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  1. If we are in the top 12 after 10 it will be fine. What is important for me is that we appear like we are playing well and progressing even if not getting the results to start as believe it will come after time. Also above Ipswich after 10 is another must ;)
  2. Hopefully no massive blocks surrounding the Aviva badge!
  3. Considering he has led them to 5 defeats in 6 and the lofty heights of 21st pretty sure if we were stupid enough to try and get him they wouldn''t ask for alot...
  4. Crowd gave him stick the whole game so don''t see the problem with him giving some back.
  5. This forum has become pathetic with the fact anyone who shows any negativity towards the club us labelled as a troll or a binner. Can''t anyone show some annoyance at how the club have conducted themselves during this window and the past few? I have to agree with the fact that if we knew we couldn''t afford expensive players why go after them and also if we had a limited budget why spend more than half on a position we have a lot of depth instead of putting that money towards a striker. I know he is an attacking player, which moxey mentioned the fact in his interview, but look what attacking players with no striker did at Birmingham. The clubs not in crisis, no where near, just think they need to give a different approach if we are as poor as some make out and we definitely need an improvement of our scouting network.
  6. [quote user="Rogue Baboon"]Neil hasn''t exactly covered himself in glory today, poor selection from the start and was more important to not lose than win it seemed[/quote] Please explain the poor selection? Murphy probably not ready yet for 90 minutes nor Canos which partners well with Neil wanting to dominate midfield. I think team selection was fine just players played poor and seemed tired
  7. I''ll never forget when he almost scored from about 40 yards out vs united. Then for Giggsy to go and win it...
  8. If we have other options and plans then imo it''s not the end of the world. I would rather pay a reasonable fee for players who won''t fit our game plan then be extortiated by Fulahm paying a ridiculous fee for a good player but an old player who has 2/3 years tops left in him
  9. People have to realise he isn''t actually very good.. when he came in for Ruddy he was poor especially the game against Villa. Fans only like him because he was a youth player but in reality he is a second string championship goalie at best, far worse than Ruddy and McGovern
  10. McCormack also brings the bonus of having ability to convert set pieces, someone we need considering redders has left. Every team let''s people go that turn out to be good in the long run look at Lukaku and Pogba however Hooper didn''t fit our system and was pretty sure he wasn''t happy being a third choice striker behind Grabban and Jerome, maybe even fourth if we include Mbokani.
  11. Good luck to him, any report on the fee?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqRB2MGj_0U&feature=youtu.be
  13. Forest finished 16th.. hardly battling for the playoffs. Would like to think we are clearly a step up
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