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Everything posted by wcorkcanary

  1. Another Brat sulking when he didn't get his own way, you probably think Elton is a nice guy.
  2. You have no idea if Cambridgeo is even able to attend matches. You assume a lot with little evidence.....again. Yet manage to wrap it up in your usual slimy style I'd have thought in these times of inclusivity that every one.....even you, should be considered . No doubt your particularly repulsive form of ' constructive criticism ' will be as welcome there as it is here.
  3. No need. I get private messages and a salary from ZW to keep up the good work . But thanks for caring about him, someone has to I suppose. PS Block me. PPS. I dont care what you or anyone else thinks. PPS. You may well be correct about the 75% in recent times, but only since he started his 100% whingefest. ..again, I care not. Nor do I apologise unless wrong. In this case I am correct . Thank You for your concern .
  4. It's not an obsession its a public duty, it occupies a few minutes a day. No need to thank me. My life is fine thanks. My posts are a counterpoint to his whining on every thread about his own ACTUAL obsession. PS mind your own. PPS . Lie with dogs...get fleas.
  5. Seconded. Hear Bollix , call Bollix. Blunt is good, chroisht, if Hoggo was less restrained in his measured responses..... imagine the whining of the quarter wit moaners. If he could be bothered he'd be able to verbally dissect them. I admire his self control.
  6. Don't allow people like Ethics to own shares in footy clubs. ...or to post on Club Forums..... Footy would improve tenfold as a consequence.
  7. I No matter how many times I read that , I see nothing but a petty vendetta.
  8. They certainly don't entertain the likes of you over here chap, you embody what people dislike about the English. You are not the plain speaking man you claim to be , your kind of snidey insinuation would get short shrift in these parts. You'd be known as a fella that has ' notions about himself....and roundly mocked for your pomposity.
  9. He might give ZW a payrise......now that would amuse me.
  10. Sad indeed. i almost,but not quite, feel sorry for him. the more you covet money, the worse the state of your mind. He has unfortunately fallen into a very common trap of confusing money with happiness.....which in itself is trasnsient, like form. whereas contentment, like class, is more permanent. i would assume from his panicked style, that he also fears meeting his maker. much as the greedy man drowns because of the gold coins in his pocket weighing him down.
  11. Wrong, your lack of awareness leads to you beleiving (incorrectly, of course) this. You wont notice it happening due to your blinkers, but they ARE coming for you.
  12. He really is either stupid or belligerent...or both. Anyone with a few bob...as he claims to have, should not be pretending to care about those who havent. Fake concern and misjudged issue raising just makes them look petty. Do summat Ethics, or just shut up. I dont have any qualms about getting personal with a shoite stirring Gollum like him.
  13. You're ill mate, seek professional help, quickly, before someone is given power of attourney over your decision making.
  14. It was a white elephant, W ham were smart, no one else was realistically interested so they waited until they got the deal they wanted. Blame the planners, not W Ham.
  15. Christ boy, give it a rest. Do th decent thing and put your ticket up for charity, especially as its a priviledge and cant be resold (i hope this upsets you as much as it amuses me). Your 'man of the people ' act is about as genuine as Boris.
  16. Told you..... idiot. The individual that at you make threads about is yourself. Self awareness not one of your strong points? Not forgetting ZW of course.
  17. So not exactly " build it and they will come " then ? Don't believe they don't try to fix the financial problems though, just move the franchise to a more profitable location as well.
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