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Jobsworth Canary

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  1. The weather will even the contest I think the ball really could end up going anywhere on the ground re wet pitch or in the air being blown about
  2. Indeed I try desperately to stick to the topic in question but the personal stick I get for having an opinion is completely unnecessary and there is so little moderation that it doesn’t ever get tackled
  3. Maybe 😂😂😂 I will give you that one
  4. Suggesting it is dangerous to travel is hardly trolling I agree the abuse being handed out on here needs to be sorted starting with Sports desk Pete hitting you with the ban hammer
  5. Ha that is great coming from you and your Mary Lou McDonald dear oh dear this is the last time I interact with you as you are clearly not of our own
  6. I really can’t see the game going ahead the travel back to Liverpool will be a nightmare
  7. As I said yesterday completely unnecessary abuse cantwell gets a free pass
  8. Yet more abuse honestly the stick I take for absolutely no reason fortunately as I am not WOKE I can handle it
  9. Least surprising news of the year that he is ‘WOKE’ no wonder our country is going to the dogs with this liberal PC WOKE culture if he wants to see online abuse he should see what I get on here and other forums. Do I complain no I just sup it up
  10. Well done Agent Lambert who truly denies he is the Messiah?
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