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Everything posted by Pabs

  1. People going over the top in someone comparing Surman to Russell. Fair enough, they are not the same player or same position exactly...I think the point being made was the money saved from offering Russell a contract could have contributed to our purchase of Surman. I think our midfield could be very competitive this year.
  2. Anyone could have written that on here. When the lines all start ''Haven''t really seen him play...'' you know that it is not overly insightful!
  3. He was my POTS before he got injured in December. Strong in the tackle, fantastic in the air. Distribution isn''t great but gets stuck in and where defenders need to be. I went to first away game last year vs Exeter and he was immense on league debut. Capable of a goal or two aswell.
  4. I have heard the Farmhouse pub doesnt let you in if you have colours on...true?
  5. Bryangunnshairline - thank you very much for the info - i have written down all your tips and ''do nots.'' Now looking forward to it - I don''t care what kind of place you go to - if you do a bit of research and with good people you have a good night! Any particular tips for restaurants ie. Indians?!
  6. Does Robert know his brother Chris who used to play for Man City, Sheffield United on loan and is now at Barnsley under Tim Robbins? I used to text him constantly.
  7. I know it is pretty small and grubby...we are not really bothered about getting smashed or going clubbing or anything. Just want to have a few beers pre and post match and meet some fellow Canaries We looked into other places but the logistics and travelling around were a bit tricky...still anyone got any ideas who has been there before?
  8. Hi Is anyone going to the Scunthorpe away game? I have booked two tickets and also staying at the Travelodge near the ground on the Sat night (classy, I know) I know it is a bit of a chavy town but anyone got any ideas of good away fans pubs or places to go for a nice evening out with a few beers?
  9. Premiership Winners - Man Utd Championship Winners - Middlesbrough L1 Winners - Southampton L2 winners - Gillingham City Top Scorer - C Martin City Final Position - 8th 1st defeat - Forest (A) 1st red card - Crofts
  10. It will be Mustard Pot for me from now on asmy mate has just bought a flat behind it!
  11. Sorry...must have missed the boat with that one!
  12. Why don''t you come back when you have something decent to say and you have had a few English lessons? Scummer.
  13. Just got tickets for me and a mate. Staying the Sat night at the Travelodge right near the ground! I am not sure that Scunny is a great night out...it features in the website ''Chav Towns'' but a few beers celebrating our victory will do me fine!
  14. sorry for being ''anal'' but it is Francomb not Francombe. Ahem.
  15. I love Grant Holt and how he has performed since he has been at the club, but I can just see Chris Martin being the highest scorer this season. I dont think the cub has had such a natural finisher as Martin for many years.
  16. From pre-season reports and from what I saw last season, Francomb is a real prospect. He is most comfortable at right back but has also lined up at centre-back pre-season. Lambert said after the Dereham game he "wouldn''t have a problem throwing George in," when questioned about the weak right-back area. The only thing I am surprised about is that he was only given a 1 year pro-deal. If the club thought alot of him maybe they would have offered 3 years like Adeyemi? What are people''s thoughts on him...personally he would start at right-back for me against Watford.
  17. I said to my girlfriend whilst watching the Dereham game Saturday: "he will play in the Premier League one day." Hopefully for Norwich. He is a brilliant central midfielder, and I would hope to see him play there, but playing some games at right-back will not harm his development either. I remember a certain S.Gerrard did a similar thing in his young days at Liverpool...
  18. James Beattie and Dave Kitson both left out of pre-season tour. Worth a punt on loan, or too expensive? I fear the latter.
  19. I think that the first reply is ridiculous. Yes, he may turn out to be a failed academy product but last season he was only 17 for most of it and still managed to play impressively some of the time. I wasn''t trying to big him up, just think he has a lot of potential. I certainly don''t think he should be written off by the likes of you. He needs to baulk up, we know that. But I do think he has the attributes to potentially be a good, modern-day box to box midfielder.
  20. Just wondering what has happened to him? He was looking like a real star at ths start of last season. I can understand why he didnt play much last year, but wasn''t even in the 24 v Dereham (Francomb, Dawkin, Gordon and Ryan Oakley were). Elliott Ward was injured but I saw him sitting next to bench, but saw no sign of Adeyemi. This seems strange to me - I would think perhaps he may be going out on loan? I wouldn''t want to lose Adeyemi, think he could be a real talent if he broadens a little.
  21. Looked like Jarvis Cocker and played like him too.
  22. LAMBERT was clever today. Played last season''s team first half (apart from obviously Crofts, Fox and Ruddy as the players they replace are no longer with us, or, in Fox''s case, Lambert planned to play Smith RB in 2nd half). This, I think, shows a commitment to these players and says to them ''go out and perform.'' Second half saw introduction of Surman, S Smith and others who will be battling away to start, so will put in a good shift. For me, most impressive players 1st half were Crofts, R Martin, Holt and second half Hughes, McNamee and Dawkin. Overall, good game for fitness and opportunity to see a few players in action. Plus it was nice to get a photo with Lambert, Holt etc at the end!!
  23. My view on signings: Ward - Played at this level long time. Experienced, and has taken a gamble himself moving here in some respects. Big, commanding and can take a good penalty. Very pleased with this one. Stevie Smith - Don''t know a huge amount about him but seems to come with a good pedigree. Think he will probably emerge as 1st choice left back ahead of Drury. Crofts - Very pleased with this one. I know he isnt proven at Championship level, but scored 7 last season from defensive midfield in a struggling team. From what I hear, he could easily step up. Fox - Again, a bit of an unknown quantity. Unlike others, I think he is here to challenge Wes for playing in the ''hole.'' Good passing and free kick rival for Chris Martin. Ruddy - Pleased we got him over Forster in some respects. He is OUR player, with Fraser there would always be the fear he would go back at any time. Seems big, commanding. We need to give him a shot and always have Rudd who has seemed dependable as back up. Surman - This is potentially one of the Championship ''coups'' of the summer. Quality player with Southampton and I think he could be the goalscoring dynamo from Midfield we have been looking for. On the whole, very positive. Just concerned about up front. Right Back - I truly believe that Martin CAN step up and that George Francomb has great potential also.
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