my friends mock my text messages for having full well articulated sentences in them rather than a batch of randomnly mixed up letters.

[/quote]I''m 21 but unlike pretty much everyone I know I also use proper sentences, spelling and grammar in text messages. It''s like trying to read a foreign language sometimes, reading some of the texts I get.(Though I admit to using ''lol'', ''tbh'', ''atm'' and ''btw'' on occasion...)

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[quote user="Coelho"]Any particular reason for capitalising the ''G'' in ''Grammar'' when it''s not a proper noun?[/quote]I''m guessing that it was capitalised because the OP used it in a title. You''ll note yourself that the OP does not capitalise the ''g'' in his actual post.

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Any particular reason for capitalising the ''G'' in ''Grammar'' when it''s not a proper noun? - Coelho

You being wacky?  It''s part of the title if you''re not.  Unless you refer to Kelsey Grammer, in which case it IS a proper noun.


Thanks for the comment, NNF.

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[quote user="NorwichsNewFinest"]

[quote user="Houston Canary"]They used to stress the 3 ''R''s in school, reading writing and arithmatic.  Since the last 2 don''t even begin with ''R'', I used to joke that they needed to add a 4th ''R'' - Spelling.[/quote]

Brilliant. I did laugh at that!

nb: I didn''t ''lol''. I laughed. Textspeak is another curse that is creeping into the English language. Christ, I worked in a mobile phone retailer for 3 years & didn''t understand what 95% of it means. Ah well, the ''yoooof'' of today I suppose.......

Oh & I''m only 27 & some of my friends mock my text messages for having full well articulated sentences in them rather than a batch of randomnly mixed up letters.

So LOL, TB, LMAO & various other things.

I''ll get down from my horse that isn''t very close to the ground.

[/quote]''Text speak'' is the bane of my life! I can kind of understand it if the person in question has a sound grasp of the English language and uses it in SMSs because it''s quicker to input, but the worrying thing is the amount of kids that use it as a more general form of communication. It''s only going to become more widespread as our forms of communication focus more heavily on electronic means; the death of handwriting is another thing that worries me. I really miss getting hand-written letters like I used to when I was a kid (which wasn''t all that long ago!).

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[quote user="Houston Canary"]

Any particular reason for capitalising the ''G'' in ''Grammar'' when it''s not a proper noun? - Coelho

You being wacky?  It''s part of the title if you''re not.  Unless you refer to Kelsey Grammer, in which case it IS a proper noun.


Thanks for the comment, NNF.

[/quote]Take half a dozen magazines or newspapers at random (not the red-tops, as they tend to be block capitals), look at the headlines of the articles, and tell me what percentage of them capitalise every noun in those headlines. Maybe it''s different in the States, I''m not sure, but certainly over here it''s generally frowned upon in publishing. I''m very much enjoying this thread; I''m interested in discussing it. I''m not just trying to be confrontational.

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Coelho wrote

''Text speak'' is the bane of my life! I can kind of understand it if the person in question has a sound grasp of the English language and uses it in SMSs because it''s quicker to input, but the worrying thing is the amount of kids that use it as a more general form of communication. It''s only going to become more widespread as our forms of communication focus more heavily on electronic means; the death of handwriting is another thing that worries me. I really miss getting hand-written letters like I used to when I was a kid (which wasn''t all that long ago!).

So true, electronic means are fine but you ca''nt beat a proper hand job in the first person!

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[quote user="RUDOLPH HUCKER"]

Coelho wrote

''Text speak'' is the bane of my life! I can kind of understand it if the person in question has a sound grasp of the English language and uses it in SMSs because it''s quicker to input, but the worrying thing is the amount of kids that use it as a more general form of communication. It''s only going to become more widespread as our forms of communication focus more heavily on electronic means; the death of handwriting is another thing that worries me. I really miss getting hand-written letters like I used to when I was a kid (which wasn''t all that long ago!).

So true, electronic means are fine but you ca''nt beat a proper hand job in the first person!

[/quote]I just laughed out loud. Or ''LOLZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!111'', as the youth would say.

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[quote user="mighty yellow"]When did spelling and grammar become so unimportant on this board?

No-one minds the odd mistake, or a misplaced apostrophe every now and again, but as soon as I read some of the "ENUFF SED" crap on this board I have no interest in what people are saying.

The number of rumours written in incomprehensible language is ridiculous. Do people really think they are believable when they can''t even spell? Rant over.

Hear, Hear! In all honesty I totally agree.

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 Maybe it''s different in the States, I''m not sure, - Coelho

I had not ever thought of it regarding circulars, but you are right.  I just checked today''s paper after retrieving it from the recycling pile, and the headlines were either written Like this or LIKE THIS but Not Like This. I wonder why proper title writing would be frowned upon by the papers.

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[quote user="Houston Canary"]

 Maybe it''s different in the States, I''m not sure, - Coelho

I had not ever thought of it regarding circulars, but you are right.  I just checked today''s paper after retrieving it from the recycling pile, and the headlines were either written Like this or LIKE THIS but Not Like This. I wonder why proper title writing would be frowned upon by the papers.

[/quote]I actually work as a freelance editor in magazine publishing myself, so I do speak from experience, and overuse of capital letters is one of the most common problems in raw copy. In my eyes, a capital letter is crying out for attention, and should be used as sparingly as possible. In terms of headlines specifically, the fact that the word is in huge bold text at the top of the page should be emphasis enough. The Capital Letter Headline is adding extra emphasis to a word that is already emphasised, and therefore is unnecessary. That''s my take on the situation, anyway.

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[quote user="Coelho"]Any particular reason for capitalising the ''G'' in ''Grammar'' when it''s not a proper noun?[/quote]I noticed I had done this straight after I had posted. Obviously as I was writing a post on the use of correct English I was very careful with my post, but I typed the title straight away and didn''t notice I had capitalised ''grammar'' until after clicking post.I am not sure why I did this. I suppose it is because subconciously I thought it was correct. I am still not sure it is a mistake. Any true English boffins have the answer?Reading it now, I suppose it is because ''Spelling'' and ''Grammar'' are the two things I wished to discuss in my post.Not sure how interesting this is, makes a change from talking about Shola though... [:)]

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[quote user="mighty yellow"][quote user="Coelho"]Any particular reason for capitalising the ''G'' in ''Grammar'' when it''s not a proper noun?[/quote]I noticed I had done this straight after I had posted. Obviously as I was writing a post on the use of correct English I was very careful with my post, but I typed the title straight away and didn''t notice I had capitalised ''grammar'' until after clicking post.I am not sure why I did this. I suppose it is because subconciously I thought it was correct. I am still not sure it is a mistake. Any true English boffins have the answer?Reading it now, I suppose it is because ''Spelling'' and ''Grammar'' are the two things I wished to discuss in my post.Not sure how interesting this is, makes a change from talking about Shola though... [:)][/quote]See my post above. I understand your thought process was to give both subject matters parity, but the only reason for capitalising ''Spelling'' is because it is at the start of the sentence. That may leave our friend grammar feeling a little undernourished, but I actually find its understated elegance quite pleasing to the eye. Sorry, I can''t help myself, it''s my drug... [;)]

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I''ve got alot of love for a well rounded debate on here. How long it will stay that way thought one wonders? Tis the school holidays after all?

Ok, so another gripe of mine to add to the ''Death of'', is the death of the phone conversation. Nothing (other than textspeak) could annoy me more than when you call a friend & it goes straight to voicemail and yet seconds after you''ve put the phone down you receive a text message from that person saying something like ''Wht U wnt''  (See what I did there!!!!). Why not call me back. I don''t want to spend the next 15 minutes having a conversation via text messages when I can have the same conversation in 3 minutes over the phone for half the cost!

I''m feeling really ranty tonight.

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fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulactly uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a r scheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno''t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh?

Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

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[quote user="NorwichsNewFinest"]

I''ve got alot of love for a well rounded debate on here. How long it will stay that way thought one wonders? Tis the school holidays after all?

Ok, so another gripe of mine to add to the ''Death of'', is the death of the phone conversation. Nothing (other than textspeak) could annoy me more than when you call a friend & it goes straight to voicemail and yet seconds after you''ve put the phone down you receive a text message from that person saying something like ''Wht U wnt''  (See what I did there!!!!). Why not call me back. I don''t want to spend the next 15 minutes having a conversation via text messages when I can have the same conversation in 3 minutes over the phone for half the cost!

I''m feeling really ranty tonight.

[/quote]''A lot'' should be two separate words. ''Well rounded'' would be better hyphenated, as it''s a compound adjective. Of course you meant ''though'' instead of ''thought'', and personally I''d have encased ''though'' with commas to aid clarity. Finally, ''Tis'' should be preceded by an apostrophe, as technically it''s an abbrevation of ''it is''. My point here is not to belittle you at all, but merely to make people realise how much effort is involved in editing copy from people with a poorer grasp of the language. Your English is clearly excellent in general, but it is incredibly difficult to get it right all the time, so we shouldn''t be too pedantic with our esteemed fellow posters.By the way, I fully expect to get flamed the next time I make an axy-dental mistake. It doesn''t happen often; when it does, my mates always rinse me for it!

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[quote user="Coelho"][quote user="mighty yellow"][quote user="Coelho"]Any particular reason for capitalising the ''G'' in ''Grammar'' when it''s not a proper noun?[/quote]I noticed I had done this straight after I had posted. Obviously as I was writing a post on the use of correct English I was very careful with my post, but I typed the title straight away and didn''t notice I had capitalised ''grammar'' until after clicking post.I am not sure why I did this. I suppose it is because subconciously I thought it was correct. I am still not sure it is a mistake. Any true English boffins have the answer?Reading it now, I suppose it is because ''Spelling'' and ''Grammar'' are the two things I wished to discuss in my post.Not sure how interesting this is, makes a change from talking about Shola though... [:)][/quote]See my post above. I understand your thought process was to give both subject matters parity, but the only reason for capitalising ''Spelling'' is because it is at the start of the sentence. That may leave our friend grammar feeling a little undernourished, but I actually find its understated elegance quite pleasing to the eye. Sorry, I can''t help myself, it''s my drug... [;)][/quote]I think you are correct with me looking for parity. I typed it out and unlike yourself I just don''t like the look of it without both in capitals.

However, my capitalisation of ''grammar'' is indeed incorrect, thus making me look somewhat silly.

However, had I written ''Spelling'' and ''Grammar'', now they are seperate, do you think this would now be correct? I am happy that this is what I should have done, please feel free to correct me though.To the poster who misses phone calls, I agree to an extent. I would go one further though, and say what ever happened to actually meeting up with people face to face. ''It''s good to talk'' apparently...does it have to be on the phone?

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