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  1. Sorry I thought this was possibly an Ipswich post 😁
  2. Think we can almost afford to lose (hoping that doesn't happen obviously) Coventry look spent and Huddersfield have nothing to play for, and I'm sure they would rather us went up than Leeds 😁
  3. It's an interesting theory, Leeds and Southampton have thrown away an excellent opportunity to go up automatically, how is that promotion by default ??
  4. After losing last Saturday I was convinced an East anglian play off semi was on the cards, luckily Leicester have nudged that possibility a little further away. Brom up next then Southampton they're destined for a trip to Carrow Road, enjoy πŸ˜‰
  5. Certainly negative points in our season but we're still in a position to make automatics with 4 games to play, I can't think of anything but positives for our club 😁
  6. Blow what exactly? Ipswich have had an amazing season, sure beating Norwich would have been the icing (still time) but I'm sure the majority of Town fans would be more than happy with another season in the Championship, its just the manner in which we get to that conclusion that's an issue.
  7. Lose to Preston on Saturday and 6th place becomes a little more interesting !! Although West brom could drop out of the play offs too.
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