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The Duke of Norfolk

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  1. I''m not renewing mine. However, i will most probably still go to every game but will just buy on the day or a couple of days before. If i know i can get a ticket casually i am not going to renew my season ticket when we are in the Championship. I  want to feel more in control of my finances. If i want to save up for something i can abstain from the footy for a while. I  will still go to games whether league one or Championship, i am just not prepared to committ to money coming out of my account every month for 9 months.
  2. Of course we had planned to sell him. He will, if fit be gone  in the summer, he could have played his last game for us.
  3. I ask  this as i am wondering what stance  people take on this. I keep hearing the "he is stuck with Worthingtons team, you can''t judge him untill he builds his own team" argument, and yes i agree with that to a certain extent. BUT, what happens if this poor run continues? what happens if we go into freefall and drop into the relegation zone and just don''t seem to be able to get 3 points from anywhere? Do we stick with him? or do we change things before it is too late? Now hopefully this won''t happen, if we get a new goalie in, switch Dion to the back and get Earnie back we should concede less and score more so this subject will be irrelevant but what happens if the scenario i have outlined above does become a reality?
  4. I personally haven''t got the time to do this. It probably won''t make any difference but if you could sell the club to either of these two and explain the current widespread dissatisfaction with the current board then it will just remind them that we are here and if their bids for their prospective clubs don''t come off then you never know...
  5. I personally don''t barrack  the team or boo at the end, however i also cant muster the will or power to sing or chant. I sit there in silence which is what i think alot of apathetic fans do. Better than barracking i feel. The lesser of two evils.
  6. Don''t be so daft! For one it won''t happen and chaps i am afraid that we are all going to have to shut up moaning and get behind the team pretty soon because  if the current situation continues on the pitch and in the terraces we are going to get relegated. We may well be forced to get behind the team if we are facing matches at home which, if we lose will drop us into the relegation zone or worse get us relegated. If we are facing matches like that and the crowd are on the teams backs from minute one then we will be sunk.
  7. The gates will drop next season big time. I reckon we will lose at least 4-5000 season ticket holders.
  8. Ian Crook!!!!!!!!! Nostalgic gibberish. Oh please! how can you honestly say that and keep a straight face? He is more inexperienced than Grant. No the man they could and should have appointed was Steve Tilson.
  9. Lets say that our abysmall form continues and we reach the end of Feb in the bottom 3. We have one only once since the QPR game and are on a horrendous run of form that doesn''t look like improving. Do we stick with Grant and just hope that he can turn things around or do we depart with his services and get an experienced old hand in to steady the ship and starve off relegation?which given our current situation is looking a distinct possibility. I am just thinking of a worst case scenario as i doubt it will happen if we retain Earnie as his goals will win us games. Lets  not forget  though that we have been rubbish for a long time now.
  10. I am starting agree with you about Grant, is he the man to steer the ship in a relegation dog fight? We could have got Tilson if we had flexed a bit of muscle, and i still think we should.
  11. Is it me or do transfer fees for Championship players seem to have gone silly? Hulse to Sheff U for £2.5 million (never played in Prem)  Steve Howard to Derby for £1m  McSheffrey to Brum for £4 m (never played in prem)  Stead to Derby for £1.5 m (how many goals has he scored lately?), Vine to Brum £2.5 m Lee Cook at QPR is rated around £3m Craig Fagan of Hull is linked to Derby for £750k (his scoring record is poor). Now to think we sold bought Ashton a far superior striker to all the above for £3 m not too long ago, i think in the current climate that Earnie is valued at £6 m and selling for anything less would be a scandal.  
  12. I just wish Beckham and his wife would just dissapear off the face of the planet. I couldn''t care less about them. She must have brain washed him i reckon. So a deal worth £128 million and yet his Dad still works his butt off to make ends meet as a plumber.
  13. I doubt that we will sign anyone. Vine is off to WBA according to reports, Riordan is not leaving Celtic, and Pearson will go to either Derby or Sunderland. We might sign one player but it will be someone no one has heard of.
  14. But unfortunately many of you on here judging from the contents of your posts have swallowed the latest "spin" from Carrow Road. What makes me beleive that the board are firing off yet more spin for the gullible Norwich City supporters to swallow? Well there are a number of things. 1. Grant came out in the press and media on the eve of the transfer window announcing that he was very happy with the amount of money he has been given by the board to spend this transfer window. Now if you are in the market for a car would you go walking into a second hand car lot shouting off that you have got plenty of money to spend? 2. We are £19 million in debt so why on earth would our board give Grant the £2million pounds that many of you on here seem to think he has? Players won''t be leaving that is for sure. Many fans seem to beleive that we will have a clear out and pay off players like Thorne and McVeigh. Dream on! 3. Hux and Neil Adams have both stated that they don''t think January will be the saviour that many fans are hoping for. They both know that money is tight. What does Adams know? i hear you cry. Well he knows more than you and me because he is involved with the club and he will no doubt here things just as he always predicted that Ashton would be leaving last January. I may be very cynical but i wouldn''t even be surprised if the board have told Grant to be public about the players he is "interested in", as they know that Worthington got a lot of stick about his apparent lack of action on the transfer front. Grant statement of pleasure regarding the funds he has been given the board are probably just more spin that Grant has been stipulated to come out with to keep the fans happy. Riordan has conveniently got a place back in the Celtic team so the board and Grant have got an excuse for that  one not coming off but it will be interesting to see what excuses they reel off for failing to bring in other players. Of course i may be tottally wrong and i will hold my hands up and admit it if we make 3 or 4 more quality signings this transfer window, but i have a feeling i may be right. THE FOLLOWING FEW WEEKS WILL  REVEAL THE TRUTH ONCE AND FOR ALL.
  15. I''m just imagining a worst case scenario here. We don''t beat QPR at home in our next game and lose to Palace on NYD. (Both of these are highly likely i fear). Lets say Earnie is sold in Jan. We lose to Tamworth. Grant although armed with a decent kitty fails to attract the calibre of players we require. Confidence on the pitch is at an all time low, Grant is starting to feel the heat, the fans anger is reaching boiling point, we continue the current run of form and come March slip into the relegation zone. Would the board persevere with Grant or recognise the precarious position we are in and  take action? Hopefully this wont happen and we will have an up turn in fortunes in the new year but at the moment we seem to be playing so badly that a relegation scrap could be on the cards if Robbie is sold. How many times have we played well in the last 10 games?
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