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Everything posted by kirku

  1. Pretty abject but hard with no CFs or LBs. Couldn't play through their press very well at all and they played through ours - as much as it existed.
  2. two types of olives, at least 3 different meats, sour cream, lemon - this is the way
  3. How much money did you donate to his gofundmyhabit?
  4. Agree. The opportunity cost of Tzolis was huge and the massive gamble backfired badly.
  5. Chris Reeve has no meaningful insight into football and has an extremely abrasive personality. Should fit in well.
  6. You genuinely think Cantwell's main attributes are "running around a lot" and "energy"? Interesting
  7. 100pc. He was easily a £20m player at that point
  8. He's got a better track record than most (all?) of the coaches linked with us, hasn't he?
  9. No - zero interest. Have remarked to friends recently the same thing. It's a sign of how broken football is these days. How can our fans look at this team, understand the amount of money that would have to be spent to even get it remotely competitive in the PL, and then be excited for the prospect of another PL season? Which teams have genuinely managed to establish themselves in the PL and start competing for European football? Once upon a time, people would've pointed towards Stoke or Portsmouth..
  10. Wagner better not try and sit on this for the whole second half
  11. SvH is only here because, if we don't go up, Sarg is probably off in the summer
  12. We said essentially the same thing at almost the exact same time. Completely agree.
  13. Webber managed to convince himself so throughly of his own genius that he cannot comprehend, even for a second, how incredibly disastrous his media work has been over the last couple of years. He's completely tarnished his reputation, and severely damaged that of the board. If I were the friends and family of those mentioned in this comment, I'd be absolutely livid, and potentially litigious.
  14. Would've taken that before, during and after the match. Sarge really can't come back soon enough
  15. And what would you have suggested with the bench they had? We all know there is plenty to be unhappy about in general but let's have some sense of realism and perspective..
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