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Everything posted by swjf50

  1. Seeing the Portaloo club near the top, conceding few goals having spent very little on their squad in the window. I think it has much to do with the fact that they have an experienced manager who knows what he is doing. Meanwhile we spend a fair amount on building our squad, on the players Adams wanted and Adams & co who have very little experience let alone at this level are running / coaching our team. You don''t have to be a brainwave to see where things have gone wrong. We set the team up wrong, the selections are at fault and the tempo is too slow. We are not pressing enough either, so why is that? You can''t give other teams time on the ball, as you have to make it difficult for them to have any chance of winning. The defence has been poor for months now, but Turner, Olsson and Martin have played the majority of these games, despite having cost us goals on a number of occasions. Both Turner and Olsson''s form has suffered and nobody amongst the management team know which is Martin''s best position. We bring in 3 recognised centre backs and yet we rarely use them. Cuellar plays well in his last game and then is dropped. I don''t think Miguel has played one League game yet. If he isn''t good enough why did we buy him? Personally I think he has to be good enough because of the experience he has had with Arsenal. With Ryan Bennett due to return soon, will he get a chance at Centre Back or will he be picked to play on the wing?!? I like Adams, but that doesn''t make him a good manager and I think he has had enough time now to put things right without any success, so I would be in favour of bringing in an experienced manager ie Pullis or Steve Clarke with Mike Phelan as assistant or First team coach. To leave it any later would be foolish, as we still have an outside chance of promotion, just.
  2. So who would you pick in defence? I thought I heard that Cuellar had a good game the other week and then he''s dropped. Why? Olson has been going through a bad spell and needs resting, so Garrido can come in. Turner, the linchpin of our defence has not been his usual reliable self, so he either needs a rocket from the management or resting. Miguel could be given a chance but hopefully he has some pace, as not many of our defence has. Ruddy looks a shadow of the player from earlier in the season, so again he either needs a rocket or resting. The trouble is I''m not sure if our replacements are any better. My defence would be Ruddy Martin Turner. Cellar. Garrido although I''m not totally confident on that one either. I''m hoping Ryan Bennett is back soon, as once he is fit, I think he could take over from Turner with either Cuellar or Miguel alongside him. We have to start getting some clean sheets and much better organisation at the back, with better protection from central midfield ie Tettey and O''Neil. So who is in charge of this? Holt and Adams up to now? Obviously need to get their act together. Now we have Phelan so I hope he can sort us out. If he can''t, who will?
  3. How can Adams not see that the Jerome & Grabban partnership isn''t working??! I do not understand that at all. Grabban is very low on confidence and has been for 5 or 6 games, he''s missed chance after chance, surely he should have been rested months ago. It''s common sense. We have a reasonable squad with suitable replacements that should have been given their chances by now. So why haven''t they??? Hooper should have started in place of Grabban particularly if we are playing 2 up front. Also I would say O''Neil is a better all round footballer than Johnson and should play in his place. He will no doubt get his chance in the next game now that Johnson is suspended.
  4. Who do we pick in defence this weekend? Martin or Whitbread at right back? Does Cuellar continue in the middle? I think he does. If we could get Whitbread playing as well as he did for Scotland, I and I think most supporters would be happy with that form. In front of the back four I would have Tettey and O''Neil. At home against a relatively average side.We don''t need Johnson with his erratic passing and lack of pace. We need creativity and pace in the form of Howson and Redmond. Hooper has to be given a chance ahead of Grabban. What are your views?
  5. No. The good news is we won''t be disappointing this weekend and lose, as we don''t have a game. We won''t slide further down the table and we won''t see chances go begging in front of the opposition goal, make one error in front of our goal and concede.
  6. & we play three relatively defensive midfielders in Johnson Tettey and O''Neil and still get opened up at the back with ease. So what the f... Is wrong, as it''s been happening week after week after week. I''m getting really fed up with it. We have to have some width and pace, any team does, so why isn''t Redmond or Murphy or McGrandles playing?
  7. Why didn''t he bring on Hooper for Grabban and Redmond or Murphy for Johnson to give us some width and pace.? Lafferty doesn''t score that many goals and Grabban is having a drought, so where were the goals going to come from? There were options on the bench, so why weren''t they used? I''m losing my patience with Adams now, we are in free fall, so I thing major changes have to be made. I would have liked Adams appointment to have worked but it looks like it''s not going to, so I think he has to go before it''s too late and we get involved at the wrong end of the table.
  8. We have to stop giving away sloppy goals ! We were coasting through this game until their late goal which could have been costly. We should have been out of sight and a few more goals better off by then, so other players are going to have to chip in from now on, as Jerome can''t be expected to score all the goals. I was surprised Hooper wasn''t given at least 20 minutes possibly instead of Grabban and why was O''Neil taken off when he was one of our best players? I''m glad we appear to have found a good central midfield 3 that work well together ie Tettey, Howson and O''Neil. I''m still not convinced with our defensive set up with Martin at centre back. Aren''t Cuellar, Hoojfeld and Miguel good enough? If not why we''re they brought in?
  9. Ruddy Martin Turner. Miguel. Ollson Tettey. O''Neil Redmond Howson Lafferty. Hooper Jerome needs a rest. Johnson needs dropping and Martin must go back to full back. What would your selection be?
  10. We possibly miss a spark in midfield, other than Hoolahan. We''ve been saying for weeks that Martin isn''t a centre back and should be our right back. Surely one of the centre backs that were brought in are good enough! Miguel perhaps? We are just not scoring despite dominating yet again. So do we need a Kevin Phillips type striker coach? Other than Thayer I''m at a loss as to what''s wrong with us at the moment..
  11. [quote user="JF"]It is called having a squad, it''s long gone time he started to use it. Time to break up the most uninspiring centre midfield of Tettey and Johnson and mix it up a bit. I would go with 5 across the midfield with Redmond, Howson, Tettey, Vadis, Murphy.[/quote] I''d agree with that midfield line-up JF. Leeds may not pose too much of a threat or shouldn''t, so I think we should ping some crosses in from both wings and have either Howson or Vadis in the Hoolahan role supporting Jerome. If thats not working bring on Hooper for the last 30 mins in place of Howson or Vadis. At the back Martin has to play right back and I''d give Miguel a chance alongside Turner. Somehow we have to stop giving the ball away so much and to cut the errors out.
  12. We need to use the subs more. Why didn''t we bring on Vadis for Johnson? Grabban needs a break and to be dropped to the bench. Hopefully Lafferty can play Tuesday. Martin isn''t a good enough centre back and Josh Murphy is worth starting in occasional games.
  13. I find it so annoying and frustrating...............when we have good possession that we fail to pass the ball correctly. Ie when our wingers or full backs are racing down the wing instead of passing the ball in front of the player and with the correct weight we pass behind or direct to the player so the player has to stop or slow down in order to collect the ball, thus the momentum is lost and the opposing defenders have the chance to get in position. Our build up play can be too slow and ponderous. Speed this up and perhaps we''ll have more chance of success ie less square and passing back also.
  14. Sorry no matter how hard I try murthy spelt with a p h keeps coming up as murthy on my iPad. !! I''m not sure why.
  15. After seeing today''s game, it seems obvious we need to change things around for now to give us a chance of breaking these teams down and winning. We have a strong squad when they are all fit and once they are it will be hard to pick a best eleven. It''s probably a case of horses for courses. However a formation of 4-2-3-1 could be a way forward with Ruddy Martin Turner. Hoojveld Olsson Tettey. Howson Redmond Hoolahan. Murthy Jerome If we need to throw on some support for Jerome bring on Lafferty and take off Hoolahan in a 4-4-2. & as we did in the latter stages of the second half today we could play 3 at the back if we are desperate for another goal but I''m not sure we''d get away playing with 3 at the back against the better teams unless we also had 2 defensive midfielders. Grabban may benefit from a rest. I like him and he does put the effort in but for the moment it''s not running for him. It might be time to try something or someone else ie Lafferty or Hooper when he is fit or just one up top. We looked good with 2 natural wingers on the pitch today for the last 20 mins, so it may be time to start Murphy. Unfortunately Hoolahan is not a natural winger and I feel his best position and the one he favours most is in the hole in a diamond or in a midfield 3 just behind the striker. To play Hoolahan on the wing is a complete waste.
  16. No way could Johnson be motm, that''s crazy. He gives the ball away too often and his shooting isn''t good enough. For me Redmond, Howson, Turner, Jerome and Hoolahan (in patches) would be my candidates for motm. Murthy and Lafferty were excellent but unfortunately weren''t on long enough. My ratings would be Ruddy 6. Martin 6. Hoojfelt 6. Turner 7.5 Olsson 7 Johnson 6. Howson 7.5 Grabban 6. Redmond 8. Hoolahan 6.5. Jerome. 7 Murthy 7. Lafferty 7
  17. [quote user="jas the barclay king"][quote user="swjf50"]I''m going to the Rotherham match on Saturday, I have been going by train from Cambridge but since I am going out for a meal in Norwich afterwards, it seems best to drive. I used to park off City Road in some of the side Streets but many of them are residents only or restricted parking. Does anyone have any ideas where I could park within about 20 minutes walking distance from the ground? I know there is the County Council Car Park or City Hall car park but it usually takes ages to exit that after the game unless you are stupid enough to leave the match 10 minutes early. Any ideas? Thanks.[/quote] I live not to far from City road and have a drive way, there is also a Lay by outside with no restrictions. its about 25 minute walk to Carrow Road from there... you can make use of the layby for free [/quote] Could you give me the address please? I''m not sure if we want to walk that far, but just in case, it would be good to know.
  18. Thanks for that everyone, that''s really helpful OTBC !!
  19. I''m going to the Rotherham match on Saturday, I have been going by train from Cambridge but since I am going out for a meal in Norwich afterwards, it seems best to drive. I used to park off City Road in some of the side Streets but many of them are residents only or restricted parking. Does anyone have any ideas where I could park within about 20 minutes walking distance from the ground? I know there is the County Council Car Park or City Hall car park but it usually takes ages to exit that after the game unless you are stupid enough to leave the match 10 minutes early. Any ideas? Thanks.
  20. If and when we go up, if Adams is still in charge and we are able to hang on to the players we have, do you think we would be able to play a similar way? Having struggled week after week under Hughton''s management where we appeared to hang on playing a defensive formation and were usually outplayed. Would it be fair to suggest Adam''s tactics and formations would get us better results in the Premiership? I think so, as the saying goes, the best form of defense is attack. Give the opposition something to worry about ie our attack, then they have less time troubling our back four. Obviously the quality of opposition is that much better in the Premiership and any mistakes you make are punished, but the onus has to be to put pressure on the other team and not invite them to attack us. I know that is blatantly obvious but to Hughton and his coaching staff it didn''t appear to be. Didn''t they believe we had good enough players to compete and play positive football in that league?
  21. I''m happy for us to slip under the radar, as long as we can see the goals we score. I certainly don''t mind if we are not the favourites for promotion. We don''t need the added pressure.
  22. Just think what the score might have been if we played well for 90 minutes!
  23. Great win but lets not get too carried away. If we play like we did in the first half again against many of the top sides we will be torn apart and it is unlikely we will be allowed back into the game as we were on Saturday. However if we perform like we did in the second half in the rest of our matches this season, then we will stand a good chance of promotion. Simples. I know it is stating the obvious. We have to realise that it isn''t always going to be that easy. The great thing is that Neil Adams and the team managed to turn it around and it has seemed a long while since our team was able to do that. It certainly never happened under Hughton that''s for sure. If we had managed to get level under CH, he''d have then told the team to stay in their own half and play for a draw. It''s a great start to the season but lets keep it going. OTBC !!
  24. He looked out of his depth. He hardly touched the ball and was slow in getting back. I believe he has the talent and is strong but I don''t see a great deal of effort being used. He was motm in one of the games when he hit the bar with a fierce shot and also created one of QPR''s goals but he needs to be performing like that every week or he will be an expensive passenger. It was a great deal for Norwich, as he didn''t want to be here - we can''t afford to have passengers.
  25. Do we stick to the side that drew with Bournemouth or bring one or two of our new signings in? Particularly the defenders. Does Martin move to full back to allow a better central defender to take his place in the middle? Does Garrido keep his place over Olsson? Personally I''d keep everything the same other than Central defence move Martin to right back and Hoolfeld or whatever his name is, alongside Turner. We can have a strong subs bench to bring on if anyone is struggling.
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