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Everything posted by Beno27

  1. [quote user="Matt Hudson"] I have absolutely nothing against Dean Ashton. The Reasons being- We made 3.5 million out of him in transfer fees He nearly all most single handedly kept us up last year. Without him we would have been down by April. He scored about 10 goals this season, with no service etc. It must get dissapointing, annoying etc when you are getting no decent service and so no wonder his body language is poor. He is a dam site better than Peter Thorne. The reason he always seemed injured is because he wasnt fully fit. The reason he kept playing through the injury was because he didnt want too let anyone down, because he wanted too play and because he realised that he was needed. Oh and NW kept picking him He signed a new contact because he wanted to be a NCFC player for some time too come. He left because he was a premiership player, playing in a poor team which woud only ruin his career. If we had of sold him this summer his value would have probably went down.       [/quote] Well said!
  2. [quote user="Trent Canary"] [quote user="Beno27"]Dream? Was it our dream at the start of the season? EXPECTATION is the word Hughes[/quote] Again as I was pointing out to someone else who obviously wants to bash Hughes whenever possible, the word "Dream" doesnt appear anywhere in the article, just in the title that the JOURNALIST has written. Hughes doesnt mention dream at all. [/quote] I apologise, not an intended bash at Hughesy, my point is that, whoevers mouth it is coming from, to call promotion a dream is pure ridicule. Once again I apologise for misquoting Hughes
  3. "I watched the match last wek against Bolton and he barely got a touch, then last night he was brilliant. I think it''s more an indication of how inconsistent Dean Ashton is." 5 in 6 is not inconsistency! 13 in 19 premiership games is not inconsistency! Mckenzie is inconsistant and nobody has a go at him, this is fair enough but why do you need to throw unfounded insults at Deano? People have been moaning about him saying its great to be playing for great fans, with all of the insults thrown at him we were appalling fans and yet you expect him to be nice about us?
  4. [quote user="Fat Barman"]Get over it! Ashton played fine for us in the Prem - he just wasn''t interested in anything but a move back to the Prem this season. I reckon, with hindsight, the Board wish they''d had a decent offer for him in August, as it caused no end of hassle in the first half of the season. As for playing whilst injured, Ashton was the one who insisted he be played, saying he was fit when he wasn''t. It was all part of the contract extension which kept him here until January. A fat pay rise to offset the cut on relegation and an agreement to play him whenever fit, so he could be in the ''shop window''. All Dean Ashton was ever interested in was himself. Now, I''ve no problem with that, but I do have a problem with people trying to blame Worthington for his handling of a very tricky situation. Drop him and be damned, play him (bad attitude and all) and take the blame for his below-par performances. This is sloppy thinking - whenever our players play well, it''s in spite of Worthy, they motivate themselves. Whenever they play badly Worthy becomes this omnipotent figure of evil, training all their good points out of them, nothing to do with the player at all! Christ, even Thomas the Tank Engine shows a better grasp of reality than this! [/quote] What are you talking about? Who do you think you are? How the fork do you know that he was the one who insisted on playing? Plus, it is a ridiculous to say that he wasn''t interested in playing for Norwich yet he insisted on playing with injuries, you talk as if you know more than the rest of us when you blatantly dont! "Bad attitude" you say, yet it is not Worthingtons fault apparantly. So why no bad attitude at Crewe and West Ham. I apologise for tearing your post apart but a monkey could''ve found faults in it!
  5. Dream? Was it our dream at the start of the season? EXPECTATION is the word Hughes
  6. [quote user="Citizen Journalist Foghorn"] [quote user="Trent Canary"]Fair enough, I was only really arguing the "a very poor record indeed" quote. But yes, compared to other managers it could be better, although I do suspect there are far more with worse records.[/quote] I don''t think you can argue with the facts, he took an underperforming team and with a couple of additions took them to a play-off final, 2 seasons later promotion to the premiership.  It just seems as if his methods have some to their natural end and a more talented individual is required to take us forward. I don''t think he is a bad manager, I just think there are far more capable and able individuals out there whom could bring this team forward with a positive attitude.  His flaws as a manager are plain and obvious to see. [/quote] Am I right in saying he had the biggest transfer kitty in the league that year?? If so, hardly a few additions, he didnt work miracles but done all he could i suppose, until we were IN the premiership
  7. Intersting, from manchester and George Best as your picture
  8. here here, I''m 15 and i went, I fail to see how my age makes a difference in this instance, I can still construct and voice my opinions ompetently as can a lot of the 8 year olds Im sure!!!-ish
  9. [quote user="I. Shurmer"][quote user="Beno27"] hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hughes!! hilarity hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [/quote] What''s funny? If you''re referring to Hughes, sounds like he''s having a great game. But it''s not surprising that some people won''t give him his dues... [/quote] hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Dues!! hilarity hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha
  10. I''m not surprised, it looks like im criticising everything but I feel let down yet again, our backs to the wall approach when we went ahead was asking to concede and we got what we deserved in spite of a poor Leeds performance
  11. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hughes!! hilarity hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  12. Couldnt agree more, maybe its where we sit in the ground [:P] haha (personal joke) I think the fact that a 22 and 24 year old CB partnership who have both played in the prem would be great, and if we ever go back up they could do the business i think with Saf just in front
  13. [quote user="Herb"][quote user="Northern Canary"]how come you are replying to a thread that is 3 years old[/quote] Not to mention the annoying font size he chooses to post in. Anyone would think he doesn''t realise it makes him look like a pleb... [/quote]# Ooh yeah his font! oooh it makes him terrible and his opinions worthless, you guys are pathetic! if you dont like the fact that he replied to an old post then why are you replying to it to keep it at the front? Congratulations
  14. [quote user="Blainsey"] Sadly many people on here are just unaware of what happens in top-flight sport. I coach a premier league hockey team and therefore work with athletes at an elite level, many of whom play for their respective countries. I see players on a regular basis and based on their performances at training, their fitness levels and their current mental state, depends on whether they are selected for the games. I also base my tactics on what I think the opposition are going to do. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes not, thats sport. People who post on here, Hudson, for example, no clue whatsoever as to the requirments of top flight sport. He simply has no idea of what Worthy sees on a daily basis. I doubt Hudson scouts opponents in detail to work out what formation Worthy should adopt, I doubt Hudson watches the players in training and assesses their fitness levels, work rate and skill level. He is basing his argument on what he sees on  the pitch...which is a remoulded team that is taking time to gel. I am sure Hudson was cheering the team on from, perhaps his armchair, when they got promoted to the prem, and were beating Man Utd and Newcastle to try and stay up. I doubt, and am willing to put money on it, that he was sitting there chanting Worthy out, and criticsing his tactics then. Fickle perhaps? I''ll let you decide. Sadly, one word...ignorant [/quote] I doubt his job is in sport! You leave other peoples opinions alone!If you dont like the opinions of us "ignorant people" who, can you believe it, dont even work in sport! then why come on to insult us??get out...Sadly one word... but the moderators wouldnt leave it on.
  15. [quote user="Dennis The Menace"]Has anyone heard of disloyalty? He got us into the premier league and now a few of you want him out, I bet you all went to see the tour bus when it came through the city with the players on, how wonderful that was, did you call for him out then? if you didn''t then why now? Do any of you feel guilty? He won''t walk..click the link. [/quote] I actually know somebody that wanted worthy out then! but its not about living in the past
  16. [quote user="king of latvia"]HOW SAD CAN IT BE WHEN A SO CALLED CITY FAN IS EXCITED ABOUT A PROTEST AGAINST THE CLUB YOU LOVE HOW OLD ARE YOU 10.[/quote] I''m not protesting against the club i love, i''m protesting against the manager that i hate!!
  17. [quote user="Marmite"][quote user="Beno27"] [quote user="Marmite"]I got my name in today''s Evening News with a quote about the protest. Unfortunately, that was from when I thought we were meeting at Morisson''s! It''s now outside the swimming pool on Wherry Road everyone! I''m calling in sick on Saturday to be there. This is it people, Worhty''s exit is neigh. You can tell by the last remaining KTF''s posting their garbage on here at the moment.[/quote] hope your boss doesnt read this!! [/quote] Luckily my name isn''t actually Marmite! [/quote] haha, we need a best blonde moment post!!
  18. [quote user="Marmite"]I got my name in today''s Evening News with a quote about the protest. Unfortunately, that was from when I thought we were meeting at Morisson''s! It''s now outside the swimming pool on Wherry Road everyone! I''m calling in sick on Saturday to be there. This is it people, Worhty''s exit is neigh. You can tell by the last remaining KTF''s posting their garbage on here at the moment.[/quote] hope your boss doesnt read this!!
  19. Cant wait to protest! this could be the weekend we force him to walk! please, please, please! The Morrisons car park protest will be huge I have had many people yet to visit this sight mention it and i think word has got around! So it may be a bit early but this is my war decleration! let''s force the blackpool reject out and start to draw up a peace treaty with the directors. I have a good feeling about this weekend a protest before the match will be hard-hitting and I would love it if he went before the match!! that would be hilarious, we can dream...
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