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Branston Pickle

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Everything posted by Branston Pickle

  1. Not for me - Saints v Leeds is Saints all day long, with the same result for Russ v Farke. And I don’t recall Saints fans trashing places when they lose - so that’s 3-0 for me!
  2. My understanding is that he’s actually no3 - but it isn’t clear. I don’t think it was the right gamble for us, but who knows.
  3. Those odds were ages old - see the post a few above, Cuesta is now v much an outside chance at 14/1
  4. Incidentally, what are the current odds? I can’t seem to find anything v up to date.
  5. I’m in two minds - moving quickly made sense, and given things are still ongoing elsewhere we may just be waiting for those seasons to end (Thorup, the Swedish guy at Hammerby) - so that also made sense if our target was in a job. It doesn’t quite fit with final interviews today though - they don’t have to be in person these days, but a tour of facilities does.
  6. If you are betting against your team or the sort of bet being talked about here, maybe - otherwise no.
  7. An 8 month ban from football isn’t a slap on the wrist.
  8. Jobs for mates? What could possibly go wrong there?!….but tbh I don’t really care - whoever gets the gig gets a proper chance to show what he can do.
  9. You realise some words start with a silent letter don’t you? Look at what happens if you add a K to the following:, now, night, nock, not, not, nee, napper.
  10. With the McKenna stuff I’d almost forgotten we were still looking for our own manager….i guess we just need to wait until season’s end they are in a job - if it’s Thorup’s club they seem to have playoffs on.
  11. But surely Ipswich are a HUGE club!!!!!
  12. Cov have a bit of cash, I suppose. This season was always going to be extra hard due to the relegated sides - the only surprise was that they didn’t occupy spots 1-3…you have to give (begrudging) credit for the binmen for landing a top 2 place. 2024/25 doesn’t, right now, have anything like the same feel - Sheff U and Luton don’t have the same ‘weight’ and Burnley are a bit of an unknown, they might cruise it again but might struggle more like we did last year. Leeds/Saints ply-off final losers are likely to be the ones to beat, but the whole ‘joy’ of the Champs is how open it is and it could be any of quite a long list…unlike the PL.
  13. Yes, but why would he have wanted to go there, anyway - no bigger than where he is, surely…😂
  14. 3-0 Lookman hat-trick. Shame he chose to play for Nigeria ahead of England!
  15. So far Leverkusen look anything but a side that’s unbeaten this season…though to be fair Atalanta have been excellent (and there’s still over a quarter of the game to go)
  16. Two-down - so far Atalanta doing what they did to Liverpool.
  17. It’s astonishing how some don’t see things for how they are. Both us and the binners are ‘potentially’ similar sized clubs to Brighton, but they are currently light years ahead of both of us.
  18. Ah yes, that might be it - at least it is getting some use then!
  19. Didn’t we see it in some YouTube thing recently, where it looked like it was being used for storage…
  20. I remember Lambert being v similar when talking to the fans on the pitch at the end of the season. I suppose for any player/manager it’s ultimately a job and while they will do their best/get involved (and be part of all the ‘folklore’ that goes with it), ultimately it’s really just part of their career and not “their” club in the same way as it is for supporters.
  21. I saw there had been a link to Rangers - tbh they might have been better off getting him! He’s not on my list of people I know about but seems to have done pretty well at AZ.
  22. I’m intrigued how the positioning has got going before we’ve even appointed anyone. Whoever it is deserves to be given a fair chance, to an extent it doesn’t matter who it is.
  23. Precisely my thoughts - looked a decent enough player but appeared to completely run out of steam after an hour (or less).
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