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Everything posted by dylanisabaddog

  1. Even Jonny Rowe couldn't walk through Thorns without buying something. It's impossible.
  2. https://footballleagueworld.co.uk/illness-in-the-camp-concerning-ipswich-town-update-emerges-pre-norwich-city/
  3. Perhaps we should stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia so that people didn't have to flee their countries? But on the other hand, we get an awful lot of tax from those sales.....
  4. Me grow up! You want to isolate an entire country 😂 But with you, Nigel and 30p Lee in charge I'm sure it will be fine......
  5. Would we be able to gas some people and burn some books in the meantime? You are missing the point that the UK is now irrelevant on the European and international stage. We are a laughing stock.
  6. Well if we have the legal right to withdraw then we may as well. What could possibly go wrong? The main advantage would be that there would be no human rights at all. Books would be burned and people with funny noses gassed and nothing could be done about it. But perhaps we could create a court that was part of the UK legal system to deal with that sort of thing. Perhaps a court something like the one Winston Churchill helped create?
  7. Then why on earth do you think others would follow if we left ECHR? They wouldn't. They'd just laugh at little England sinking slowly into oblivion. Migration is a world and european problem that needs a unified solution. Isolation is not the answer.
  8. Woods Culverhouse Watson Linegan Bowen Phelan Tettey Barham Buendia Huckerby Sutton
  9. You want to leave the ECHR. The only European countries not signed up to the Council of Europe are Russia and Belarus. Were you also convinced that when Britain left the EU many others would follow?
  10. Once again you are jumping to conclusions. I have no objection to toffs enjoying themselves. I object to fox hunting because it is barbaric. If you think foxes are vermin then the effective way to deal with them is to lamp them. The landowners in my vicinity rarely bother because the fox is good at keeping the rabbit population under control. I'm highly amused that you claim not to like needless cruelty but also have no problem with fox hunting and earlier in this conversation rejoiced in the fact that your cat killed a bird. Then you go on to say you don't like killing them. You're very confused aren't you?
  11. Perhaps it would help you to understand if I told you that the people who shoot game birds consider their 'sport' isn't cruel. Pheasants for example live for anything up to 3 years in the wild and suffer an instant death. It puzzles me that anyone gets pleasure from it but I can't deny it's far less cruel than the life of the chickens I buy from Tesco. What people who shoot are worried about is that they are getting tarred with the same brush as the barbaric people who enjoy hunting foxes. I can see their point. I could make a very good case against fox hunting but unless you're a vegetarian it's very difficult to argue against shooting. I find it extraordinary that you should think I'm dishonest when your complete ignorance has you lumping together two completely different sets of people. People who hunt almost invariably shoot but people who shoot rarely hunt. Does that make sense? I should add that in general we are talking about two different sets of people who tend not to mix. They move in different circles and they don't shoot together. I know numerous people who shoot pheasants but none at all who hunt. This is my experience of Norfolk so it may be different elsewhere. Of course the number of people who shoot is small and the number that hunt is tiny and getting smaller. Personally I think anyone who indulges in either activity is odd. I think that people who rejoice when their cat kills a bird are odd as well. I know absolutely nothing about fishing for 'sport' other than to say it sounds very boring. But I suppose at least the fish survive. Labour won't stop it because it is a hugely popular activity and they want to get elected. But in any case it's not a subject I have ever known be discussed at a political level.
  12. The only time I see or hear them these days is in the Peak District, particularly on the western side. I walked the ridge to Shining Tor last summer and there were lots.
  13. Interesting Opinium poll at the weekend. Mordaunt would add 1 point for the Tories. The other leading candidates to replace Sunak would actually do worse https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/mar/23/swapping-tory-leader-labour-lead-bigger-poll-opinium
  14. There is a popular misconception that Johnson is highly intelligent. That seems unlikely bearing in mind his educational achievements which were ordinary despite having the best and most expensive schooling available. It's worth watching the documentary 'The rise and fall of Boris Johnson' just to see his expression when asked about David Cameron's far superior academic results. I very much doubt he knowingly spied for Russia but he is hugely attracted by money and lacks judgment, particularly when it comes to the company that he keeps. The evidence may point to him being a Russian asset but the likelihood is that he's just plain stupid and completely out of his depth. I'm not sure why the media has any interest in him anymore. He won't be remotely interested in being an opposition MP and is probably finished as a politician.
  15. I have a nasty feeling that we'll finally lose to them. It has to happen sooner or later. The weather is going to come as a shock
  16. I'm not aware that Labour has a policy on fishing for sport. Perhaps that's because they're not stupid.
  17. That is an extraordinarily ignorant comment. There are large numbers of farmers that shoot who will not allow hunts on their land.
  18. Sorry, I forgot to mention earlier that I don't base my opinions on the countryside on Beatrix Potter. I have been lucky enough to live in or near the countryside for 60 years and have a large circle of friends in the shooting community where I worked as a child. Those people have almost universal contempt for people who hunt foxes. Bearing in mind your posting history I'm not remotely surprised that you take the opposite view.
  19. Richard Bacon is fat. Actually last time he was seen in public he looked morbidly obese to me. Strange for you to be so politically correct that you're outraged that someone called a fat person fat. He is fat and it's a perfectly acceptable use of the English language. Perhaps if we called fat people fat more often we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic.
  20. I rather suspect that if your MP had basically gone into hiding and done nothing for getting on for nearly 5 years you would take a different view. South Norfolk has had a Conservative MP forever. Regardless of politics, most of them have done their job properly and represented us in Parliament. Quite simply, Richard Bacon hasn't, in fact he's the only Tory MP I've ever known to be deselected for laziness. And bearing in mind he was claiming £40k a year for secretarial expenses when he didn't even have a secretary he's probably lucky he's only been deselected. A truly disgusting man. Like most prospective Labour candidates i suspect the one for Norfolk will simply say they'll do their best and promise not to steal from us. That would make a nice change wouldn't it?
  21. No you don't get a different opinion. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of people think that killing animals for fun, particularly in such a barbaric manner, is extremely unpleasant and should be banned. If foxes need to be culled by far the best way is lamping.
  22. No, there aren't any rules of which I am aware. Unfortunately, neither are there any rules to make an MP do their job. But occasionally even Conservative Party members know a bad one when they see one and some actually got involved in a missing person poster campaign about a year ago. As a result he has been deselected. Hopefully he'll take the opportunity to consider his lifestyle and reduce the future burden on the NHS.
  23. 85% of the British public disagree with you, which I suppose is probably about par for the course. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/fox-hunting-poll-boxing-day-league-against-cruel-sports-ban-theresa-may-election-a8127851.html
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