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Roger Hansbury

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  1. He should start next qualifier as James and Foster out for a while.
  2. [quote user="Carlos Valderrama"] Again we look for a scapegoat and ignore the players.  Gunn isn''t a magician, you cant turn poo into gold.... He is a good man who has done his best.  Would still like an experienced man though.  [/quote]spot on carlos
  3. [quote user="Hoolahoop"]cove have a pen![/quote] get the f*ck in there  
  4. No team seems to run away with with title these days with 95 pts+, which makes the league tighter and relegation points higher
  5. [quote user="......and Smith must score."] Yes, I was there in the Clock End with the City fans ( it was still terracing then )....... Sherwood then Phillips- with a fantastic free kick in front of the North Bank - put us 2-0 up, then it went to 2-2. Andy Linighan scored with a powerful second half header from all of 18 yards to put us 3-2 ahead then came those two late goals from Arsenal. We were robbed that day no mistake. Strangely enough it was only four years later, when Linighan was an Arsenal player, that he did us a huge favour by burying a similar header to beat Sheff Wed in the 1993 FA Cup Final. Because of that header we qualified for European football so thanks Andy..... Whilst we certainly did snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in that 4-3 defeat we did manage to turn round a 2-0 half-time Arsenal lead at Highbury into a 4-2 win in the first game of that fabulous 1992/3 season. It all evens out in the end.   [/quote] im sure sherwood scored the third to go 3 - 2 up a volley into roof of the net with 10 -15 mins left
  6. I was there too, we went 2 up with Phillips and someone else scoring, went 2-2,then Sherwood scored to go 3-2 up with ten mins left. They equalised then had injury time pen - I thought Bowen pushed Dixon into the net as they went to celebrate they goal from the penalty and then it all kicked off from there.
  7. [quote user="AD"] [quote user="Mr. Bump"][quote user="AD"][quote user="Robert N. LiM"]And what about Lita? Reading didn''t manage to sell him, did they, unless I missed something? Surely they would welcome someone else paying his wages?[/quote] Sorry to have to tell you ... but .. he aready served 3 months with us .. so his return is not possable! [/quote] Yes he can, but it would have to be until the end of the season [/quote]   Excuse me sir!we would have had to buy him!  he  only allowed to be loned to one club for the maximum of 3 months! check the reports before xmas! otherwise would roadent would have made it last longer!!!! also check the fa website! [/quote] Think you are wrong there as Roeder wanted him to be on loan until season end. dont know which reports you read.
  8. [quote user="Mr. Bump"]Think about it, if we lose it means we''ll be closer to relegation. Closer to administration and closer to Delia Smith out wooo [:D] Come on Wolves [/quote] w@nker
  9. [quote user="shyster"]Gunn fielding Fotheringham is a sure sign already of the formers tactical naivety; especially selecting him as captain ffs - as was another poor decision to stick Russell up front again - the all too late substitutions were another terrible blunder and it all adds up to Gunn being too much of a novice who has learned nothing from watching over a years worth of Roeder''s mistakes. In theory the Board have swapped tactical ineptness for tactical naivety and in practise it''ll see us relegated.[/quote] I must have missed your tenure as England manager 
  10. we were as good as promised from premier league side on loan? As gunny would have known about this,  i wonder if it will still happen?
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