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Troy Tempest


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Who on here would you most and least like to sit next to on a coach on a long away trip, such as Plymouth?

I think I''d throw myself out of the window listening to some of those clever bods on the religion thread.

Mello would be funny as far as the A14 then I''d start to get self-harm tendencies.

Tom would be alright, but there is only so much nice anyone can take, so no thanks.

Sheded? Just keep him off certain subjects I suppose; but then again he probably just likes the sound of his own voice and isn''t much of a conversationalist.

It might be best to be sandwiched between City Angel and Kathy.

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Sounds good to me but I rather think CA may prefer being on the team bus sandwiched against Hucks!

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I wouldn''t mind sitting next to yankee so long as he doesn''t insist in getting dropped off first.

The most dangerous place would be on the back seat between charlies dad and squit!


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That nice Rudolph fellow. I would sit next to him... although all that arrogance would probably get on my nerves... [;)]

Troy, I''m sure you''d love to sit next to such lovely canary ladies as CA and Kathy. My only worry would be that your signature might make them a touch on edge...  [G]


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The most likely person I would like to sit next will be YC  as he is a great contributor to this board.

The least likely person will be YOU. Don''t wonder why, it is not whorty?  [:P]

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[quote user="mbncfc"]

That nice Rudolph fellow. I would sit next to him... although all that arrogance would probably get on my nerves... [;)]

Troy, I''m sure you''d love to sit next to such lovely canary ladies as CA and Kathy. My only worry would be that your signature might make them a touch on edge...  [G]




Half an hour? I''m impressed!

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I''m hurt and disappointed that nobody wants to sit next to me. I''m telling myself it''s because I don''t post very often so it''s probably a case of out of sight out of mind, but please, somebody volunteer. I wouldn''t want to travel all alone. I''ll wear my shorts.

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Don''t know what ''whorty'' is SI so can''t comment on that. If you are  worried about my attitude to gay men for not wanting to sit next to me let me reassure you I have no issues.

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Forgot to add: I don''t mind gay men because I sit next to one at work all day. I don''t think Phones will mind me outing him on here. We daily grip our joysticks and go down together.

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[quote user="Troy Tempest"]

Who on here would you most and least like to sit next to on a coach on a long away trip, such as Plymouth?

I think I''d throw myself out of the window listening to some of those clever bods on the religion thread.

Mello would be funny as far as the A14 then I''d start to get self-harm tendencies.

Tom would be alright, but there is only so much nice anyone can take, so no thanks.

Sheded? Just keep him off certain subjects I suppose; but then again he probably just likes the sound of his own voice and isn''t much of a conversationalist.

It might be best to be sandwiched between City Angel and Kathy.


Mello would be funny as far as the A14 then I''d start to get self-harm tendencies.

How very, very, DARE YOU! It is so ''Rude olph'' you Troy - to insinuate that I''m some kind of short-term comedian - who would give you cause to hold your breath till you ''morphed'' into a "cabbage patch kid."  

I am a serious and sensitive individual, and all my posts are of concentrated articulate thought and content...........Well, they soon will be - when I come off the medication and my shrink gives me the nod.....once he''s been released from custody that is - for impersonating a ''trickcyclist'' but, he''s a very convincing shrink - for an unemployed apprentice pet cemetery gravedigger......

Anyway, that ''Aqua Marina'' bird, is a brazen scallop! One tin of dolphin friendly tuna, a packet of prawn cocktail crisps and a couple of glasses of brine and she''s anybody''s!

 Kindly keep your flipper-rant comments to yourself Troy, and is Ian Dowie actually one of those evil Fishmen?[*-)]

 Retards, "Myhalo Slippo".......(It''s actually Greek for Mello Yello - you know ho!) ;~)

"Now, what was the thread about again?"


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I''d want to sit in between Mello and Rudolph, they''d have me in stiches all the way there and all the way back [:)]

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