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I have only one thing to say about postings on this message board saying we should get rid of Delia,  and that Hucks is sounding like Worthy every day etc.


People ought to think about how far they go when putting forward their opinions and damaging statements including chanting at home games as we saw monday.

Why don''t we all give this all a rest now and see what happens in the summer re next season.

Quite frankly I am tired of reading/hearing the same old arguments - my feelings having been brought to a head by the scenes witnessed on monday during the game. The booing of one of our players, whatever some might think of him was totally out of order. 

This is not a war, ''''them against us'''' - it is all about supporting our CLUB as a whole. This is not the first time I have witnessed a disappointing season since I started going to Carrow Road in 1968 and it will probably not be the last. Yes, we all want success and for them to do well but people can overstep the mark when trying to get the team to achieve this.

There are players in our team that thrive on confidence. This includes reactions from the crowd. No wonder Hucks was mystified over mondays chanting etc. I believe a fair proportion of the crowd were as well.




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[quote user="CanaryNut"]

Why don''t we all give this all a rest now and see what happens in the summer re next season?


Because if we all sit back and accept Worthy as next season''s manager then, when he c**ks it up, we are likely to have no transfer budget left and a team full of mis-fits and players that we can no longer afford to keep. What chance will we have of promotion then?

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[quote user="CanaryNut"]

I have only one thing to say about postings on this message board saying we should get rid of Delia,  and that Hucks is sounding like Worthy every day etc.


People ought to think about how far they go when putting forward their opinions and damaging statements including chanting at home games as we saw monday.

Why don''t we all give this all a rest now and see what happens in the summer re next season.

Quite frankly I am tired of reading/hearing the same old arguments - my feelings having been brought to a head by the scenes witnessed on monday during the game. The booing of one of our players, whatever some might think of him was totally out of order. 

This is not a war, ''''them against us'''' - it is all about supporting our CLUB as a whole. This is not the first time I have witnessed a disappointing season since I started going to Carrow Road in 1968 and it will probably not be the last. Yes, we all want success and for them to do well but people can overstep the mark when trying to get the team to achieve this.

There are players in our team that thrive on confidence. This includes reactions from the crowd. No wonder Hucks was mystified over mondays chanting etc. I believe a fair proportion of the crowd were as well.





"Why don''t we all give this all a rest now and see what happens in the summer re next season."...ahh yes lets do nothing and hope for the best...league 1 here we come

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Finally someone that speaks a bit of sense. If you actually look at the record of those coming down from the premiership and bouncing straight back upp again and there isn''t that many teams, whereras if you look at the teams that took two seasons there is an awful lot more of teams that have gone that way. I say lets give him until christmas to see where we are and until then, show yourself as proper supporters and support your team.

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[quote user="CanaryNut"]

I have only one thing to say about postings on this message board saying we should get rid of Delia,  and that Hucks is sounding like Worthy every day etc.



why is it ridiculous?

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i want wortington to go because under his management i cannot see us getting promoted again, if we dont change soon (before next season) all the hard work of getting into the prem would have been a waste and we will become another mid table championship side much along with some other former premiership clubs (coventry, leicester and wolves). If we do not get promoted next season all will be lost, we cannot take the risk of having worthy to guide us, he is a liability. To not have got into the autmo let alone the automatic places with the squad and funds he has had is a disgrace.

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And here we are, once again mocking some poor chap for giving his opinion.  What a wonderful message board we are...

I''m a Worthy-Outer, and feel that the club will go no further than top half/mid-table Championship with him at the helm (I don''t believe we''ll get relegated), but the hysteria that''s now surrounding this whole situation is becoming tiring and a little annoying.

We know a lot of people want Worthy to go, but the reactions of some of the fans recently is appalling - cheering when the opposition score, booing our own players, shouting "hoof" every five minutes.  There was a chant on Monday of "this is embarrassing", and I couldn''t have put it better myself.  How do you think away fans see us now - let them think our team is a joke, but lets not let them think our fans are too!  We used to have a reputation for being the best in the country, but now we''re turning into a bunch of whining, in-fighting morons!

And what happens when someone dares to support the team on this board - they get lambasted, and told their opinions (which is the key word here) are total rubbish, though they tend to make more sense than those mocking them!

This by no means applies to a majority, it is only a few.  There are many, many posters on here who make their own points clearly and concisely, and who allow others to put their side of the argument across.  But there are also a few for whom their opinion is the only one that matters, however ridiculous.

CanaryNut''s opening statement was:

"I have only one thing to say about postings on this message board saying we should get rid of Delia,  and that Hucks is sounding like Worthy every day etc.


And I don''t see anything wrong in that...

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[quote user="Evil Monkey"]

And here we are, once again mocking some poor chap for giving his opinion.  What a wonderful message board we are...

I''m a Worthy-Outer, and feel that the club will go no further than top half/mid-table Championship with him at the helm (I don''t believe we''ll get relegated), but the hysteria that''s now surrounding this whole situation is becoming tiring and a little annoying.

We know a lot of people want Worthy to go, but the reactions of some of the fans recently is appalling - cheering when the opposition score, booing our own players, shouting "hoof" every five minutes.  There was a chant on Monday of "this is embarrassing", and I couldn''t have put it better myself.  How do you think away fans see us now - let them think our team is a joke, but lets not let them think our fans are too!  We used to have a reputation for being the best in the country, but now we''re turning into a bunch of whining, in-fighting morons!

And what happens when someone dares to support the team on this board - they get lambasted, and told their opinions (which is the key word here) are total rubbish, though they tend to make more sense than those mocking them!

This by no means applies to a majority, it is only a few.  There are many, many posters on here who make their own points clearly and concisely, and who allow others to put their side of the argument across.  But there are also a few for whom their opinion is the only one that matters, however ridiculous.

CanaryNut''s opening statement was:

"I have only one thing to say about postings on this message board saying we should get rid of Delia,  and that Hucks is sounding like Worthy every day etc.


And I don''t see anything wrong in that...


All i was asking is why is it ridiculous, i''m not having a pop at anyone, but its always nice to understand where someone is coming from rather than a word that implies a thought process and a belief, but doesnt offer it.


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Thank you in particular djb and Evil Monkey for your replies.

Isn''t indicative of the whole situation at the moment, including messages posted on this message board, that I fully expected to be slagged off for my comments in my original posting? In fact I am surprised I have not got more such replies, bearing in mind the nature of some of the other things we have witnessed by people who seem all to ready to disagree with others who do not follow their opinions.

I would like to think that I have tried to put forward sensible points in my previous postings, but of course this is for others to judge. I did in the opening message to this post give an opinion as ''Ridiculous'' and for the benefit of rossi 46 I will try and expand further. Ridiculous is a word I chose but it could have been another to describe my own viewpoint.

I think that wherever possible we should base our feelings/opinions on foundation wherever possible and not jump to conclusions. Yes, one foundation is the very disappointing season we have witnessed and I would guess that even the most ardent Worthy fan would agree this. However, I cannot see how ''getting rid of Delia'' would help the situation - she alone does not make the decisions. I still maintain that her and the rest of The Board are no fools and together we must respect the decisions they are making - publicly to us all and privately behind the scenes - for the good of the Football Club. They will make the right decisions. I am not being naive and repeat that it is the Club that we are supporting. Yes, supporters are an important part of any Football Club, but if they listened and acted upon literally everything that we said then where would we be?

I would be interested as well for anyone connected with the Independant Supporters Association who might be reading these postings to comment on whether they see this constant bickering and unrest (including the events of last monday''s game) to be in the long term interest of the Club and the direction it is heading. Did they foresee all of this when they originally agreed their actions and called their St Andrews Hall meeting?

As for the Internet, it is a wonderful thing but it does provide a medium for all of this to be banded around more than in the old days when I was a boy etc.! Progress eh?  



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[quote user="djb"]Finally someone that speaks a bit of sense. If you actually look at the record of those coming down from the premiership and bouncing straight back upp again and there isn''t that many teams, whereras if you look at the teams that took two seasons there is an awful lot more of teams that have gone that way. I say lets give him until christmas to see where we are and until then, show yourself as proper supporters and support your team.[/quote]

Actually only 2 teams in the last 14 years have taken two seasons when they failed to make the play-offs in the first season - Jack Walkers Millions at Blackburn and Steve Gibson''s millions at Boro in 93......   on average it has taken those teams that have then subsequently been promoted 6 seasons to do it.

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[quote user="DuncanMirams"]i want wortington to go because under his management i cannot see us getting promoted again, if we dont change soon (before next season) all the hard work of getting into the prem would have been a waste and we will become another mid table championship side much along with some other former premiership clubs (coventry, leicester and wolves). If we do not get promoted next season all will be lost, we cannot take the risk of having worthy to guide us, he is a liability. To not have got into the autmo let alone the automatic places with the squad and funds he has had is a disgrace.[/quote]Its interesting that you mention Wolves, Leicester and Coventry.Leicester overpent in the prem on players not worth the risk - they went bust and had it not been for the fact that Gary and friends stumped up some cash they may even be worse off than they are. They are not mid table - they have been flirting with relegation for most of the season.Coventry are interesting as they have not had the financial difficulties other clubs have had. The one thing they have been unable to do is keep one manager long enough to reap the benefits, some of that is unlucky when you think of Gary MacAllister and now they have an experienced manager in Micky Adams. Things look to be improving under him and some may argue that we should have signed their top goal scorer in January who surely would have cost less. Would I swap Worthington for Adams? Well possibly - he has some success behind him although not as much as Worthington.Wolves are interesting as out of the three mentioned they are possibly the most similar. They went up struggled and went down (a lot easier than us I may add), they decided to part company with Jones (dont blame them) who has  gone on to do well at Cardiff. They decided to replace him with a man who has arguably a better reccord along with better credentials in Hoddle. What a mistake that has been. Two seasons on and all that money in players who have struggled. Anderton, Everson etc. Would I rather have Hoddle? Not on my flippin nelly!!!!So what can we learn from these three examples? We havent gone bust so maybe being slightly, ok very, tight with the cash has meant that our clubs financial security has never been brought into question (you could compare that to our previous relegation which is much more similar to Leicesters predicament). We havent signed really expensive players that are a risk (I don''t include Earnshaw in this bracket as his goals to appearence ratio is comparable to Ashtons and he is arguably playing a style of football that doesnt get the best from him).I would say that this summer is the more decisive. Worthington has got a lot of choices to make - we have to look at the right side of the team:- Is Luis-Jean going to get back to his previous ability and provide us with a good solid right back or right midfielder? - Is Colin up to the job or has he simply found it hard to settle in in his first season? In which case do we keep the faith with him or move him on?- Is Henderson going to make a right winger? Is McVeigh?- If we bring in a right winger do we need to move one of those two on?Then we have the striker situation:- Thorne has had a reletively disapointing first season that suggests he may not be able to keep his good goal scoring reccord going - should we keep him or move him on?- If Thorne goes do we replace him?- Are Jarvis and Henderson up to standard or do they need more time?- If they are not do we need to get in another striker whilst they improve? If they are do we need to forget about new strikers and give them a real chance to prove themselves?- Are we going to adapt our game to work with the two best strikers we have in McKenzie and Earnshaw?Then the left wing:- Do we continue to play Huckerby there or do we bring in a left midfielder and return Huckerby to up front where he performed well in our promotion season?- Do we need to bring in back up incase of injury to Hucks or are we covered with McVeigh?And Central midfield:- We currently have on the books; Jarrett, Hughes, Robinson, Safri and Etuhu on the books - which are the best starting paring?- If Jarrett goes do we need to bring in anyone else or are the recently signed youngsters ready for it?- Hughes and Robinson have been out of form and Safri has been injury plagued - do we cash in on any of these and try to get in better and reliable players?There are many more questions but I really do feel that these are all important. We obviously need cover at left back now although maybe one of the youngsters will provide that. Then there is cover for center back - I am sure Fleming will be given one more season but is likely to be used as cover but that may be another point - do we move Fleming on, surely one of our higher earners - and get in real competition for the center of defence?Last summer there were so many questions that we simply had to sign players and to some extent our hand was forced.With Edworthy not wanting to sign the initial offer of a two year deal and ignoring the second contractual offer of a three year deal but with less wages (as the rumour has it) and Helveg wanting top flight first team football we simply had to sign at least one right back.Loosing Jonson also meant we had a right mid problem that was possible solved with the signing of Luis-Jean and Hughes who have bothed played there and ofcourse Marney (who incidentily is back in the Spurs Reserves and scoring goals again.Midfield was beefed up with Jarrett (surely intended as a starter for us), Hughes who had proven to be a good solid pro utility player at Reading. Ofcourse Marney could play there too.For me and injury free side would have looked like this:GreenLuis-Jean Docherty Shackel DruryMarney    Jarrett     Safri      Huckerby               Ashton     MacKenzieHow many times this season have we been able to actually put out that line up? I think barely one. And scarily every player has now been absent from the team with injury with only Huckerby, Drury and Docherty being absent for short stints (one or two weeks/games).When January hit I think the priority was to try and hold onto players and try to fill the holes but we were unable to fix some problems with bids of players like Halford being rejected. Right wing remained a problem as did right back. Was the introduction of Spillane to late - could it have been done earlier? Why did we bring in a striker in Johansson to play right wing when surely there is another player that actually plays right wing we could have brought in on loan and probably on cheaper wages?Anyway rant over (yep I am getting quite good at writing books on here now I know!!!).

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Because some will do what ever it takes to get the job done. Maybe if the team and manager had some of this attitude we wouldn''t be in this position. This team needs to grow a backbone and it will not happen with worthless in charge. This is war, it is them against us - if it all gets a bit nasty then so be it.(i''m not talking violence neither) abit of chanting in the ground never hurt no one. funny how it always seems to wake this team up when the anti worthy songs come out. This club has serious isssues that need addressing and what do we get? a chairman and majority shareholder who seem contented with the pure passionless football they are serving up week in week out. We have a cook leading this club to division one.We said that we would take the worthy out into the ground, it was not an idol threat as people witnessed. We will continue to do this until the poor pathetic excuse of a manager is removed.

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