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  1. I cant believe people are still getting on his back. He has rarely been given the opportunity to play upfront for Norwich and certianly not for a a run of games. I would get cheesed off with being thrown on the wing and as soon as I get an opportunity to play upfront the manager goes out and buys or loans other strikers the same as him. He was excellent the promotion season and that was mainly on the wing. he has fantastic ball control, probably the best at the club, but you dont much of an opportunity to use it running up and down the wing. It is no surprise to me that both he, Jarvis and cureton are all doing better at other clubs as they are being given the opportunity to play in their best positions regularly. I just wish our previous manager had the same outlook on loaning out players, instead of loaning so much crap in.
  2. Shhh! Dont break their bubble, they dont have a chance. We would end up with 79 points if we won every game, which would only be good enough for play offs and we wont do that, but, imo, the team has improved since the new signings and as confidence is such a pecarious thing it would be good to finish strongly.
  3. I cannot believe it was the same player as Tuesday, he was woeful then. It makes me very suspect as to his motives, shop window and all that or is it simply that he believes he is a prem player and cannot get motivted. Either way hes no use to us if he can only turn it on against prem teams.......Get rid!!!
  4. A damn sight more to celebrate under their stewardship than delia''s!  A promotion to the premier league, Wow!! With very little ambition to stay there. Sorry, but our most successful period inthe clubs history was under Chase, What has happened since? Still in huge debt despite land investments by Chase. Still a selling club and nearing League 1. She and the board have made too many mistakes. its just a shame we cant transfer another board in. 
  5. I cant believe how negative everybody is, we dont have the money for earnshaw/ashton type players. Sunderland have just spent 2.2m replacing brown with Stokes. We have nothing like that sort of cash and I keep hearing Eastwood being mentioned, Portsmouth with there foriegn millons cant afford him so we definitely cant. Please people wake up and smell the roses! There are very few good players out there and tall centre forwards are at a premium ie Howard!  I think the guy needs to be given a chance and will certainly be better than Thorne  so has got to be an improvement in the squad. Our days of signing players for more than a million are over for the time being, unless one of you has a spare few quid in your back pocket as Derby have.
  6. Ole thought you were spot on with your reviews, though a bit generous to Etuhu who I thought was poor and Huckerby''s second was not a miss hit. I cannot believe how bad the subs were. IMO we should save our money for 2 midfielders and stick with Dublin up front. He was superb. drury was good defending but his distribution was appalling. Otherwise the whole performance, against a conference side shows why we are struggling against championship opposition.
  7. Whilst it has been good having so many season ticket holders, it must have an effect on future support. Most youngsters cant afford season tickets and if their parents aren''t interested they are stuck. I certainly was in this boat as a teenager, but being able to get casual tickets meant I got the bug and attended more and more regularly. If I got fed up with the standard I would miss a couple and go again. This policy must erode those teenagers going and they are our future support. Also whilst it gives the board a more stable income, the reductions in cost per game via season ticket, must reduce the profit made from the gates. A successsful side filling the ground with 10,000 casual tickets must make a lot more profit than 20,000 season ticket holders. IMO it also breeds the poisonous atmosphere we have had over the last 12 months as people have to go as they have paid their hard earned money already and want to get the full use of it.
  8. Sadly Jim, I think the players such as mullins or harewood would be way out of our finance league. I was thinking more the Carlton Cole or youth players of which WH always have plenty.
  9. I''m gutted! I was hoping our links through PG would mean the loan or purchase of a couple of West ham players. That looks extremely unlikely now.
  10. I would disagree to a certain extent over your belief that loanees are bad for the club. The arrival, not just of Huckerby, Crouch and the winger (forgotten his name) completely turn around our season. We could not afford all 3 and probably only got huckerby because a keen fan liked what he saw. However, IMO because it worked that time Worthy decided that he could do the same again and has over relied on loans. This ahs allowed the squad to shrink and meant squad players have never got a proper run in the team. By the way I believe we should have taken a risk and bought Crouch, rather than Huckerby, if he was available that Xmas. Also when we were promoted he became available and we let him go to Southampton. I am convinced if we had had him from the start of the Prem rather than wait until Jan for Ashton we would have stayed up. The team was crying out for a target man , just as it is now.
  11. You''ve hit the nail on the head, SHTTA People want to be entertained and will attend. We were crap that season and the so people voted with there feet. It would be exactly the same 2 years ago but it is hidden by the large number of season tickets. IMO that is why we had such a poisonous atmosphere in the ground. We certainly weren''t getting the type of behaviour PG has been complaining about (harshly IMO). Fans have spent their hard earned cash to watch high paid players not even try.  Yes it may be good for financial planning purposes, but I would be interested to know the difference between what  the gate receipts are with discounted season tickets and a full house and with 14000 season ticket holders and the rest paying full price. Over a season I bet it doesn''t make that much difference in cash raised. One big advantage is that it removes the fans leverage over the board. P.S Totally agree with your post RH
  12. Wrong, Wrong Wrong. SHTTA I wouldn''t care if they were in division 3 south if they played football which had some entertainment! Fine if you are happy with the dross being served up week in week out. The only way it will change is by voting with your feet. Thats why we had to endure Worthy for so long and why we are even deeper in the dwang. Perhaps if a few more had not renewed he would have gone and we wouldn''t be desperately clinging to the false hope of new players in Jan when every other struggling club is panic buying aswell.  
  13. I must agree with RH I haven''t regretted not renewing. I wish I did because it would have meant that we were playing watchable football. That was the reason I didn''t renew and despite Worthy going we are playing exactly the same tactics and producing exactly the same performances. The odd 1-0 win with a smattering of away drubbings. How can you expect to keep crowds happy with 1 shot on goal all game!This league is wide open at the moment with no team looking superior and a bit of risk taking would pay dividends, IMO. I know we have been unlucky with injuries but that was inevitable with the size of the squad. the clubs wage policy must be completely useless if we have the 3rd highest wage bill and 3rd smallest squad. I will buy a season ticket again once we start entertaining again, something I think will take longer than a few buys in Jan will take. Until then I suffer the radio!
  14. I went and it is true, but not a supporter or on a train from Norwich, so thats why it didn''t get much press. We were held up for quite a while, but it was worth the wait as it was one of the most most memorable footballing days of my life. Not for the football, that was poor, but the atmosphere of the 96,000 fans ( it was called the friendly final) was brilliant. Oh those were the days!
  15. I am not saying the policy is wrong and it has meant a full Carrow rd week in/ week out. What I am saying is that it has a big effect on the atmosphere when the team is poor. I was a season ticket holder for the previous 5 years and for spells previous ( I''m in the forces), but just couldn''t warrant spending saturday afternoon away from the family, bored and frustrated, while I work away all week. I just sit by the radio instead! 
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