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  1. Last I heard was that they''d only sold 4,000 and needed 13,000 to break even! It''s surprising that so few had been sold, but you''re right at that price it puts so many people off.
  2. There really isn''t much to choose between them but I would like to see Swindon join us. I think Danny Wilson is someone people want to play for so they''ll possibly do well and recruit next season. I don''t think I could face another game against the hamster face Jacket!
  3. He as good as said I''m signed for next season after he watched us play at Carrow Road on Friday! kerching! So yeah i''d def do it!
  4. I see that as someone posted on here a while back Semi''s contract was up in June, he''s now been released for sure:http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/southampton/8684649.stm!! Oh dear! Will another L1 team take pity?
  5. Maybe Doc''s against Soton in JPT? Or Holt''s v Millwall at home - Wes''s cross was simply perfection.You''re right though, I don''t think they''ll be one that everyone agrees on, can''t think of one magical, they''ve all been big team efforts.
  6. No thank you, not worth buying, we don''t need his type of play i don''t think.
  7. It''s too dreamy to contemplate! Would have been devastating! Any great striker needs quality deliveries in to him - that ocmbo would have defined it!
  8. Back then it was all so cheap to do!Back to this season, it''s such a commendable effort for us that have travelled all over this season, all very worthwhile too, must be the best in L1.
  9. The most likely thing is a civic reception on Monday 10th i think.
  10. Indeed! What a send off (just for the summer we hope) it would be!So many people have mentioned him up there for the award, maybe like me people voted for two people just so they can include him too.
  11. If Woodfordes are then that is quality! Does anyone know where the best place is to get beach balls, ticker tape etc?! Want to make Saturday a wash with colour!
  12. Will this mean that the chant will have to be changed "there''s more than 1 Paul Lambert, more than 1 Paauullll Laaaambert" ?! Or maybe even there''s 25,000 Paul Lamberts, 25,000 Paauuulll Laaaammberts" !!!Corporate hospitality sounds the place to be!
  13. Really? Who does he support then?! What a mad act if he wasn''t passionate about it all! It really signified everything was wrong when that happens!! You don''t just do it on a whim and yes it certainly did show everyone how bad things were so it did help for sure! That and all the aviva free flags gracing the urinals - nothing was more of a summary of feelings than that!
  14. Indeed! Does this mean the seating is at the end and the terrace around the corner? If so I won''t be changing my tickets if it is seating!
  15. Hard lines fella! And to think that is on a bank holiday too! Sounds unfair to me!
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