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Graham Humphrey

Reply box problems

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There seems to be a problem with replying/quoting on Firefox - the actual reply box itself is a bit squashed (although it can be resized), all the formatting/smiley options are missing, the text appears too big (but when you actually post it appears in the regular font and size), and any quotes (or smileys inserted manually) appear as good old HTML code rather than, for example, doing something useful.

In Internet Explorer everything seems to be in order, however.

Everything was fine last week. Could one of the tech bods at Archant take a look at this, please? Thanks.

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I''ve been pulling my hair out since yesterday Graham thinking it was my PC. Had a similar problem once with internet explorer which was cured by hitting the compatibility button. Unfortunately, there''s no such button on Firefox.


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[quote user="Graham Humphrey"]There seems to be a problem with replying/quoting on Firefox - the actual reply box itself is a bit squashed (although it can be resized), all the formatting/smiley options are missing, the text appears too big (but when you actually post it appears in the regular font and size), and any quotes (or smileys inserted manually) appear as good old HTML code rather than, for example, doing something useful.

In Internet Explorer everything seems to be in order, however.

Everything was fine last week. Could one of the tech bods at Archant take a look at this, please? Thanks.[/quote]

Let''s see..

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[quote user="lappinitup"]I''ve been pulling my hair out since yesterday Graham thinking it was my PC. Had a similar problem once with internet explorer which was cured by hitting the compatibility button. Unfortunately, there''s no such button on Firefox. PETE![/quote]


Lapp, I sometimes have this difficulty on Internet Explorer. Which is the compatibility button? I can''t seem to detect anything that actually states that. 

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"Lapp, I sometimes have this difficulty on Internet Explorer. Which is the compatibility button? I can''t seem to detect anything that actually states that."

It''s right at the top next to the refresh button Yankee, a square broken across the middle.

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Thanks LDC....I see them but now I''m more confused. When I went on to "Compatibility View Settings" I see that I''ve already got this site on there. However, when I insert double spacing, paragraphs, bullet format, or even use the emoticons that are BELOW the reply box I''m typing in now, things just don''t seem to work. I''ll try it now with gibberish:

dsahllkjhfakh haf  falhasd hafh ds fa.

sadflhhfhdfhla hfa l fa sahfd.

  • asflkhfasdh  fasdhha f fsah
  • flhlashl a  fadslha fl ahflh

ahlfl lhalgh gg llgsh gshl. Angry [:@]Devil [6]Super Angry [8o|]



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[quote user="kick it off"]I dont understand why people still use IE - Firefox is better and Google Chrome is far better and faster than both of them!![/quote]

But some of us are having problems with Firefox

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Yankee, the emotes below the box are for when you start a new thread and enable you to insert one before the title. The normal emotes should be above the reply box.

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Thanks Lapp. I suspect I''m doing it all wrong at the moment. I''ll experiment later. Time to turn on the big screen and get ready for the game. [:D]

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How odd. I posted about this on a similar thread this morning and it''s gone. Not even been merged into this 1 even though it''s the same topic.

So to repeat myself Firefox doesn''t give me a toolbar with smileys, font etc and the reply box is really small.

When using Explorer I can quote but any reply does not get displayed and when I just reply that vanishes and does not display. I get a red* as if to say ''where''s your post to reply''?

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Thank you Mister Chops. I tried that and had the same result as you did. I''m not as big a nincompoop as I thought. Of course, I realise that I still may be as big a nincompoop as many of you think, but it''s the self-image that I''m working on at the moment. 

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Hurrah? Maybe it will work for me now then. Let''s give the gibberish another try.


hfdsh  dshg gs  lhs h ghfdlsh fdsl.

hfhd flhgf gsdhlhg gshh gslgfh.

  • lkfhgljer rth lrthlth rh  tlh
  • wleuihn d f gd; gig ig.


jfdl sdflfh sg gsdl hf.Angry [:@]Devil [6]Stick out tongue [:P]

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[quote user="YankeeCanary"]

Hurrah? Maybe it will work for me now then. Let''s give the gibberish another try.


hfdsh  dshg gs  lhs h ghfdlsh fdsl.

hfhd flhgf gsdhlhg gshh gslgfh.

  • lkfhgljer rth lrthlth rh  tlh
  • wleuihn d f gd; gig ig.


jfdl sdflfh sg gsdl hf.Angry [:@]Devil [6]Stick out tongue [:P]


Not sure. Let''s see what happens.

Still got a little reply box. Still no tool bar for smileys etc.

nb using Firefox

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[quote user="......and Smith must score."]Don''t worry too much about it all coming out as gibberish......that''s normal on here.

We''ll just have to be patient and wait for the cavalry to arrive in the shape of SDP.[/quote]Or the techies who appear to have sorted it and Smith must scoreThankyou

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[quote user="improper fraction"][quote user="......and Smith must score."]Don''t worry too much about it all coming out as gibberish......that''s normal on here.

We''ll just have to be patient and wait for the cavalry to arrive in the shape of SDP.[/quote]Or the techies who appear to have sorted it and Smith must scoreThankyou[/quote]Yep, well done Archant.Never, in the history of the Pink-Un, have so many, owed so much, to so few! [:D]

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[quote user="lappinitup"]"Still got a little reply box. Still no tool bar for smileys etc. nb using Firefox" Same here. Grrrr!![/quote]


No tools and a little box.


Dear me.



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