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Norwich fans i believe at the start of next season we must get behind the team right from the start even IF Worthington is still in charge. You can have your protest at the Wolves  or whatever you plan to do but ultimately after that we must support the team. We simply can''t afford to go on supporting the club in the manner that we are. Yes this season has been poor but that shouldn''t stop us supporting the team next season. 

There are positives we can look at. Dickson Etuhu seems to of hit form and if he maintains the excellent form he has shown in the last two games then him and Safri will be a right force !!Huckerby is playing fairly well and so is McVeigh and also Earnshaw scoring that excellent goal against Sheff Wed. Matthieu Louis-Jean i believe will do well providing he avoids injury next season. Shackell, Doherty, Drury seem to of formed a decent partnership. Also we have been playing well at home with six straight wins, if we can improve our away form next season then we should have a decent chance of going up via the play-offs or automatic promotion.

I believe the team will be stronger next season due to the fact that they have played together alot this season and should have a better understanding as a result.

So come on Norwich fans it''s not all doom and gloom like some posters on here are making out. Get behind the team or else we''ll end up having another poor season like this one.

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Agreed Braveheart - a new season will bring new hope and protests at the stage will only harm our promotion hopes.

However I have know doubt that there will have to be a quick and vast improvement in our quality to ensure we consistently get the results we need to gain those 1-5 extra places or 10+ points to at least make the play offs - the acceptable timescale for that will be quite short and another start like this season would be unacceptable.

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I totally agree with you ZLF, and I also think that the board realise this - I cannot believe that they are as stupid as people would make out, we''ll see. But yes we must get behind the team for the beginning of next season - I think thats paramount.

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Spot on. I would like a change of manager but i also believe we cannot act how we are forever. A new season brings fresh hope, a chance to start again, a chance to get back to the premiership. We have to get behind the team and i''m afraid worthy so that we can have the best chance of promotion. With a few good signings and with the 100% backing of fans, there is no reason even with worthy as manager that we cant go up. I will return next year prepared to give NW a chance.

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If Worthington stays I would suggest it will be new season, fresh start but same old problems. The dross of this season will not disapear and last season was not good either, was it. worthington will always be a bad result(s) away from accusations, doubts and seroius questions about his managerial ability.  

I believe that worthington is a manager that many supporters will struggle to get fully behind again. He has lost the respect, the trust and confidence of so many fans. If he chooses to persist with the dour football that has been on offer this season, and the aimless hoof ball tactics, if you can call them tactics, then he will be in for a rough ride again. I want to see the good times and atmosphere back at Carrow Road, with the crowd fully behind the team. A return to unity of purpose. Where Carrow Road is a nice, Excieting, entertaining place to go again. But I do not think that this can truly happen with worthington at the helm.

Norwich supporters are not the sort of people who just suddenly wake up one morning and decide its time to protest, who suddenly think wouldn''t it be a good idea to get rid of worthy. They dont suddenly decide the football on show is pathetic, or that Andy Hughes is not good enough to play for Norwich City whatever the manager may think. No all the ill feeling that has came to a head this season is part of an ongoing process. Supporters have been driven to it. I believe fans have been patient and tolerant. But at the last home game I believe we witnessed fans who had reached breaking point and who had no-where else to turn. Frustration over a Board that wont listen, The football dross, The manager''s cluelessnes all came to a head.

The feelings against Nigel Worthington I believe run deep. They will not really go away. The only way to unify the crowd, bring the unity back to the club, to bring the good feeling and atmosphere back is to replace worthington and bring in a new management team. It is the only way to start the healing process that Carrow Road now needs.    

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A new start is needed, but unless the tactics, or lack of them, team slection, lack of skills, etc are addressed how will anything change?Are you saying that we should cheer and applaud dross? O.K., but for how many weeks must this be sustained? You can''t expect angry and sad people to tolerate what we have had for so long - underperformance and poor quality football, and our beloved side disappearing downwards. Some of us suspect that we shall have another similar season to this one just finishing.Perhaps we need a covenant, a bargain. Everyone to cheer even the unacceptable for x weeks,  and then when it is clear that nothing has changed have the licence to express feelings of frustration and anger.

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I will get behind the team at the start of next season irrespective of whether Worthy is here or not but if he is replaced over the summer I think the whole atmosphere will be so much more conducive to a good start to the season and the fans are more likely to unite in supporting Norwich.

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[quote user="Alex Harvey-Jones"]I will get behind the team at the start of next season irrespective of whether Worthy is here or not but if he is replaced over the summer I think the whole atmosphere will be so much more conducive to a good start to the season and the fans are more likely to unite in supporting Norwich.[/quote]

absolutely right

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 A new season allways brings hope whatever the team. What is needed is a good start a good middle and a good end to the season!! lol !

If we get 8 games or so into the season and have accrued say, 2 points a game or more, will the hard core of Worthy haters back off and support the manager? Whats that you say  It will NEVER happen?!!. That''s the problem really, if we do well some will say it is a fluke or down to the players or the poor opponents. IT WILL NEVER BE WORTHY DOING A GOOD JOB!! WE ALL must support the team in the next season as it is probably the most important few months for our beloved NCFC. Please remember that  all of you and give the TEAM your backing whoever is in charge. O T B C

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"I''ve got a bet on someone using he phrase ''give him 10 games next season'' at some point in this thread"

I''m probably too late now but just in case, may I be the first to say - "let''s give the 10 games at the start of the season...."


1. We have no choice

2. It may work

3. If it doesn''t ... well we will have given it a chance.

Personally, I am a 4 (but I probably shouldn''t admit this), I am all for giving him longer unless we have a caste iron certainty (which we won''t). But if I am prepared to settle for 10 games......

Cue satire............ (if only!)

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Salopian: "Are you saying that we should cheer and applaud dross?"

Hopefully, if we help the team to start off on the right foot next season, there will never be a need to.

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