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Everything posted by mickfoot

  1. I''ve just noticed he''s releasing his autobiography soon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Drinks-Round-Autobiography-Kevin-Drinkell/dp/1845023277
  2. Anybody know of any pictures or videos online of Drinkell''s winner against Liverpool at home in April 87? Cheers
  3. It was $20 to watch Brisbane Roar vs Sydney (around a tenner in old money) and the football was similar to what you''d see on a park on a sunday afternoon. Still, gotta keep up the old traditions and you get to drink weak beer in the stands
  4. Ryan Broad who plays for the Queensland Bulls (the State''s premier cricket team) supports Norwich!
  5. I saw Chris Kamara on Queen St Mall in Brisbane last winter! I reckon since I''ve been here I''ve bumped into at least 5 other Norwich fans. My old neighbour supports Sheffield United
  6. Yep, I  live in Bardon. Been here for a year and a half. My last game was the 2-3 against Forest at the end of Roeder. I''ve seen a fair few Norwich fans at Brisbane Roar games (none Ipswich by the way) and it should be a laugh next season with Theokolitos in goal. There''s a Facebook group as well, Canaries in Oz I think, which I was in until I sacked my Facebook account.
  7. 110%er, hope you find a good club that will appreciate you as much as you were appreciated at Norwich.
  8. Don''t knock Woolpit. Fair few Norwich fans round those parts.
  9. the most biased commentator against norwich around
  10. and not forgetting Rosario''s goal against Southampton. Great video mind.
  11. My favourite ever Norwich goal was Drinkell''s winner against Liverpool. Fox scored a cracker against them once ''an all. And also Easdie scored a great one against Sunderland.
  12. I live in Brisbane and went to see Brisbane Roar a good few times last season. They''re pretty crap. probably similar to the bottom of league 2. Quite a few expats go and I''ve seen a few Norwich tops in the crowd so I''m sure we''ll give Theo a good reception next season! Spare a thought for all us Norwich fans in Oz huddled in front of our computers at 3am in the morning listening to Radio Norfolk over the internet.
  13. I watched the Leeds game on Justin.tv and am hoping to do the same for the Paulton game on Saturday. I''m in Brisbane which means an early kick off of 10.45pm!
  14. If you''re interested there''s a Norwich fans in Australia facebook group http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=43718317019&ref=mf   I''m in Brisbane and the place is swarming with Norwich fans. I''ve seen 3 in the last 6 months not including me!
  15. Legends Iwan Roberts Bryan Gunn Darren Eadie Darren Huckerby Robert Fleck   Semi Legendary Kevin Drinkell (would have been a Legend if he stayed one more season, my favourite ever Norwich player)        
  16. Will always love Gunny, but please now go back to the symbolic role and get somebody with real managerial experience to take charge of this almighty mess.
  17. 4.45am, Pig & Whistle, Queen St, Brisbane to watch the game live. It''s going to be rocking with 100s of Norwich in attendance. Mark my words! See you in just over 10 hours.    
  18. What a shame that some idiots still think it''s funny to chant "we shoot 16 year old boys in the back." How can anybody celebrate the killing of a boy no matter what he has done? And I speak as somebody who has had a run in with a burglar in my own house at 5 in the morning. A shameful chant.
  19. Using the stats from http://www.european-football-statistics.co.uk/englandcontent.htm and with the help of an excel spreadsheet I''ve worked out the average postwar league position and attendance for every team in the Championship (46/47 to 06/07) to work out the comparitive size of each club. Norwich and Ipswich come out pretty much the same (Norwich has a better average attendance at 18,537 compared to Ipswich''s 17,853, whereas Ipswich has a better average league position, 26th against Norwich''s 32nd). Anyway here are the results. Average attendance Av League Pos Wolves 25,425 20 Sheff W 24,610 24 West Brom 21,722 20 Leicester City 21,586 22 Sheff U 20,356 26 Saints 19,069 23 Coventry 18,961 28 Norwich  18,537 32 Stoke 18,421 26 Ipswich 17,853 26 Palace 16,665 41 Burnley 16,062 32 Charlton 16,022 28 Preston 14,485 39 Bristol C 14,200 45 QPR 14,060 34 Cardiff 13,996 44 Blackpool 12,320 39 Plymouth 11,953 49 Watford 11,630 47 Barnsley 10,105 48 Hull* 8,686 50 Col Utd ** 4,657 69 Scunthorpe 3,734 65   * Att only for last 19 seasons ** Begins season 50/51 So if you rank both league position and attendance equally this is the list of clubs in terms of size. Wolves West Brom Sheff Wed/Leicester Southampton Sheffield United Stoke Coventry/Ipswich Norwich Charlton Burnley Crystal Palace Preston QPR Blackpool Bristol City Cardiff Watford Plymouth Barnsley Hull Scunthorpe/Colchester
  20. I doubt it will be counted but it would be good if the hotel added a couple of hundred to our capacity.
  21. I hear local entrepreneur and convicted fraudster Barry (Chancer) Pickles is interested in buying the club with his new business partner, the phosphurus mining billionaire Zoltan Von Trump. Surely this is the way forward for our great club? Delia, Wynn-Jones and Doomcaster out now! What have they ever done other than save the club?
  22. Goodbye and good luck Flem. A great servant of the club.
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