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Everything posted by ChelmsfordCanary

  1. All, I know that there are a fair number of posts on here already about the recent squad announcement, obviously congrats to John Ruddy you deserve it and I speak for all fans that Ruddy should be 2nd choice due to Green playing Championship football and not having the impact in previous appearances for England. My main point is regarding Holt.....now as a new England manager you need to have fresh ideas and pick a team thats yours. In my eyes Roys gone for a safe bet on players that have performed on past experiences with previous managers. Surely Holt would be the perfect player for Roy, if Holt had been picked, I like many others, would know he would have performed in the Euros and surely made Roy an instant success as manager. People may say I am biased but I am still shocked that sturridge, Crouch have been overlooked also. As a new manager surely he needs to make his own stamp not take the reigns from someone else. It was an easy option to pick the squad he did. I feel that Carroll does not deserve his place......what actually has he done? His main reason for other decision was purely based on choosing youth, then he goes and picks Gerrard, Parker etc. Like many other Norwich supporters I am gutted for holt and based on stats / performances this season Holt was up there with the best and he fails to be considered. I will be finding it hard to watch England and I do wish the squad the best of luck but feel alot of ''I told you so'' comments coming come the end of the tournament, when I fear the likes of Carroll fail to support Rooney and bring England success in the tournament.      
  2. Yeah did not think Johnson had a good game but he is always going to be a ''presence'' against a tough utd midfield. I think Johnson has been good for us but creating competition for places is what we want and what Lambert wants . So be it if Howson steps in and does well for us but everyone has off days. Wes is a good player and I believe this change was tactical due to formation change, but yes I agree that Jackson was a menace and worthy of his place.  
  3. Rubbish thread, narrow minded views, Hoolahan is a real asset to this club and when he came on against utd his passing reall opened utd up, he has great vision and a good pass on him. Alot of the formations centre around Hoolahan playing a massive part, when you slur a player for not being good enough you are slurring the managers decisions. In Lambert we trust, he has got us this far and to only lose two one to Utd who are a world class team is superb. He picks the team for the game and who is playing well at the time. Everytime Hoolahan gets slated it winds me up, he is a talent and I am glad we have him and we are not playing against him. So be it if Howson takes his position but having Hoolahan pressing him for a place will surely keep him on his toes.  
  4. The game changes so football clubs have too. I have had enough of lower leagues, we are finally where we belong. Yes I dont like the way players agents play a big part in football / wage demands etc, but we will have to grow and develop as a club, the premiership is where we can do that due to the lucrative financial position we will be in. Championship football you cant grow as a club, lets aim big and hope through a few successful years we are the team Norwich used to be and be proud of it. We have proved this season that you do not need big name signings you need grit, determination, no fear team attitude. Yes if we are to stay in the league we might need to strengthen with a couple of bigger names. This is where the manager, players board come in, why under acheive and drop to a league we know we do not belong, we have proved that this season.
  5. Chap at ticket office fulham said no segrigation and the neutral part will be Norwich anyhow, as previously posted it is an extension to the away end. If you had utd play there you would have more neutral support but that will not be the case, after the ballot unsuccessful people can get tickets in neutral area.   Ian d
  6. Hi all, Just purchased two tickets in block P4 row T right next to Norwich fans, I am a NCFC supporter but I am only a club member and did not want to take any chances, happy days, See you all then, Come on lets fill the neutral area!!!! Ian D
  7. All, For the Villa away game three of us are looking to catch a train from Chelmsford between 7:30 - 8:00am time to get across to Euston for a train to Birmingham departing Euston around about 9:30am (yet to be arranged). Is there any other lads going to the game that are travelling from Essex / Chelmsford, could be a good opportunity to have a few beers and a social on the way up to Villa. Let me know Cheers Ian D 
  8. Holt is god and will always get goals but Morsion is edging him at the moment, Holts a decent enough professional to realise this and will take his chances when they arise.... Just waiting for all the Morsion critics to start on Holt now oh dear hear we go!!
  9. Well, I never have slagged Morison off on here but sometimes have said that if Holt and Morison play up front that they need pace to compliment them. I thought Morison coped up front well with two big central defenders to cope with. The pace was provided by Pilkington, Bennett and Hoolahan running at their back four. I did think at times that their were oppotunities to get the ball in the box but their was no one there and defenders were all over Morison, so all we could do was hold up possession, but thats what you get, gaps if you play one up front. I thought it was brilliant Morisons goal and he slid in front of me and me mates in the Jarrold, we all went nuts!!! Patience perseverance and battling qualities....Morison has it, Holt is such a hero here at Norwich and rightly so due to what he has done for our club but the manager picks the team to win games. Holt knows this and he will get goals this season no doubt about it but Morison is edging him and earning his place, good luck to him, Now sssshhhhhhh where are those critics now, oh why buy Morison when we could but CMS, I think you have been silenced Great performance all round! Ian
  10. All round excellent performance, Where do you stop....... everyone had a great game, Hoolahan tireless running, creativity full of passion, same goes for Tierney a constant overlapping threat. Martin looked comfortable last night at the back, Barnett and Morison got much needed goals and Fox and Johnson solid holding the midfield together. Naughton looks a prize, lets hope we can keep him!! Tierney for me has been an absolutely top notch player for us, roll on Utd!!!!
  11. Guys, Both my dad and I are Club Members and have submitted a written application for the Villa away game. Do I stand a good chance of tickets for this game? I am travelling from Chelmsford for this game and hopefully going to join Capital Canaries and organise my train ticket through them. Is there anyone else heading up there from London. Never been to Villa and really looking forward to it. Ian D
  12. Excellent, I am sure it will be a great read, by a great player. I played in the same team as you for the Football Aid charity a year or so ago and you set up my goal!! It was really good to meet you and I thought what a great lad you are and how I could not keep up with you during the game!! Cheers I will get the Mrs to purchase a copy for me. Ian D  
  13. Guys, I am hopefully going to be successful in purchasing two tickets for the Villa game, once confirmed I was going to join Captial Canaries and apply for my train tickets through them as I believe its a £13 return to Villa. Does anyone know how you go about getting and receiving the train tickets, as not sure whether you get them posted to you or you meet the chap on the day. Help and advice needed. Ian D
  14. Fully understand your angle now chap, agreed...........
  15. I agree about Chris Martin in your post but you do not have to have played football or know people in the business to have an opinion on something. It just seems to give off a potentially boastful view of you and that your opinion or views mean more than others.  
  16. All, I believe goals will come from who ever plays up front they just need to settle down and get that first goal and more will follow. I do believe that Holt and Morisons work rate and how they hold up the ball is on par with each other, but I do believe Holt edges it for me, I think given Morisons chances Holt would score them in recent games. With Holt or Morison up front you need pace to compliment them, now whether that be Jackson or Vaughan who knows. I do believe Vaughan looks a player that we desperately need, pace strength determination but look where Jackson has got us, that great run in towards the end of the season, he deserves a chance. There has been alot of talk of premiership experience, our players are not premiership quality, well we competed against Chelsea and gave them a run for their money. Now the team is very young and Lambert is building solid foundations for years to come. Be it relegation or not we all follow the same team and wish them well, but look how much stronger we are now compared to two seasons ago, players, finances, good manager, profile. I believe the below team like many others would agree will im sure keep us up, if we get injuries I think we will need to strengthen the squad come January. My choice would be: Away From Home:                                                              Home:                Ruddy                                                                    Ruddy Naughton De Laet Barnett Tierney                   Naughton De Laet Barnett Tierney          Fox  Johnson                                          Bennett  Fox /Hoolahan Johnson Pilkington Bennett  Hoolahan Pilkington                                         Holt    Vaughan          Holt or Vaughan  
  17. Guys, Due to becoming a father this year, going to football is a bit non existent this year, went Chelsea and im going Sunderland at home with a mate. Now Im trying to get two tickets for Aston Villa away as a suprise for my father. I am not a club member or a season ticket holder. Now is it written application for this game? and does anyone know of anyone who could get hold of two tickets for me?? Please PM me if anyone can get hold of two for me.......I know they are not on sale yet and I just think they will not go to general sale. Ian D  
  18. Chelmsford City for me, home town club, always keep an eye on their results and pop to a few games.  
  19. Guys, PM me your numbers and I will drop you a text, So I will see Chelmsford Canary at the station for the 10:56pm going to head for the front carriage and you wont miss us. If your coming from manningtree you could meet me and my mates we are going to drink somewhere near the ground. Let me know Ian
  20. hi mate u getting on at chelmsford im getting the 10:56am. Where you drinking??
  21. Theres a few Nowich fans I am meting up with plus a couple of Chelsea boys.....
  22. All, Any Essex based canaries going via train to Chelsea?? Anyone fancy a few train beers etc. I am leaving Chelmsford at around 11am time and going to Liverpool Street,I have to make a stop off to Victoria to get my ticket, but heard theres a good sports bars for a couple. Then jumping on the district for 15 mins to Fulham broadway to find a pub. Let me know!!
  23. Chelmsford to Liverpool street then onto Victoria to a sports bar to collect my ticket and on to nearer the ground not sure yet, Pubs anyone??
  24. Ruddy Naughton Barnett De Laet Whitbread Tierney Ayala Fox Bennett Pilkington Holt Hahahahahaha, Nah really I would go with Ruddy Naughton Barnett De laet Tierney Bennett Crofts Johnson Lappin Martin Holt
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