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The Leathermans Stag

Age Limit at Carra Rud

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The real issue here is not age it’s atmosphere. Everyone should receive cheerleader leading training in North Korea during June and July.

It’s time the Stowmarket Two bring about a socialist revolution at Carrow Road.

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[quote user="yellowandgreen"]

It’s time the Stowmarket Two bring about a socialist revolution at Carrow Road.[/quote]It is happening already.

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[quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="TIL 1010"]The scratched record again Wolfie.[/quote]I''ve said it before and I''ll say it again - as long as he keeps pretending it never happened, I''ll keep reminding people that it did. Just because he''s your buddy doesn''t make what he said any less reprehensible. Sticking up for him makes you look like you condone what he said.[/quote]He is not really my buddy as having met the bloke merely a handful of times it is a somewhat judgemental statement when you really have no idea what you are talking about and i suggest you think before you post that last sentence next time.

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[quote user="TIL 1010"][quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="TIL 1010"]The scratched record again Wolfie.[/quote]I''ve said it before and I''ll say it again - as long as he keeps pretending it never happened, I''ll keep reminding people that it did. Just because he''s your buddy doesn''t make what he said any less reprehensible. Sticking up for him makes you look like you condone what he said.[/quote]He is not really my buddy as having met the bloke merely a handful of times it is a somewhat judgemental statement when you really have no idea what you are talking about and i suggest you think before you post that last sentence next time.[/quote]Sticking up for him makes you look like you condone what he said.I stand by it.To accuse City fans of racism with one account, and then just pop up with another account, is not only against the rules of the forum, but socially unacceptable on any level. I''ve said before that if the moderator asks me to stop mentioning it, I will stop mentioning it. Until then, I reserve the right to remind the people on this forum who are actually here for reasonable debate (of which you are one) what he said.And trivialising mental health problems is even more evidence of his immaturity and inability to bring anything positive to this forum at all. No beef with you, Tilly – it''s just a shame that you''re willing to try and stick up for a blatant troll who is bringing the forum down with his relentless and remorseless nonsense.

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Well if you are prepared to stand by what you said about me condoning what he said you are being ridiculous in the extreme and i take great offence.

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Til wrote “Oh i do agree but believe me it is not him. In fact i travelled with Waveney to Bolton so am in contact with him and speaking to him earlier as i myself had doubts there was a big denial.”

But you hardly know him ?

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[quote user="FenwayFrank"]Til wrote “Oh i do agree but believe me it is not him. In fact i travelled with Waveney to Bolton so am in contact with him and speaking to him earlier as i myself had doubts there was a big denial.”

But you hardly know him ?[/quote]

He is not really my buddy as having met the bloke merely a handful of times.Now how strange that you should appear trying to have a pop. I will stick to what i said not your version or spin put on it to suit your agenda. That handful of times includes travelling to Bolton.

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[quote user="TIL 1010"]Well if you are prepared to stand by what you said about me condoning what he said you are being ridiculous in the extreme and i take great offence.[/quote]I said it makes you look like you condone what he said. I never said you actually did condone it – in fact, I remember you saying on a now-deleted thread that you absolutely didn''t condone his comments, for the avoidance of doubt.However, as the threads are deleted and Waveney swans around pretending it never happened, I reserve the right to remind people of the comments he never apologised for and shows no desire to even acknowledge. When you have a pop at me for continually bringing it up, it may lead others to believe that you are on Waveney''s side of this argument, which I know is not the case.Although why you are so annoyed by me reminding people of his outrageous and unacceptable comments, I''m not quite sure. If you find it repetitive and boring, perhaps just turn a blind eye?

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[quote user="Duncan Edwards"][quote user="nutty nigel"]Was it Waveney you wanted to book a table at Delia''s with Tilly ☺ Tomorrow night? 💕[/quote]

They’d need 4 seats😂[/quote]

Glass houses and stones and all that 😁😁😁😂😂

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[quote user="Feedthewolf"] If you find it repetitive and boring, perhaps just turn a blind eye?[/quote]Maybe you could practice what you are trying to preach Wolfie as do you not think that banging on about it at every opportunity without getting the response from him at you are looking is in fact playing right into his hands as after all you do call him a Troll ?

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[quote user="TIL 1010"][quote user="Feedthewolf"] If you find it repetitive and boring, perhaps just turn a blind eye?[/quote]Maybe you could practice what you are trying to preach Wolfie as do you not think that banging on about it at every opportunity without getting the response from him at you are looking is in fact playing right into his hands as after all you do call him a Troll ?[/quote]Nah, I''ll stick to my guns, thanks.

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He needs to apologise for calling us racists, I"m surprised anyone is seeking to defend the remark or the poster that made it.

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If that is aimed in my direction winky maybe you could point out where i actually defended the remark ?

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[quote user="TIL 1010"]If that is aimed in my direction winky maybe you could point out where i actually defended the remark ?[/quote]Happy to state that you never defended the remark, Tilly. Although you do appear to be defending the poster.As for having the last word, I have no argument with you whatsoever – I feel strongly that Waveney should be held to account for his comments and will continue to say so until I am told not to by the moderator. I have no desire to enter into an argument with you, my argument is with Waveney – but if you continue to jump in and have a go at me about it, what choice do I have?And, just out of interest, are you on your own list of posters who have to have the last word? [;)]

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[quote user="TIL 1010"]Ok then i will just have to add you to the list of posters who always have to have the last word.[/quote]

It is good for the self esteem having your own looney tunes stalker. It''s like I have arrived

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[quote user="FenwayFrank"]Swaps e mails with Waveney

Goes to Bolton with Waveney

Hardly knows the bloke 😀[/quote]He is not really my buddy as having met the bloke merely a handful of times.There you go FF that is what i actually said which you are obviously having difficulty getting to grips with as it is the second time i have posted my actual words on this thread.Now we are swapping e-mails apparently. Sorry to tell you and for the avoidance of doubt i do not have his e-mail address.

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[quote user="The Leathermans Stag"][quote user="TIL 1010"]Ok then i will just have to add you to the list of posters who always have to have the last word.[/quote]

It is good for the self esteem having your own looney tunes stalker. It''s like I have arrived[/quote]He''s only met you a few times, though – he''s hardly a stalker.

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