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Winning 25

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Everything posted by Winning 25

  1. Thorpe end canary. Had you been a fan of Norwich, before Paul Lambert took charge? Just curious
  2. Let''s just win the next two. So that we''re all but mathematically safe, by 5pm the 22nd March!
  3. Southampon last 8 Home Premier League- W1 D3 L4 Norwich last 8 Away Premier League- W1 D2 L5 Still think we might struggle, but there is some hope.
  4. 190-1, 1-0 and Bassong to score first. Wow thanks LDC! I remember that thread a couple of months back. You stated your winning totals over the last couple of season''s, betting on our result''s. Into the thousands of pounds all up, if I recall correctly? You shouldn''t feel pressured to share your rare and unique gift, but I think we should all feel privileged that you''ve taken to tipping us this week.
  5. Really some funny comeback stuff there, Houston Canary. Just the 9 hours to come up with! Don''t go and quit the day job now will you. Unless of course, your day job is writing jokes
  6. Ok Houston Canary, the whole age of the internet is creepy though isn''t it. I find Facebook creepy. Probably Morty''s just very passionate about Norwich City FC.
  7. Le Jude. I bet you can''t wait for the team to get relegated. You can then say ''I told you so'' 5000 times this summer, blaming everyone who ever doubted your negative outlook on the forum. Regarding LDC. The post''s I''ve read from him, I feel he is being positive. Which is a refreshing change to 90% of everything there is to read.
  8. Nothing on physioroom.com as yet. Really important player for us.
  9. And another one against West Brom to rearrange on top of that.
  10. Yes totally agree with Gingerpele. We are in a tough league and reading this forum you''d think we''ve been in the bottom 3 all season, with little chance of survival. 8.5 million doesn''t guarantee anything in the modern day Premiership. Cardiff spent that on there young Danish forward in the summer, and let him go for nothing in January. In fact Cardiff have spent more than Norwich, so what must there fans be felling? Soldado cost 3 times that, and has done no more than Ricky. Remember Iwan Roberts only scored 5 in the championship in his first season, and went on the be a hall of famer! Who say''s that with some deadwood shifted in the summer, and 2 or 3 class arrivals that we can''t improve, the team and the service to the strikers? Mcnally has already stated that the club was close to signing a big name creative midfielder a month or so ago. Agree this forum is too downbeat. From supporting Norwich in about 94/95, I missed out and had to endure mediocrity in the championship for the most part of 15 years. I can''t imagine us pushing for Europe, especially with the money in English football now. All in all, i''m just happy to see us in it, looking likely to survive and build again.
  11. Yes, we don''t necessarily need 10 more point''s to survive. Which is what I''ve heard from other people as a minimum required. My only real concern would be if Tetty got injured again.
  12. Well let''s all go and have a bet on it @66/1 then, if sport''s journalist Neil Custis said so. Rubbish. Oh yea... Let''s replace a proven manager, with an unproven one! Tim Sherwood will only come to Norwich if we are relegated.
  13. Rather have Chris Hughton at the club than Wes now. At least until the end of the season. He is the manager and the team need to back him to survive relegation. Would only play Wes at Carrow Road against the ''lesser'' teams, where he is most effective. He also played 70 odd minutes for Ireland midweek, and may have been tiring, as he did against Villa. If you want to blame anyone for the point''s dropped from a winning position. It was Bassong''s fault.
  14. Sunderland 38 points- Favorable home fixtures, although not expecting them to win them all due to fixture congestion, and poor home form this season..................... West Brom 37 points- A couple more wins for them, and 6 draws...................... Norwich 35 points- 4 points from the next 2 home games against Sunderland and West Brom, 2 points from Swansea, Fulham or Arsenal............... Crystal Palace 34 points- Only 7 more points for them. 1 more result from their 4 remaining home games, against Villa, with loses to Chelsea, Man City and Liverpool.......................... Cardiff 34 points- Palace and Stoke.still to play at home. Fortunately we have a 4 point gap on them at this stage of the season.................... Fulham, already relegated. Glad in a way they didn''t beat Cardiff with some very winnable home fixtures left for them to play, but 12 more points maximum...................... This is how I think it might end up, after studying the fixture list'' for a hour or so and taking a few variables into account. Think I''ve been quite optimistic in favor of the other teams. Does anyone fell 6 more points will be enough?
  15. Don''t give up the day job Wishbone. He didn''t even perform fer e well on the day!
  16. Good post, interesting stats. Hull do seem to struggle away. Palace also have a harder 2nd half of the season, In that most of their points have come from their home games against the teams around them. Now they have to play all the unbeatable sides at home, and their relegation rivals will be looking for revenge on their travels. Wouldn''t be surprised if it''s the 3 that came up, going back down. Bookies have us at about 4/1 so i''m not going to panic just yet.
  17. Maybe a surprise new signing to play in the middle, before the window slams shut in about 40 hours!
  18. Thanks swindoncanary, although it has E Bennett, supposedly back on the 11th Feb (West Ham away game I think.) Would be happy with that. Turner listed as back on the 23rd Feb too. How accurate is physio room. Surprised to see Bennett that soon!
  19. Any new news on his injury. Hughton mention Howson''s going to be out for a while at 1.54 of this you tube link, more than two weeks ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQHIMHoMo8U Think he''s a big miss and we could really do with him back sooner rather later. Could Gutierrez play his position in a 451?
  20. RVW is worth more than 3.5m, surely Kangaroo Court? I understand your frustrated he''s not scoring goals for Norwich every game, with his limited supply line. Come on man, there is no need to be so doom and gloom about it. Bergkamp started slowly for Arsemal. Zidane did so for Real Madrid. Give him time.
  21. Yes I can see your point Houston Canary in regards to entertaining football. Lambert''s teams have that advantage at the moment on us. Saying that football''s a funny old game and thing''s can change very quickly, so I''m rooting for Mr ''nice guy'' Hughton to be a success. I also think Hughton''s a good fit for the club in regards his personality. Yes your right though Houston Canary, each to their own opinion.
  22. Are you referring to Thorpe end canary by any chance Kangaroo Court? I read back his post''s on this thread after reading your point, which made some funny reading! Hahaha
  23. The thing was Houston Canary, you implied that Hughton inherited a better squad than Lambert at Villa. Which is very debatable, and on paper you are wrong. Alex Ferguson wasn''t sacked after 18 months. Hughton''s bringing young players through into the team and has coped well with injuries. Tetty''s coming back into the team, option of 451 which was working quite well, and some good football. You are just making the Lambert point of entertaining football after two contrasting games. Football strategies are a work in progress, and there''ll be up''s and down''s, 18 month''s isn''t such a long time. I won''t jump on the ''Hughton out'' bandwagon just yet. Cartman made a good point, you didn''t!
  24. I think you are the one who is confused Houston Canary.
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