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Everything posted by Surfer

  1. Huddersfield have an option to buy don’t they?
  2. Fox News "Fair and Balanced" Ah bless
  3. Well maybe in mental health you don't have patients with a physical illness, recent surgery, or other vulnerabilities to consider.
  4. And as evidence of waaaay right from there I offer your one Tucker Carlson of Fox News. Why does Rupert Murdoch allow his prime time presenter to spout Putin's propaganda?
  5. Tzolis should be in for Pukki rather than Idah based on the evidence of the last game. No, I wouldn’t do that either. You’re welcome.
  6. I agree we should, and if the explanations start out as "the government will track my movements" or "it's my body, my choice" then we'll know it's a whole load of social media amplified BS.... I bet there are not anywhere near 80,000 front-line staff with genuine medical reasons not to be vaccinated. And strangely their issue seems to only be with this vaccine .... p.s. the first duty of all medical staff is "do no harm" - knowingly raising the risk of transmitting a highly infectious and potentially deadly disease to vulnerable patients seems to violate that basic principle does it not?
  7. CNN and MSNBC are very left leaning 🙂 that’s funny. The entire American political ecosystem starts right of center and goes waaaay right from there.
  8. Buh, that’s quite a jump from requiring specific occupations to have minimum qualifications and vaccination status.
  9. You do realize that is 3/4 of the way to being a copy of the EU flag don’t you?
  10. Maybe health care workers who don’t care about the health of their patients should find another occupation….
  11. And?….. Biden today held the longest press conference of any US President and demonstrated civility, respect, humility and a grasp of the key issues facing the nation. The fact the US media is on a mission to tear him down is not something he can control.
  12. A very bad day for the Trump family ....
  13. Well, that's an even more reasonable requirement then.
  14. I see the Tory press are in full “ we have every confidence in the manager “ mode … only ends one way doesn’t it?
  15. Well a couple of points here - the first is there are many types of people (job types) employed by the NHS, this does not mean they are all nurses or doctors. The second is the outcome is in their hands. This is their choice, and it is their choice, not their employer - the NHS’s duty of care is not to them, it is to patients health.
  16. Yeah, why write about the real world that's full of difficult issues when they can just click bait hook the readers on a soap opera of who said what to whom and when ... you may be on to something RTB.
  17. The US media seriously need to come up with another story - "Democrats in disarray" has been a constant refrain for at least the past 30 years. As we learned from Trump, a President can be impeached on a simple majority in the House, the Republicans will do that to extract "revenge", but it takes 60 votes in the Senate to convict a President, and the Republicans only have 50. So just more nonsense, maybe the papers could write about what's happening in the real world.
  18. Proper measurements them, nothing wrong in using them (which we always could) However I'd also prefer to be in a stable trading block and have a stable government too. But it's "destroy the B's" day today - bees and BBC - to distract from yet more Boris lies.
  19. Hey Swindon, a proper YouTube video for you ... just a brilliant economic strategy playing out here. Like many right wing political systems making a moderately successful country out of a strong one.
  20. Well we tried so, so hard to let America's team win that game, but despite our best efforts the Cowboys still managed to 'own the libs' and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. So on to Green Bay eh?
  21. By that answer I take it that you are either a coup sympathizer or delusional. If you read the link above you would already know the Arizona Republicans were one of 7 States that sent in false certifications stating that Trump, not Biden won the 2020 Presidential election in their state. If coup planners are not prosecuted they will try again, Weimar Germany a very obvious example of that.
  22. And more .... https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1482383205181366278
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