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Brentwood Yellow

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Everything posted by Brentwood Yellow

  1. I am seriously excited about this appointment. He has drive, ambition, maturity beyond his years and what he has achieved in his relatively short career is quite remarkable. I was pleased with the appointments of Paul Lambert and Chris Hughton. I was distraught with the appointment of Neil Adams but this last week has totally changed my outlook on the rest of the season and I am now buzzing about what it has in store for us! This is a long term project and the combination of AN and MP is a truly exciting one for all of us. OTBC.
  2. I met Craig Bellamy on holiday in Portugal a month after we lost the play off final. He could not have been more complimentary about Norwich, absolutely enthused about us. He was also really down to earth too.
  3. I''m absolutely chuffing delighted we won today. Nothing gives me more pleasure. Has been a long time since 22nd March.
  4. My apologies, should have left out the word "unused". I thought he should have started that day, that was my point. Not a loan player we were not planning on keeping.
  5. What have I put that is not factually accurate? If you actually respect that not all Norwich fans are happy with the current regime and respect opinions of others the world would be a better place.
  6. On his day Surman is a fantastic player. Can pick a pass, read a game, good finisher etc. We need the Surman of 2010/11 back (and by all accounts the player who Bournemouth fans raved about last season).
  7. Would be an excellent signing for this level.
  8. Adams has managed 6 games. Hooper has started 1 of those 6 games (in which he scored). He hasn''t been injured for all of them. Adams played Elmander on his own against Arsenal with Hooper an unused sub. We were told Pilkington was injured.
  9. I personally found the decision to appoint Neil Adams as first team manager of Norwich on a 3 year contract astonishing. I would have no issues with him being appointed, if he had been through the ranks, for example being a successful manager at a League 2 side then onto a League 1 side. The fact that he was appointed manager of a Premier League team with 0 games experience as manager, failed (may not have been totally his fault but he picked the teams) and then was given a 3 year deal on the back of that is incredible. I honestly believe we would be the only club out of 92 league clubs that would do this. We all know that they claim they “scoured the European Market” and amazingly found the best man already at the club. This is despite not involving him to assist in 1st team responsibilities for any of the time he returned to Norwich; from U14 manager, to Canary Call presenter to Academy Manager. We were told that despite his lack of experience, he could rely on Joe Royle to assist him here and there. Who does he turn to now? Neil Adams is quite clever though. He was never going to turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity (he may never manager another club) and he knew full well that Hughton was negative, so all he needed to do was to make noises about playing attacking Football and everyone would be on his side. I’m yet to see that in any game apart from the 2nd half against Liverpool when they had the game won and for bits and pieces in the Fulham game, and the evidence is the fact that we’ve only scored in 1 of the 6 games he has managed so far. So far we have lost some really good Footballers, and it is evident that we will lose Fer, Hooper and Bassong before the season is out, due to the fact that Adams isn’t playing them. It is only because we received acceptable bids for Pilkington and Snodgrass that these remain the only sales thus far. Under Lambert, we lost the 1st game of the season in 2010/11, yet you could really sense we were going places, and boy did we! Under Adams, I just believe we’re waiting for him to admit he is out of his depth or the board eventually realise he is. The first season being relegated from the Premier League is crucial; you can’t mess about otherwise you’ll go past the point of no return. We needed someone externally to come in and unite the fans, take no nonsense and take this division by storm. Sadly, I don’t believe we have that man. Yet.
  10. When Tim Sherwood replaced AVB, he was specifically asked to make them more attacking and interesting to watch. He did that. They still sacked him.
  11. [quote user="Jenkins"]Brentwood Yellow wrote the following post at 27/05/2014 11:31 AM: That didn''t seem to stop West Brom when they poached our Youth Team coach Aidy Boothroyd in 2003. Subject He didnt go there as manager did he, thats what we were talking about.[/quote] Well, that''s not the way I read your original post, I thought you implied that nobody would poach anyone from Norwich''s youth setup because we''re not a "sexy" club.
  12. So is Adams the new Seedorf (first post as manager, former Milan player) or the new Inzaghi (first post as manager, former Milan player)? Only time will tell.....
  13. I personally believe that selling Rob Green for £1.5m was a seriously good deal for West Ham, and a very poor deal for us. Green was in the England squad at the time. Considering Sunderland signed Craig Gordon for £9m the summer after, £1.5m was nothing.
  14. I really hope Fer stays, he is a class act. I remember when he came on at 2-0 down away at Watford and completely changed the game for us to win 3-2. That pass for Hooper to win the game was superb.
  15. Yes, that''s not really the point I was making though. My original point was that clubs will poach coaches / managers where they deem fit, irrelevant of the club they''re attached to.
  16. That didn''t seem to stop West Brom when they poached our Youth Team coach Aidy Boothroyd in 2003.
  17. It did go well actually - it went very well. We had 4 consecutive years of success where we looked like we were finally back.
  18. Excellent post Jimmy. I cannot believe the board have done this, I''m not happy about it at all, I fear the reaction if we lose our first game at home, but ultimately, there is nothing we as fans can do about it. I hope Adams proves everyone wrong.
  19. My point being, we will never know why the want to leave - for example Ruddy & Redmond have publically stated they want to stay before yesterday''s announcement. What if (for example) they now get sold this summer?
  20. It is an utterly pointless thing for them to say, because any club would sell someone who didn''t want to be there.
  21. "Adams says restructuring of Squad a given and he only wants players who want to be here." The board already have the perfect excuse for when we sell our best players this summer.
  22. I''m not happy about this appointment but that won''t achieve anything. The board have the fans exactly where they want them, with 2,000 fans on the waiting list. Norwich City is a Football club, we are not like an energy supplier or a Broadband supplier. Customers will not go and switch to another provider (Football Club). The fans will return in August and the place will be full, regardless of whether it is Adams, Malky or MWJ in charge.
  23. We could be the surprise package of the division. We were the favourites to go back up, I suspect that won''t be the case now. It could work in our favour as other teams might underestimate us. (I''m trying to clutch as many straws as possible in the hope I can somehow make sense of this appointment).
  24. For me; Fulham - agree to an extent but we didn''t do enough to score against the team who conceded more goals than anyone else. Liverpool - bizarre selection at the start meant we had lost the game after 10 mins. Adams then reacted too late, but at least he reacted. Man U - woefully poor performance, highlighted by the fact that other teams won there. Chelsea - excellent performance, perhaps more for him to show the board he can draw at a team like Chelsea. Arsenal - woeful performance and the decision to pick Elmander ahead of others baffled me.
  25. Thanks - a sensible response. I think the reaction is split into 3; 1. Those disappointed with the announcement but backing the manager because they feel they have to (You). 2. Those disappointed with the annoucment and still unsure what to make of it (Me). 3. Those disappointed with the annoucment and will never accept it (others). I imagine I will move from 2 to 1 by August. What is clear though, with the importance of the decision and the bizarre comment from McNally to say "within a week", the board have appointed him as you say, they were worried on losing Mackay in 1 - 3 weeks time.
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