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  1. This is the most sensible and constructive post on this board.
  2. Have they got really steep hils in Ipswich, or did someone really film that sideways on?   Does he need that bull-horn because there''s so few people (people?) in Portaloo Road that no-one would hear him otherwise?   You''re right, it is a really quiet night!
  3. Anyone heard if it came through before lunchtime today, so he can be included for Hull?
  4. Keep it going - this thread is already 50 pages behind the Quagliarella thread, so it needs to pull it''s socks up!
  5. And given that Elmander has denied even having a Twitter account, with the amount of posts on here telling us what he''d said on Twitter, it shows that it''s not a medium to be trusted (come to think of it, I''d probably have more trust in what a Medium said - anyone got a Ouija board?)
  6. Just seen him - but he wasn''t there long enough to get a glimpse of the garden
  7. Is Joe Hart still on the pitch, or has he nipped out for a pint?
  8. If people are saying that Redmond hangs on to the ball too long, just wait till you see the Murphys!!!
  9. But you''re wrong, norfolkbroadslim, it IS tough on Man U - they have to play US twice!!
  10. For all BT''s boasting that BT Sport is free if you have BT broadband, it''s limited to one Sky box. If you want to use it on two boxes under Sky''s multi-room contract, you have to pay another £12 a month. They don''t mention that when they sign you up. I''m so hacked off with them that I''m going to switch my landline, broadband and TV deal completely to Sky.
  11. Unless, of course, he had some nepotistic help - but that couldn''t happen, could it, refjezdavies???
  12. For me, it''s a toss-up between Hucks, Eadie, Bobby Brennan, Errol Crossan, Bill Punton, and Jimmy Neighbour, but I guess I''m just showing my age. Oh, and I almost forgot (age again), Mark Barham.
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