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January Transfer Window

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Im guessing as it stands its looking like January transfer windows wasn't as successful as we would have hoped.

Selling Placheta now looks a mistake as no fit out and out wingers left in squad if Sainz is out for 4 games.

Idah v Van H - i'd rather have Idah off the bench right now.

Poor Danny Baath really should have been moved on , even Sorenson is now in front of him in pecking order.

Kamara and Tzolis .... maybe would have been worth looking at them being recalled.

Thoughts ?




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I think people need to forget about Tzolis, whether he's good enough isn't the question but he clearly hated his time here and will never play for us again. 

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13 minutes ago, Wimbledoncanary said:

Kamara and Tzolis .... maybe would have been worth looking at them being recalled.





We might not be allowed to recall them, depends what the agreement was.

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I feel a bit sorry for Knapper with January in that he was put in tough position.

On January 1st we were 13th and in average at best form having just lost to an average Millwall side who got reduced to 10 men. I was of the opinion January was ripe for consolidation and preparing for a proper promotion push next season by clearing out some dead wood. By the end of the month we'd picked up wins over Hull and West Brom and found ourselves 8th and in with a decent chance of top 6 which changed the plans.

I don't think it would have been good to have thrown out pre existing plans and gambled on a short term resurgence at that point but we probably could have done with a loan or two who could have hit the ground running and added something straight away- not a big ticket guy like Carvalho at Hull but maybe someone like Mikey Johnston who ended up at West Brom or Sarmiento who went to Ipswich.

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2 minutes ago, king canary said:

I feel a bit sorry for Knapper with January in that he was put in tough position.

On January 1st we were 13th and in average at best form having just lost to an average Millwall side who got reduced to 10 men. I was of the opinion January was ripe for consolidation and preparing for a proper promotion push next season by clearing out some dead wood. By the end of the month we'd picked up wins over Hull and West Brom and found ourselves 8th and in with a decent chance of top 6 which changed the plans.

I don't think it would have been good to have thrown out pre existing plans and gambled on a short term resurgence at that point but we probably could have done with a loan or two who could have hit the ground running and added something straight away- not a big ticket guy like Carvalho at Hull but maybe someone like Mikey Johnston who ended up at West Brom or Sarmiento who went to Ipswich.

The only thing I’d say, because I generally agree with all this. Is that Wagner was vocally warning about the number of bodies and that’s proved to be correct.

Plus for a club that’s been pushing the top 6 message for so long to do nothing when we were and are actually competing for it was poor IMO. I agree 1 (maybe 2) good loanee could prove to have been the difference.

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52 minutes ago, Wimbledoncanary said:

Im guessing as it stands its looking like January transfer windows wasn't as successful as we would have hoped.

Selling Placheta now looks a mistake as no fit out and out wingers left in squad if Sainz is out for 4 games.

Idah v Van H - i'd rather have Idah off the bench right now.

Poor Danny Baath really should have been moved on , even Sorenson is now in front of him in pecking order.

Kamara and Tzolis .... maybe would have been worth looking at them being recalled.

Thoughts ?




Don't think there's much in this to be honest.

The Placheta one is hindsight at best. You can't base your transfer strategy on 'what happens if three of our best four options for two positions are all out at the same time?' - you'd have a squad of fifty if you did that. And putting it unkindly, Placheta is rubbish. Putting it more kindly, he's completely unsuited to the inverted wingers we play. No loss.

Idah vs SvH - I agree. Have said elsewhere this is clearly a long-term move by the Sporting Director, for good or ill. In the short term it definitely weakens our options.

The others, I don't see how it makes any difference to our season. Baath is just a non-event, I'm sure we'd have moved him on if we could but I doubt anyone wanted him. Can't see either Kamara or Tzolis making any kind of difference


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If no big signings I was at least hoping for some interesting loans. It was non event and with injuries and suspensions looks like costing us dearly.

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The Binners have had a relaunch due to the Jan window 
We swapped a player who could make a difference to one that isn’t anywhere near ready. 
If you are looking for comparison there you have it . 
gives me the right hump. 

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I think the big difference with this season compared to previous ones is that we have usually been pretty good at balancing both the long term and the short term. Certainly in the championship we always had a young team where you could say that if things don't work out this year the foundation is there for the next, that's what we had at the end of last season. People said we needed more experience but ultimately we went too far in the other direction. How many of the current starting XI could be regulars in a contending side next season at the earliest, if we have to take a step back you're probably looking at the season after that. But not only are we an old team, we weren't in a particularly advantageous spot. The club/Knapper will have projections to look at and the chances of us getting promoted were probably slim enough that he decided to start looking towards next season. Had we been comfortably in the top 6 I think we'd have maybe done more, but the reality of the situation dictated otherwise.

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Was Idah suddenly the answer when most on  here could not wait to get on his back the minute he stepped on the pitch?

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3 hours ago, duke63 said:

Was Idah suddenly the answer when most on  here could not wait to get on his back the minute he stepped on the pitch?

No,he was'nt. The summer transfer window is were we really f£%ked it up! We all knew then we needed another decent striker,just in case of an injury to Sargent.

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4 hours ago, Monty13 said:

The only thing I’d say, because I generally agree with all this. Is that Wagner was vocally warning about the number of bodies and that’s proved to be correct.

Plus for a club that’s been pushing the top 6 message for so long to do nothing when we were and are actually competing for it was poor IMO. I agree 1 (maybe 2) good loanee could prove to have been the difference.

Yep, I have zero sympathy for Knapper when his solution to loaning out Idah (if we believe we had no choice as he forced it) was to bring in a completely different style of striker who'd never played English football and looks painfully short of match fitness.

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3 hours ago, Graham Paddons Beard said:

The Binners have had a relaunch due to the Jan window 
We swapped a player who could make a difference to one that isn’t anywhere near ready. 
If you are looking for comparison there you have it . 
gives me the right hump. 

Exactly this. You could forgive not hugely strengthening because playoffs looked a long shot but to go and weaken us is a really poor start to Knappers time here.

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