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Everything posted by nu_matik

  1. Nobody is forcing anyone. That's the problem, the repeated nonsense that this is about force. It isn't about force. It's about professional responsibility to one's platform, that there are campaigns such as this one that are larger than individual opinion. As someone raised earlier, there are still out gay footballers. There is still homophobia on the terraces. Unless you're just lazy and aren't that bothered, I suppose showing support for that makes you one thing or another.
  2. Yes, Norwich has anti-trans fans and posters on here and at least it's easy to spot them so we know who's who. Awful, really, but sadly not surprising. There is a still a lot of work to do, clearly.
  3. Exactly this. Unbelievable that people here would confuse politics and human rights. I get 'freedom of speech ' but he isn't being asked to day anything. Players actions speak louder than words and their actions affect millions.
  4. Why do I need you to quantify that? Or is time to simply remember you just think everything is crap I wonder
  5. I'm glad you're back to your old self. We know what we're getting at least. Anyway, Saimz was pretty good when he came on I'd say. Bright future here.
  6. Are you just making up numbers again? Yes I was purposefully pointing out that you made some silly hyperbolic statements that "they're all the same" and in doing so failed to identify where he's from and where he's played. I apologise my humour failed miserably. I don't think you see the irony out of all PinkUn posters that you're the one calling names. Let's move on lovely x
  7. OK. I still think your comment reeks of lazy generalisation and dismissiveness. Call me all the silly names you like, I'm not the one in question (regularly). I think its quite a nice thing to actually respect and understand the culture of our players but yeah, dozy old me hey x
  8. I know, you should know and do better than to just generalise foreign players and get their nationality wring but there you are.
  9. I'm feeling something like this. If we could just keep stringing decent passes together rather than being so needlessly wasteful, we could actually stick it fully up em
  10. This is the whole point... it isn't normal no. We aren't 'normal' because you seem to want us to be something we aren't. NCFC are pretty unique in many ways. Loads of clubs have done the 'normal' stuff; including a merry go round of board and CEO and spending loads of money they don't have. Many of them are League One or worse. Seeing a club take a very measured approach to a hand over to a wealthy sports team owner with loads of dosh who wants to run a successful long term project and make sure they have the right guys amongst them is pretty refreshing We all want a new ownership and direction. We all want success. I want Delia and MWJ to move on. But rushing it to appease fans and not for the best interests of club is mad. I truly believe we will see great success under Attanasio and I'm willing to wait.
  11. Well, you're part correct. I know Mark the owner and he still brands it as Fat Cat Brewery Tap as they are still in partnership with the Brewery who Brew on site and use the Fat Cat (Percy) logo on the new signage (and kids colouring sheets).
  12. Our little lot have recently relocated to The Rose on Queens Rd. Great beer, good atmosphere full of fans pre match and great pizza too. Then a quick 5 minute wiggle down the hill to Carrow Rd. Perfick
  13. Please don't assume ones gender, geezer! I am merely a person who is able to see Idahs failures but also that he has a lot of skill and desire when he gets opportunity. I think hardly anyone gets to shine in this team. But you've clearly not been watching long enough of you think Idah is the worst we've had.
  14. As a big St.Pauli fan I'd much prefer us as a club to model them than Hamburg. That said, Hamburg are actually my Ipswich! Orrible lot
  15. Onel, Long are the obvious ones. I wonder if he means Idah too? Generally a fan of Onel,he can impact games well from the bench late on when we need energy but his starts lately have been woeful
  16. My main question, for which I very nearly started a topic is... "Say their names, why not?" As to those Iwan refers to as not being worthy of a shout for starting XI Be a hero and tell us who
  17. I can't be alone in thinking that initially Fassnacht was just having an off day, but once he got smashed his 'engine' was done and could hardly run?
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