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im spartacus canary

anyone else having trouble with this poxy message board ?

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Yep,been a pain in the arse for a couple of days.The Firefox users are having a load of problems.

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It''s annoying yes, but it still just about works (even in Firefox), it''s free to use and nobody''s forcing you to use it.

That said, I miss the ability to quote other users without unleashing several strings of gibberish, and the ability to add gratuitous and completely irrelevant smileys into posts.

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The box to write in is terrible, to start I have to click in the sixe box to register the size of the letters.


Two returns to start a new paragraph, when I need to adjust or make an ammendment I have to blindly guess where to stop going left with the cursor keys as the flashing bar does not indicate where you are or can not be moved by the mouse.


As I said the one of the reasons why people are not using this board, is because there has been no further investment in the service from when it first started. They basically provided a message board and since then the lay out etc has remained without any user improvements. In fact if anything the user-bility of this site is now alot worse in the last few weeks.

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I use Safari and have never been able to use the Quote function although the rest of the Reply box is ok.

The forum hasn''t been loading properly over the weekend though with different spacing and fonts every now and then.

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Slight problems with the board but on the plus side finally got my password resent so can at least comment but at the mo nothing to comment on except this!

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"I miss the ability to quote other users without unleashing several strings of gibberish"

Many do it the requirement of quoting others

Cut and paste is the more grown up method. Something that is pretty much used in all other nedia forms

It does mean you have to engage your brain rather than simply hitting a button like a monkey trained to receive a banana

It does also provide for better quoting ie you only put in the bit thats relevant rather than having the simple minded hitting the quote button as if it is the reply button and so leaving others to wonder if there s a specific point they are replying to 

Or merely demonstrating to the rest that they are not too bright so it''s probably best not to bother to plough through all the quotes within a quote within a quote to get to their ''string of gibberish atthe bottom of the post.


ps if the cursor disappears click in the font drop down and it resets itself

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[quote user="City1st"]

"I miss the ability to quote other users without unleashing several strings of gibberish"

Many do it the requirement of quoting others

Cut and paste is the more grown up method. Something that is pretty much used in all other nedia forms

It does mean you have to engage your brain rather than simply hitting a button like a monkey trained to receive a banana

It does also provide for better quoting ie you only put in the bit thats relevant rather than having the simple minded hitting the quote button as if it is the reply button and so leaving others to wonder if there s a specific point they are replying to 

Or merely demonstrating to the rest that they are not too bright so it''s probably best not to bother to plough through all the quotes within a quote within a quote to get to their ''string of gibberish atthe bottom of the post.


ps if the cursor disappears click in the font drop down and it resets itself


Thanks for clearing that up.

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I was having problems quoting and getting gibberish, as others call it, and not having smileys toolbar. Also reply box was too small.Now been sorted and working fine in Firefox again. Couldn''t even post a reply over the weekend with Explorer.

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