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City 101

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  1. Well done , 90 mins without one worthwhile attempt at goal against a out of form Leeds and a very nervous goalkeeper. I wish I could be so easily pleased. Tie over now and just as well really because this team in the top flight would set new records.
  2. We don't deserve to be anywhere near the playoffs , we are basically **** .
  3. The only thing most Norwich fans want to see of the pair elderly couple is the back of them, and it cannot come soon enough.
  4. We cannot afford the best players in League 1, but I wouldn't be upset to see the whole squad leave not sure there's one good player at the club right now.
  5. Don't think he's the main problem ,we really do have a squad full of **** .
  6. If only we could have been extremely ordinary when we were up there ,instead of a complete embarrassment to all.
  7. Well you could see in the summer what this season was going to be like, we signed so much absolute **** it could never have gone any other way. We are the game the binners are waiting for and you could quite easily see them putting 5 or 6 past us . All down to the owners I'm afraid they have been stinking out this football club for far to many years.
  8. Players are ****, I don't think a new manager will get much more out of them .
  9. Exactly, why come out with that after the game Sunday, then again in the press release yesterday , I would like to see him gone but I think everybody is jumping the gun .
  10. Just one of the numerous players on the books who are not good enough to be here.
  11. Think whoever manages next will have the same problem ,squad full of **** players .
  12. Well we have a squad full of lesser players these days, not that sure it would be a step up .Wouldn't put money on City finishing above Plymouth ,this squad has league 1 written all over it, free or dirt cheap signings added to players who should have been shipped out. Great recipe for success.
  13. Not sure a new manager will be able to turn this around, we have a woeful squad of crap players and most are approaching retirement. relegation very much on the cards.
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