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hertfordyellow last won the day on March 6 2022

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  1. Thats my point. Average Italian sides get over the line, Average Portugal sides get over the line, Even this Spain side isn't a well polished winning machine. If we have the mentality of these teams we would have had our share of the wins IMO.
  2. Spain, France, Germany, Italy regularly win tournaments, we should be in that mix. Its not a lack of players, facilities, preparation. It's mentality. Some very average sides have won the Euro's, yet they've shown resolve to win come what may.
  3. We should be competing to win at every tournament. It's not unrealistic with the resources available to us. I think GS did well to create a team (not just individuals) which was always our problem before. Push comes to shove his pessimistic approach to big games shackled players. He leaves the job having made a meaningful impact and I'm grateful for his involvement
  4. if you go to your basket, it says you can't as you can only but one ticket. Very odd.
  5. It's saying I can only purchase 1 ticket on ticket website. Is this normal?
  6. Are we in a stronger position than last time we went up squad wise? Maybe. The big players from last time were, Pukki, Buendia and Skipp. Buendia and Skipp would leave before the season and Pukki wasn’t as effective without the other players (although did his best). I would argue Sargent is a more complete striker and more useful in the premiership than Pukki. Rowe is a better overall prospect than Cantwell. Sara and Nunez have the potential add a sprinkle of quality. Then there is Tzolis. He’s had a banging season out on loan. Could he add a new dynamic? We don’t know, all we know is he’s older and more confident this time round. Gunn, McClean, Dimi, Gibson are more aware of the task in hand. We need to plug gaps in defence and midfield but I don’t think we are in a worse position squad wise.
  7. It feels like Murphy's season at Coventry. Went from potential into first team ready.
  8. We’ve had spirited away performances before, we’ve also crumbled and lost games we were leading. It’s the inconsistency that means we are mid table. I’m glad you are optimistic, but for me, there is no reason to believe this is the Norwich way going forward, when we have seen so many different (or indifferent) Norwich’s this season.
  9. Remember when Webber p**sed the money up the wall by signing him for 5 million. Webber out!
  10. Ben Knapper shouldn't make it past his probation. I understand Rome isn't built in a day, but the way he has allowed things to just drift, no communication, seemingly given up on this season and expecting the fans to just turn up is naive. He is out of his depth.
  11. Keeping Rowe, Sara and Sargent this window is more important than getting anyone in IMO. Not very inspiring, but thats where we are.
  12. Webber up a mountain in 2022: 'He needs to be more involved, he's never here', Webber up a mountain in 2024: 'He is clearly too involved, he never left'
  13. I'm loving these comments about Webber still pulling the strings at the club. You wanted him gone, he was the barrier to success and needed to be removed, now things are worse, the only reason this could possibly be the case is if...... Webber never left of course. It's verging on manic hatred now. Ben Knapper has the job, has communicated absolutely nothing, seemingly a rabbit caught in the headlights when it comes to changing a clearly broken first-team.... and its Webber who is the problem.
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