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  1. Unless you're referring to the turn of the previous Millennium, in which case: Vikings.
  2. But I associate the turn of the Millennium with the Millennium Dome and S-Club 7, whereas I associate the turn of the century with the Georgian period and well made furniture. There's no gravitas to S Club 7, I don't care what anyone says.
  3. Didn't ITV show 1st Division matches regularly at the start of the century*? I'm pretty sure I remember watching us beat Stockport to sneak into the playoffs in 2002, and then watching the playoff matches themselves? *I love refering to things as the 'start/turn of the century', it gives everything far more gravitas.
  4. I enjoy his Youtube videos sometimes for the behind the scenes at Colney element. It's entertaining seeing how the players interact and who the characters are etc.
  5. You can't really judge a player solely on assists, seeing as they depend on a 2nd player to score the actual goal. I think Onel has always been up and down, and his end product has never been quite as high as we'd like, but I did think he was looking good before his injury.
  6. He was playing well and making valuable contributions before he got injured this season.
  7. I don't hate them but I resent this vague assumption that we all support them now.
  8. The video is good, she's funny and there are a lot of miserable sods around here today.
  9. I was wondering if such a late sub was time-boosting tactic? If a ref is supposed to add 30 secs on per substitution, if we could get one done in 5 seconds, we'd add 25 seconds of bonus time for one more attack? This is most probably a nonsense theory though.
  10. VAR has already brought the game into disrepute and any club who tries to challenge it gets my support (even if they're going about it in a wonky way).
  11. Yeah, I always thought the way they've stringently clamped down on waving 'air-cards', but not the aggressive abuse, is weird.
  12. Saying we should keep VAR but go back to the daylight rule won't change anything, because unless the camera is directly in line with the attacker/defender in question, how could VAR possibly judge whether there's daylight? We'd end up in exactly the same situation, i.e. using a microscope to look for millimeters of error. Using VAR for offside is fundamentally damaging to football because it leads to so many goals being disallowed. When you can no longer fully celebrate your team scoring a goal, then football has lost it's soul. Keep it for red cards, penalties, diving etc if we HAVE to, but offside, no thanks.
  13. I have an irrational hatred of Villa due to a smug fan of theirs who I used to live with around the time of us both going up together in 2018-19 and then them surviving the drop that season (due to faulty goal-line tech against Sheff Utd). He used to say patronising things like "I fear for Norwich this season" before predicting Villa would finish in Europe. He also said once, the season after they'd stayed up and we'd gone back down, that he hadn't seen the Norwich result because he "doesn't follow Championship football". None of it was blatant ribbing done with a cheeky smile, which I could have dealt with, it was all genuine, patronising comments. It's annoying because I had no issue with Villa before, and I no longer live with that person, but I can't shake off my ill-feelings towards Villa! Thanks for allowing me to vent.
  14. I think that's probably because a) a fair few people outside of Germany probably don't know that about Bayer and b) RB seemed to go on a total sporting blitz and buy multiple teams across different sports, in a short time spell, which I think feels a lot more in your face. They even owned 2 of the 11 or so F1 teams at one point (maybe still do, I'm not sure). Any other company teams out there doing well? PSV is/was a Philips team. Vauxhall Motors...
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